Show ThOMAS C PLATT TIo Stun 55 i n Is iOaioi to lInk snoi ls p00kti 1 rtrBU Thonui Com r puttt New Yorks famou trpulll nn iltlrlnn woa born In Owega thai plate In IbM He ma trlculHlid at Ul college but on account ac-count of fining iralh III tlro before Rraduatlen tu entir UNIH II commercial tarcer lie bernie innileuou a aIn sotoeeebui oiriitor a-In Kinking and liimlwr enlrrprlM In loll and tall be wai fleeted to connrrm from Owego In lOtS he Toss hnnen In tueeeeil Tran the Keriun In I the tnllnl Htalen pen ate liii senIor In the nol le wee however short tluIIn blest one fell Into the filrndnhlp < if llocne Conk line Whfn Irrllnt larnrld law fit o rebuke lion lor IonktliiR by Riving Ihe New York patronage lo the soIl Oonkllng repulillinn boll New York senators reilined their wat 1 but not without hope of brlim reelected by Hi legislature then In pceshot They were dlraipolntwl however for the Irglila lure choose their urcriior ihortly at erward Conkllng broxenhearted re tlreil to prUato 1 life and four hears lite oIled Not no with Ilatt lie Iwcnm I re > ldent of the Lnlled Htuli ICaboleol l tt nnd haa managed to cut a wide wahhi In Male politic He rnanagei tho uuUrnatorlal campaign for Irfil I Morton lut iar and now hai chars 0 AiY4trdtl THOMAS O TLATT if Ihe Ion idenbhob lioom of the governor if New York |