Show IN THE TERRITORY OENBRAL ROUNDUP rot THE PAST WEEK wluttmt Yorn on1 < lrlt l Swfla 1 h 5ur steel I Penn K rr Ill of the Trtlnry Tub Crams I5 Nun Rha 1 ninjliam llullolln ItoerV lUmp mill keep Up its lily run with com minilitule regularity and It litrnlnii out nn inimcDM amount 01 ore Concert tratM mm U urmUllr haute the I raltroil for hlpment I Vernal I Ktpreu Hi Ducieine JulyS IHtii July-S lIl1rh was killed at Mil leri ealama on Ike strip alalxiul 030 i U in by John T MIIW In sell defense Such li I the venllclol the coroneri Jury J according to time evidence given 11a came ol limo tragedy m another holdup hold-up I ilmlltir to the one I mail lot lUintiifr at the name IIIrd by Uughei tribune llae strayed beyond the aid ol rlrnili money lion hrjllli not any too Riml Thin teem limo only tiling Inilitlit 1 ran net no employment titer iirdtclilti the almw words umwn I t illrly ilirct of unto paler mi oM nun a ftMii er In tlili rlty who tad rejli I term At It r > Knzell city lIok lilt umit file it the Iratiil 1mlflc Hotel opiHnlir the Union tliclfle depot on KrMiy nltlit i llernl1 Menr I llurinaixl llalllilat hue rftiirneil rum tin myiterlou gull lltilmcr In 110ICn county mood roputl that the iliowinnU Improving 1 I with fiery fool of ilcuOopmcitt Thy went nut to lime lowlon furihu purpose 1 01 filnln tnie work nll1 came luck with I a irft initiilivr ul I rumptei from the vein Teitiof time rwk are to uo undo r oiUy Time gentlemen say they have great thing In tliu sew Iliuli Mlilcli I lira lotnteil altsost out the Mllroil over through llanlimlibb Trlliuna A IhYII1II called Fair vluw today report 0 care never before treated or heard of by him A three nontliiotil baby of Joieph Mowers was found to be suffering toiii < ere palm III the chest aims an diminution proeil timt lxtli cla leal hone wrro illilocateil al lute upper end of the sternum Ai tko parent knenotno accident befall lug time little one It liiuppoirtl I by tin phyelclan lime been raiiieil 1 by lifting I the baby suddenly by the nettle Salt Luke Blur last evening at aboulS oclock cons came to polled brailuarten InOglen tram huperln temlcnt llalnnol the ltelorm School that a man hat < been ilrowneil In the fatal hole ejrich hai clalnH lo many tlctomt just cad of the ford acro > Ogilen river nee the Heforin Sellout Chief Davenport at once answered the call and going to the pal Imlliateil b7 a boy stripped and went after the body It Mtiuii that about 7 oclock Stein Orth drove till horse ntl carL down to tbs river followed bv all watcMpanltl Orth was trying to teach tkeilog to swim but be refuted to enter Ibt water Orth luin tied the baiter strap lathe dogs cellar and drove the lion off III ford Into the deeper waler above Theo the hone struck the rocky hole and rloundered l Young Orlh was thrown out Into the water and at once tank 1leaiant Pyramid I lliporti from mho beep horde are with very few exceptions ex-ceptions that the flocks are In flrilclai condition and that feed li I good I Hutton will be In finer shipping condition till fall than for mvoral seasons pail I and there will probably be heavy ihlpmonti 01110 yean sheep owner have begun to < their sheep nu at to secure a combination of good proiluren and muttoni and now market beep are becoming onenf the principal considers I lion In sheep railing With heavy ihlprnenli nothing lint Iambi ewes unit l buckare retained and li rtlletei the range and at the same lime nets goal revenue to the owners Several heel I mea have pemnatly told ui they look upon I time sheep Indiulry u < liavlntt a better outlook than furs couple I of yean I put The wool markut li tipeclnlly cheering Tribune Coal will bo sold 1 on a loral iimkttlloMitoirow for lee < nnney limn lit lma I haven 1 ifor J ut for in my venr Hut that will not hiibiiiiiiH > the combine I will tar gone to piece i On the coo irary ttae vltiloui ami needy biped l lies i drawn heavy brtuth bror il SaaB and I drawn ou worelnaiv pull at Its old nlnrh on the public In place ol goln to places I It has raformiil broom out t I two heavy private mines IntlmlilHtml I all ihi Iccal allI and publlihel rule that ar ndtluir a cut lower nor aunt blgliiir tliRU thus lliat bar prtvll since early pring Tit pliuk of AD old railroad gad monopoly rlht r Mr t1 II thead however htnvone to aim 1 Pew cnr and loUnrt ibM rtiardln of eons bin and ln 1flaiioe olD bet publla I hull home cheap coal and the mlntM li the olIIblno spar 1 lied tall fnrnlah k i lltrald Frum kuunrUxIgv oltalnoj y IHo1 it to I L rndenllely 1 nil 11 l ntr ihr will l i nn ol I I 111 11 II I t IIl1 1 1 Inn s II f euum I L 3Y ubntuueI 1 uaunion o 1 itrlnln trn > le to the vicinity r > rrrrl to o tentlt > ly for the purpon taring h wells for natural gas and wiMietiiu althouh the dounmentiilioLMnUlnnUclauie which would l aloft I rkln4 minerals The tint < ovrr mimen made on the Church farm tj uh the city and the Herald Inlormint < Vnough work of a priHprctii niture toss been done to warrant tin Imelmef l Ihlll gold exltliln great IUIQIIII 0im the Jordan In place ul considerable client and that the entire locility rver1 II l over ten mile An t have dmonnratnl that the 511 will run dim H to II O cents per yang ThlitiK in Ualltlei here the digging acre far I < hurl ol itrtllnn down to what II l lnnwn < n hard 1 pan It ll I Ihe bed patent medicine III the worM Is visit Mr K M llatlm not JIapii ni Orrion say ol Chamberlain Chamber-lain Colic Cholera and Diarrhea Remnly Mnt head ma to tusks this OMfftlon n I from the feet that dytvntm In Ito worst farm wa prcva leiilarouM l lucre last HIIIIIKT mead It never marl omen Iwo or lhre doses of that rCllleIJ I to effect a roinplrle cure For tale br John lUijUn and Son |