Show y Marxian Club Socialists J JAny f fy fT fAny T Any concerning Social Editorial Committee r Ism Urn answered Address all com KATE S MILLIARD HILLIARD t to K S Milliard E A BATTELL Herrick Avenue ROY E SOUTHWICK x r rI I L t I Z r i PROHIBITION ISM AS ENTERING WEDGE I seemed scorned good only to Illustrate several coral correct Socialist in Incites of economics by means of if the tho absurd economic principles pies ples that the movement advanced Some recent events cul clIl culminating cU I with the action of the Ten ron Tennessee lower house In pu passing a dras drastic tic Ue Prohibition bill over OCI the th governors veto have afforded the opportunity lo to prove that it is good for fot fOllI pome ime lI me other othor purposes besides helping to o 0 demonstrate by h contrast the sound soundness soundness ness of a J r of Socialist economic tenets now steps for forward forward forward ward In no less valuable a capacity than thai that of the he thin edge elge to the wedge wc ge of Social revolution ad advocated advocated by Socialism The Tennessee Incident has caused the Liquor Interests to assume the language of capital Property Is 18 de do destroyed destroyed disaster ter Is in upon business s millions of property properly are arc rendered valueless old established houses are arc ruined etc of course to their owners These arc the com corn complaints complaint plaints plaint now made ma e by L the Liquor In Jn Interests These arc ac the tho Identical charges that capital prefers prefer against Socialism In sight of the language of the tho Liquor Interests prohibition answers calmly coolly deliberately unconcernedly even Cen In Ill inspired Wo e care not Your prop property property erty your houses your Jom millions arc are used against the public interest As J such you ou are a n nuisance and must go so goWell Well AVell answered Prohibition thereby thon h is It mightily pushing forward a Socialist principle that hat Socialism has nailed To Its mast masthead head Is IB more precious than limn properly Import I Lot Let the tho public car only gel get accustomed toned tomed to fa o the theory theol now by hy prohibitionists h lo to wit wll vl I that thal all ar at arguments 11 regarding r the Injury to lo pr private i ate vate property that would result front fronta Certain a movement is h II aim I that the real teal question is II Does Doeg Dol tho the said property properly work worl good or evil let that thal principle bo ho well advertised and at d it will remove of or Lila tho objection that Socialism will disable the tho present holders of capital call Hal irom utilizing their property It Il matters not nol how large Invest Inest Investments ments meats may be Le If they work injury to tho commonwealth away with them is 15 familiarizing the public ear car with a sound revolutionary principle pr Who would have thought it Weekly People WHITE SLAVES AT AUCTION Hard to Find Buyers Buyer in Sale at ParK ParKside Parkside Parkside side Church Tho TIto tae slave auction which was hold held in Parkside Parks ide Presbyterian church Brook Brooklyn Brooklyn lyn Irn on Fob leb ch 12 I bared the untruthful untruthfulness ness of the tho many mau statements being at present made by hy respectable and public men hat that I 1 lie Hie I unemployed could easily find lint work hut hilt for tor 01 their theil laziness Tho rho Th men who vIto stood upon the Ow altar of the church offering themselves th H HIn In exchange for a livelihood were all aU allmen aUmen alLmen men of good character cleanly In per person person son anti and neat heat in appearance most all sill wore negligee shirts anti and white col cot collars collars lars It was surprising to see ste the pre predominance dominance of young men In iii the Hue ittie II lit about t of the twentysix tw men for sale salo were eio between the tile ages of ot o twenty and nut thirty Though vearIn masks their years were plainly dis discernible iron from their build II t When E a T 1 asked lor br employers who wito ho had positions to offer to these unemployed there were vero pain painful painful painful ful intervals of silence The loud loudmouthed loudmouthed loudmouthed mouthed of oC jobs for all who cared to work worle were very crr much much absent Only a few men slowly re reo responded responded Though Commissioner or Charities was called for f r hO lio discreetly stayed away awa from this meet lug The Mellowness Hollowness of Charity who Is a himself in explaining how he lie hit bit upon the plan plait of or an auction to find employ employers Ort ors for foi the men meu he had to offer orre made male some pointed comments upon especially Ho lie told of having heard of this rd term tho the jobless inca meu bums loafer f anti aud gooi foi noth nothing ing in that had ad said there was plenty of or work worle which he could furnish h said that in lii order ordet to iI test s settLement a I hail had asked the commissioner over tho the telephone what kind tint of jobs ho lie had bad arid the tho answer was In lr the quarries at Blackwells Island This menus means nothing Il less than work on the I In the penitentiary said sald Such SI ch IB lB what this man who himself draws a salary whoso whose three UlrIe as uJ assistants run up iii the tho salaries to a year roar and whose department was given a appropriation to be expended for charity charily has to or orI for I r In Is bore hore now to place somo some of 0 these men inca No answer An A as a of was sent out outside side Bido where there was as an overflow enco of fully live Ilvo hundred to ask for br forthe or ortho the bIte commissioner but he lie was not pres present ent el l Therefore has boon beon called said when hen informed that thal no signs sl nR of the head bond or ot ortho the tho charity charlt department vero ero to be he found Supply Exceeds Demand said that he lie had liati reedy received ed od letters from all over o r the iho country asking him to furnish jobs johs to men nien lie Ho exhibited a suit case full till of or tho the loiters lotters l He lie said he hl had never 1101 realized r the tho ex cx x t nt of oC social misery before and ho wan was physically sick and sick at heart ot o what he had witnessed Ihn tho last Imol three weeks we kl When It became known to his friends that ho intended resorting to toan toan toan an auction as the only hope anti and morn od 01 of disposing of oC the bIte men who haa hau come to him h lie was met with all man manner mannor nor ner of o gibes s Friends asked him It II he lie 11 were In earnest In tho the matter they tIle the wanted to know how much ho he was getting Tf If I you OU would mystify n It community just try tr to do tb something that Is on the II said they thO think you are arc a t queer OtHer mon had come como to him anti ami tried to him not nol to put through his Intentions Said they You are stirring up lip an awful muss Stop It Dont expose these theRe condi conditions to the tile public He lie however 7 i r 1 was determined thal the public should know 1110 how things thinS really stood Is Just the tho trouble said I people dont scorn seeni to know what ter tel terrible terrible rihl conditions so o many man are arc compell compelled CO ed cd to face The speaker told the Ule audience plain plainly ly I that each and all of or them wouldn t hesitate to lo put 1111 on Oil a mask the santo same as the men lOon before them If they the were out I of work vork In J fact said taid he ho if Ie you get gel kicked l out of or your Job Joll tomorrow I do the same annie as these men are arc doing be bo looking for Cor a mastor master I because you ou want to live lIe You lOu must annul have food and amI clothing and shelter To ToI get l these ose you YO I have ho got sot to sell your our I T J I solves tho the plain proposition I Yon aru no bet bettor better better You 1011 do It every oel day tiny with the mas s son ter tor than these ra men n on slaves just the tho soniC same Enforced Idleness also told bId of or the Ole despera desperation lion tion ho Ito found round many man of the mon men in m inMany sui sul suicide suiI Many wore those who cide by lI taking poison polson or Jumping luto I him the river Somo Some who wrote to I said eald they thoy would be compelled to steal With ridi all of these those ho he h pleaded to stay sta 58 stal them In their contemplated acts thur thurlie l he lie confessed that work woric could be the I I only preventive of such acts as men mentioned menI Honed I Thoro employers who ho otter offer offered od ed to tithe take some of those on the ftc block A baker hired a young youn fifth num numas as driver drivel another asked for a and he lie was accommodated There Thero was wa wasa waIL a IL representative from tho the Straight StraightEdge StraIghtEdge Edge Industrial Settlement I don Square Manhattan who said lie could take alto several severa men amen menThe amenThe I The process of oC locating employers was however depressing slow The rhe only oat thing this slave mart proved was wag that lint above all timings things America is NOl NOT the Land of Opportunity Exchange |