Show SINGING ron PHONOOnAtHB i A MlImnlee Iull tVluo Thl h 5 0 pInt Into IhuO tolutne Ay out In the extreme north u tn part of the city near the Mil wake railroad track 8IIU Ieh mn put In I tour or five hour every day singing at the top of lilt long though not a pout I us In hearing but too wife lIIa the Thleago Tribune When he gel I tired of sinning he val the proceedings by 1 preaching n negro sermon 1 ser-mon or give an Imitation of an Irish wake and altogether conduct himself In a nay that would lead the neighbor I to consider him a nt aubject for an In Mae nsylumlf there were any neighbor I neigh-bor but there are not This Is the I very reason Mr 1 achman chose the lonely spot for hIs residence No one ever goes out there to hear him sing anil et he to I getting rich at It lIe earns something over 130 n day though he never tee one of tale auditor Mr l arhman slims for phonographs and as he hll a monopoly of Ill buslnes In the west ho contrive to keep busy unit hat even been heard to express n wish that he were twin He hat better bet-ter protection In hit monopoly thin a copyright or an Injunction or unlimited unlimit-ed 1 legal talent could afford Nature ICne him the peculiar qualities that enable him lo reproduce hit voice per ectly on the wax cylinder Hundreds 01 persons have attempted to break In on his profitable monopoly but the re mutt of their effort put an effectual I lop to their attempt And no Mr achrnan cocoon enjoying the monop Diy and reaping the profit thereof There are four other men In the east hat also do work for the phonographs nit while they have to have a man today to-day the piano while they ting another 10 make the announcement another to chang the cylinder and a fourth ta krcp the machine In order Mr Icach man to I the entire show In himself Furthermore ho ran give an unlimited number of Impersonations while the ther four men are limited to a fee peclaltle each Mr 1eachman Ie I a natural mimic coil therein He the ecrct of hit mircc He slog ballads negro metodle aol Irish ChInese and utrh dialect Xing He plays lilt own ccompanlmrnl on the piano and ttkci arc of Ihe machine He prepares three record na tho wan cylinder ore retInal at one time To do LimIt three ihonograpln are placed near Limo pltno wllh thin horn at one tide pointing way from the kc > board at an nnglo nt IS degree Tho horn have to be diced very carefully for n fifth of an nch make n great difference In the lone tho cylinder will reproduce When thai horn have been adjusted xactly right Mr henchman Paulo himself him-self at hue piano noah turning lilt head away over halt right shoulder begins ta ling at loud as he can nnd Hint li I irctty loud for he Ie I a man of power fit physique anal has been practicing loll tinging for four year He has been doing thl workiuntll hi throat Ian Income calloused to that lie no longer long-er become oxhnuslediter slntlng a thort time ul toon as ho hu finished one ong he tllps off the wax cyllnJiTJ put on three fresh one without leaving leav-ing hits soot and goes right on slnilnc until n patting train compels bin to 1011 for A short time In the four 3com he hu been In the business ho Ian made nearly SCOOM records Ho great Is I the demand for them thou he cannot fill hilt order U ha I notch exceedingly ex-ceedingly hard work tlmt he cannot sing morn than four hour n d liT Ho get 135 cent for every cylinder he prepare pre-pare 110 hu n repertory of io piece and hit work It I put on the market mar-ket under n snore of names He hit a remarkable memory and nttcr once hearing a stung can not only repeat the word and music correctly but ran Imitate excellently the vole an expression ex-pression of the linger |