Show Norfolk Va r Feb 27 Norfolk was III in a l i blaze blare of or light Ihl tonight tonj ht In III celebration lion tion of the first American ican city to lo en out entertain the time blue 1110 jackets of time the Ameri American can call battleship fleet ot after their cruise around the world Two Tso thousand of oC oCth the th men who make up lip time tho greater part of tho time enlisted personnel of tho the fleet neel paraded through the time principal streets and amid afterward wore were feasted at the time splendid new naval Y M r C A build building buildIng ing lug Nearly Ne officers from Crom tho the fleet were entertained at jui fW elaborate at the tho ello hotel toy by Ib tho time citizens committee Tonight al although although although though the lime sailor men mon wore once more aboard the various ships Norfolk con continued tinned the celebration |