Show MONDELL DILL BILL PASSES UNITED STATES SENATE Washington Feb 27 Tho house bill hili for the protection of or tho the surface rights rl of agricultural on lands Jande which have hac been withdrawn as a coal land known us as the tho Mondell bill lilli was passed by hy the time senate with an Im Important amendment offered by h Senator McCumber of oC North Dakota which ap ape pIles especially to lands landa in n the lignite I district The Thc bill as 18 passed by b the house hOUle pro provided provided vided for fOI the Ume relief of or settlers by h Iv IvIns Ins ing them theta title lIUe to tIme the surface or of time the theland land and retaining title In the govern goern government ment meat to any all an coal deposits underneath tho time lands Tho Time McCumber amendment provided that all nil homesteaders who en entered bred their lands In good faith as ag aF agricultural agricultural land and have made proof In compliance with the homestead laws Jaws shall receive patents immediate immediately ly Ir If the time amendment Is accepted It IL will compel tho time Interior department It is claimed to Immedi Immediately atel issue patents paten L to homesteaders In tho time Northwest who entered upon lands as agricultural lands but who have hao not boon beon able to got patents be because cause causo of the time executive order withdraw withdrawing ing lag their lands as coal lands |