Show GREAT GRAT SUMS I Of MONEY PASSED Big Corps of Secret Service and Pinkerton Men After Swindlers r Council Bluffs la Ta Feb 27 County Attorney Hess today toll 1 swore out omit in information Information information formation against a the gang of alleged swindlers arrested with J 3 C May Maybray Maybray bray bm at Little Rock Ark but bul tho the de dc details details tails were withdrawn from front the time rec record ord or for the tho present Additional details have como come to light which Indicate that Immense sums of or money passed between them freely At a local bank It was learn learned ed cd that as much as was depos deposited deposIted I Hed at al ono one time Another draft dralL for was presented at mother brink bank which refused to lo cash it and It IL be became became became came necessary to clear the transaction transactIon tion through au nu Omaha bank bankA A a big lg corps of or secret service men and m d Pinkerton detectives are now at work worl securing details of the time ninny many deals carried out omit by b tho the alleged swindlers Some Sonic new ne and highly 11 I interesting details of a n transaction with J P Cay Cavanaugh show the master capabilities of the time men with whom lie he dealt deull W wr H hr Martin the friend and amid alleged who the tho records show enticed Cavanaugh into the game gamo made his i story lorr so strong that says that after losing 2 himself he I gave Martin 50 with which to got I Iback back to lo New eV Orleans I It developed tonight that tho the grand jury returned an nn indictment against two of or the time swindlers in December 1907 on complaint of ot n a Minnesota man who admitted that ho lost 10 as tho time result of a fake wrestling match County Attorney Hess Iless said he could not at nl this timo o names as ho he hoped to secure the ar arrest arrest rest reslo of those implicated Denver Fob Fel 27 2 Ernest I T JJ Pow Powers ors ers 21 29 U years old is in the time Denver jail jull charged with being ono ommo of tho the May Maybray Maybray bray band of alleged swindlers It is charged that he J I C Bow Bowman Do Doman man maim formerly of Colo Coio out omit of 12 O on oil a fake foot race held at Council Bluffs la In la lat t July Jul Powers Is a former formel university of Denver foot football football football ball player |