Show rleuan III IIlIr lat Iriitt 1 we puhllihed l the letlen willed lolenll between Selectiuan Iottinndhlt deputy roul uipcrvlrori and the fict of hli relgnatlon I being called for received I and I accepted bv the county court ill rmurg2tnc At 1 the time of publishing them we dud received re-ceived Information to the effect that Mr 1olti dad alioiittempted to borrow money on tdnitiengld ol hula IIlIIru but relralnnl rompubllihlng Iho list ai I tier were only ratiMri and Till TIu lulr1 to give Mr Putt tde benefit of the ilmiM Since our lost haul lumrvcr at hate beard again reported that inch ass the caie and although the Information comet pretty itralgbt we give them ai a rumor and If they are Incorrnct Mr rotli li I weliume In pare Ill Till Tins to refute Ihtm It1 l w reKrled I tu ui that i Mr Itti 1 endravoreil borrow I1IXK from Mri 1 lloyt ol Kanint mating that the county needed l and he would sign a note for the amount ai telicinan Itr Summit county It ii alleged I that the money wai wanted todo county work In the routhtrnendofllmounty t Mri lloyi U li Mid con ented to lend dim the money provided lie would gat lde I llnolur ull the oilwr two telectmen to this nut which of course put I un einl In she Ir iiniu ilon and the deal w a droppe4 Mf louuwan 1fliilrnnlel wild tin rainor but Jruu1 l ihit hv roaght to briny tdviiiiniy into the maiiar and olAjliitil tint it WIll a prlvute and f t Mflllllill Inlllloll I |