Show Immut Rio ItT limit 1l11lhT Utah Augutl 2 limoS I ClUToKTtuint MlM arnh < mibotm U Hill quite tick ijcurimUln nil 11I1t1 plenllliil In imr vlilnll I Hern July Kthto the am liii ci Nel i Ijirtft a daughter Vein IVlrrfon and lamllr were vlilt Ing rilathr here rteiday Alvln Vernon IR IIIn ery Irk It If I 1I11 K > re < l In U purtlrtl tunitrvkp MlM Mary Maell1 nl Salt hake In i the punt ol Mr nnd I Mrt llownrd Mnllr Im Voting and wile ol Pork City mm Ire III ltockiort on Hutiday lot vllt Ingrelailtei Jolte anuiiiter ol Iuuummmic cimo oser Iriiin 1iiik City to ffiiil llomer Ilay l I with rclathii Tin It I only onecxfoc f inrailm here nim A lltlleronul William Hlernbrldgi Ii I tin iik one AM Wllinn C I II and H 0 Orowtlfr mpgi > n < < to hall lithe hut hlllllrll omit mini with loin mlnei A hall gmne livlwcen the North aol South Itotkportboyiion time 4llirfmil tml 1111 n victory for the latter Mn Kithrr IXvli ol Oharlnlon Wahlncton county In I vlltliiR her cou > lnV 11 I dialer and family Mr Jowph Jenxn ami Mint irate Norton came from Halt Lake on the Elnl lu iuelmtl a few ilaji They returned the fith Vlonrrr Pay war celebrated lucre A nieftlng war hmehmh In Stokers grave In lime morning and afternoon all joined iuu ii picnic The children were glv n a iancc In the afternoon the hall A dance lor the adulti In the evening ended lIe Iy urrel Mr Alfred Umlnurne of Halt lake acconpanled by till biother alio hIs wlfm tnt family rame to Kock > ort on tIme Slit lot fur a fee days vlilt Mr Ijitnlivurn and hl mother rrturnei homo on the Slrd llli wile and chll drcn rciualncd until the Ullh While lierntlipy were the gaels ol Mr am Mr J Cesey Tin Carmen ate ery limy luakln tummy Ulwren tliuthowert K H WAjalllt WAaouImrcAljahmr Aogmut2ll ITOII TIIIL Iatil llarrlnit nnd lamllr returned 10 I bait hahn mimi time ZulIm We had a heavy ralnttorm on llie 3U Pome of the hay U I down Shout ol the hint crop ol lucerne ha been gotten up without any damag Irorn rain IUIIIconlfJuorulO 01 rvelllln held their qnartcly coulerenco her Hnnday i8th There war a lair attendance at-tendance Kheol lIme priitdenti were prrient llrjant Copley ol Ioalvllle v ho hat recently retnt ne < l from a minion Irom the southern tatoi wai the nrol leaker nnd aicupled most ol limo Him lIe made an varntit and Inturvtllm addre C Jfncn ol Oakley J U WIMIann ol CoaMllu nnd Jitint Wollittnliuiin ol Kainai alto mad tltnvly remaiki After the olHccni Wrla tutlalned the lonfeiciicv iulourncil ftr three inonthi II fcltomiifi and lamlly went to Salt Ukc on hue 31il Y |