Show rl d A T I r This Passing i V t A Your Four chance at saving money at this I Irea Great rea ff o Saie a e ff s l 1 ov rii J k t It t t rl i f F Af f ti i t Jr l if t f i Wr is slowly slipping from under Do You Want Wi To Save Are You An Economic Man j Why not no get busy Well save you yon a lot lob of money Today will show you prices at their lowest ebb i Come early as we acre will be very bu y Everything goes for or man or boy bey to wear I J rf h I I TO I J i ii 0 1 A J 5 f l tir Ei t i If d 1 t l ik i J 1 i i n 1 t i W I t rt f l it l 1 L rl OGDEN c TU F t EXCHANGE 11 Private Wires to All AU California Cali California California fornia Tracks OVER ELITE CAFE I t I t f c r i i iI I S e S x amES tit nW l t Removing the symptoms is not all that thra is necessary to cure Con Contagious Contagious Contagious Blood Poison The virulent germs which produce these outward out outward outward ward manifestations must be completely driven from the blood before a areal areal areal real cure can be effected The least leas taint left in the circulation will wild sooner or later cause a fresh outbreak of the trouble with all the hid hideous symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat copper colored splotches falling hair sores and ulcers etc Contagious Blood Poison is the most treacherous of all diseases It has its victims in its power almost before they realize its because be cause its first fi rs t CURED SOUND AD WELL presence Dear Sirs I Ida didn t find oat Out I bad contracted C symptom is usually a little contagious oas Blood BI Poison Polon until antil it bad made r rs Able headway t and fortunately f e or r mo the he need sore s re or Of pimple so insignificant t f 1 rl bad ug had bad sonic some J experience ri n with i tHat it does not excite sus suspicion t the e df and d advised addled Id me to tike take S r S 5 S 5 sol so J I JB tool fool with lh any doctors but ut began at of once the But B ut the inSidIOUS u of your medicine it as directed dir My friend told me to click to toll It H and tint that was W J what wh bat t 1 J JT poison is at work T ork on the blood did And got along alone llon splendidly from the tho very nry first and lUll and in a short while the pa patient my ls recovery T ao rapid 1 too nf r rhent of end and am now as ae 13 as ever vc Wheel began S S S tient hent finds he is more or less ray face was to EO full of at wires Lefts and eruptions CruP OIlS that I J could not f have And ad now there is not a blotch or affected from rom heed head to foot pimple on Q my toy body There mere c U is In the world ii n l DJ Contagious C Blood B loo Poison POI on that can tsar teat S 5 S S 5 for or Blood Poison and lol 1 al always ways recommend It for or such cuco ca o A Mend friend of ot ofis is s too dangerous to trifle with mine no la to JI taking bIdDy it cow now and is totting getting alone alonz nicely DIetl WALTER R No time should be lost in rid ridding M m Oakley St 7 IndR Ind ding the blood of this destructive destructive tive poison and in no disease d sease COVERED WITH SORES I Iwas was afflicted with terrible blood disease w a is it more important to have havethe which was 5 in at first diet but r afterwards c spread eprea d the proper remedy Medi Medicines all my body Thew The n out iato sores and it is s easy to imagine the e I c cines Chiles which merely check the D fore I b became c me oc c that the doctors could J do f Iliad a ep hand dollars II which iC wo and leave for fora time symptoms a really n thrown away y I then tried various patent the real cause g in inthe medicine but they thOl did not reach tho tiro d When I l had Unshed finished c my Bret bottle of S 5 SSI S S I Ithe the system have brought mis misery wan waa ct Improved l and was mb l with b bery result The tar o ted splotches c on my chest c began bezan ery cry and disappointment to to grow crow paler and and J smaller I and o lone Ieng thousands Faithfully the suf sufferers p red entirely I J regained my ray lost loit be became became came and my appetite t greatly Improved took such treatment I was soon entirely I I well And my r skin akin nc as II clear fl as asa a 1 piece I of glace H L of mineral nature and cik usually sd 3 Clinton Street Newark H Ff J when all symptoms had dis disappeared disappeared disappeared appeared and the treatment THE USUAL SYMPTOMS was left off oft found the virus position pos loon Having to og know used o S fis IU S S A As tho of I a oe had only been shut up u p in the rious OUS blood lm disorder ray O blood became and andI other I 1 suffered severely with Rb and I system awaiting a favorable symptoms not to mention A friend told me mc he be had bad been en cured oi of my ray trouble by S S S Sand San Sand I opportunity to return with and an 1 upon his hia recommendation I tr tc DD as ltd its use At Af After every ever Y symptom sym intensified in ter tee It for tor time my blood wc of ol Jail au and anil mado cUldo pure Md and strong II S S S cures Contagious C i aia I I also to speak of or its tonic properties pro It Blood Poison Po son and cures it lt i t beat up ap my health It Improved my appe appetite I It t a down rite tite Pave gave mo me increased strength and I felt better permanently hoes goes too la is evor way IVy I am a treat reAt t la In S S 5 S Sand Sinto into the t h e blood and removes and with wl pleasure recommend It to all 1111 who needs need 4 a every particle of the poison JID blood Chestnut cb medicine Street ROBERT o Lebanon 31 Pa l makes the circulation pure purr and healthy and does not leave the slightest trace of the disease for future outbreaks S S S Sis Sis is made entirely of roots herbs and barks all of which are heal henl healing henling healIng ing and cleansing in their nature It I t does not contain a particle of mineral in any form to injure the delicate parts of the system systemS S S S will also drive out any an lingering remains of mineral poison that may be in the blood from the former treatment If you are suf suffering suffering suffering fering with Contagious Blood Poison S S S will cure you because it will purify your blood Home treatment book and any medical advice free to all who write TOE THE CO ATLANTA G GA v i |