Show origin > > l lisa Tiperlmcnl lo determine the ourc of Ra Ioosse recently been made Helm lIst have l > eoome weary of Iheorle and II hAl been thought worlli whllo tn bake exiwrlmrnl that houl Uemonttrnle fact pint doubt rathtr than comixl undent la look merely lo popular opinion for their aulhorllle TIe ex > eimeiili wire made with dried cawied 1 which was iteexil In water freed 1 from air Aflrr n certain number 01 hour gun wan Rrnernted Thl was thrown out for ten dayi when tha liiunllty wai renilbly llmlnlihe1 an I eased altogether After a lone lime of landing more Ria wa thrown out the halter belnir 01 different quality from the flint conilillnc ni wit arcerlalned larRcly of methane which li I bloc principal princi-pal element of natural gal Thieoe trlali teem to have demonitrated that very low decomiioilllon of egetabl matter Is I r eloonn hole In part for that article known a natural II a |