Show Fort vort Va Fob Feb 27 Officers and men umen who made the voyage of oC the we Wr viewed with keen regret the therun run fiat ci r breaking up of or the American battle heeL leet today toda Three ships sailed to navy yards making five Ovo gaps In all in the tho two long ong lines lInos of anchored squadrons Oth Other OthI OthIel Othor er or ships are to go tomorrow and b by Monday it Is Js thought that only onh tho time eight ships that arc are to furnish a brig brigade ide ade lle of oC marching blue jackets for the Inaugural parade at Washington will willbo wI wIbo willbe bo be left In the The Time going away awa of tho the ships means ho tho last of or the Groat White Feet When hen the ships are arc reorganized and rendezvous here hero in May In they lucy will all appear In a new dressing of service gray The Rhode Island the New ew Jersey and the Kansas were the ships to toe leave cave e today todar The Tho ho Rhode Island is ir for tho the New York navy ar n yards ards tho ho Now Ko Jersey Terse JeNe for Boston Doston anti and the thc Kansas for Philadelphia The Tho Ohio is under tinder orders to sail tomorrow morn morning mornIn ing In for New York Officers of all time thc ships are nrc to be granted thirty days leave while their ships are at the thc navy yards |