Show nan cccii llrxtrrk Utah Augutt IMiS 1 111111 u Tuft I Mr William Illchlnt wade a lolL to elwrClty during the wick Incompany am tim Mr Albert rowrroll Onaivoiint of the funeral imf I John Ihlllll hen onRuiiday the 8cventlri conference ear iiodpoiipd Our little town hI had I more than It Unlniiotiof iliulln of lite Scarcely lad thnH > ople amemblrd to limo their itt rcintti to Ohm IVlrriwii when tame Itumvr reported John rkllllpn 10 bu I nt hue point ol diath which roved 101 Ic true lie 111 on Friday Ight lait and wao burled here on Kiln lay The luiifral wan a large one the eoeufrdhaving many lrleiul In huh Iarl ul the country llclio and Crnydeii iirneJ oulllbtrally Therpeakeri macro olin Iaikclt and Joieph H Toiler A bluraphlcal iketch ol Ml life wan pro rnlivd hr l hlr Irlendf but hat not been undnl In at thin writing |