Show TOMORROW WilL WALL MARK IN COUNTY CLERKS AND RECORD RECORDERS RECORDERS RECORDERS ERS OFFICE Reduction Rc of Expenses the Prime Reason RC lson for Changes Service Ex Expected to Be Equally Effectual The first of March will marl mark some somo changes In the force of or em cm In tho the clerks clerk and recorders offices of or thu tho county count Mrs Evelyn West Vest will retire as itS chief deputy of the recorders office and Mrs Irs Elda Guerin who lies has heretofore hero orore hold the tho position of or official typewriter and stenographer In the tIme clerks office will fill 1111 the tho place Miss Ray Ra Keel Keck will take the tho place for formerly I merly occupied by b Mrs Mis Guerin and anti I Lawrence A Van Dyke Dleo assistant chief auditor for tho the Pullman department of tho railroad will assume the toe roil loll of bookkeeper In the clerics clerks office Time The change chango will take place tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow row morning It is said by br tho the heads of or the two departments of tho the county count government that flint the changes change made are designed to lo bo be in the time interests of or tIme the two offices and that lint the time action Is actuated by br strict rules of economy and efficiency en C County Clerk Dye DreI states that in the change that is being I made ho will be enabled to handle handlo tho the business of his Imis office at t less ex ox expense pense ense than llIan heretofore Under the tue proposed plan ho states that he will have hae one less In the and tho time work will bo be just as effectual The I he chief deputy clerk Mr Mi 11 Bluth will hereafter net act ns as cashier cashler of the office in connection with his other duties |