Show The I ii Lock That Locks q g The LION lock on your collar keeps it from spreading Its a 14 patented feature found only in Lion Collars Cj We have just received this new shape Ask to see BILLY Its T reversible U Double shrunk H mak make making ing sizes exact Guaranteed four ply C D I IVES V E ES S SL tRl CO Correct ClotHes for Men Ien l f Broom Hotel Corner I AT THE GLOBE THEATRE TIlEA TRE THE BIBLE SHEPHERD BOY BOYThe Tho The Inspiring story of David and nd Saul An Interesting theme for parents and children Dont Mise It SAVED BY WIRELESS Reproduction of tho tha collision of the White Star Liner Republic call all for help by Wireless re response of the be ship shIn Baltic hun bun hundreds hundreds of miles away The rescue Interesting program this week Tho Globe Globo Ladles Wednesday dar matinee two prizes Childrens Candy Cand r Matinee Saturday I 4 When You Yon Inaugurate tho practice of earing aning and regular gular r deposits in tho the bank you rou soon come thrifty and prosperous You are aro cordially invited to call c ll at the Commercial National Bank Dank and open an account COMMERCIAL 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID D ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS NATIONAL r Capital BANK BANIc Surplus Promo Profits OGDEN T WANT ADS BRING BIO BIG t RESULTS 0 HI r Jo l Al fco 0 O ri 4 c i b cc 1 Jill JUl i what I c i ibis hs is means 2 3 To T 0 Y V 00 0 II 1 I I i t or o f r r 1 7 j c Fj j We are located right here where re you live We are an acquaintance j Neighbor or Friend of yours your IL kIf j Would we dare or could we afford to give our endorsement to these w Remedies and make male the statements w e do in this paper unless we were 4 I 47 positive that our claims would be sub It stands to reason that we wo uld l d lose your esteemed este med patronage 4 i upon which winch the success of our busine as BS depends ruin n n our reputation and 1 I gt I i and in other ways suffer severe loss u unless we were wore perfectly truthful and 3 I knew exactly what we ve were talking about I I 3 1 Barons 1000 1500 Suits Special 1 I J t q Barons Baron s 18 i 8 20 1 22 25 Suits C CJ for 1000 j j Barons s 00 Hats I 1 r 1 ji Barons s Shoes I Barons Dress Shirts UI Barons s 18 J 1 8 20 25 30 Overcoats Over oats for Barons s Shirts for i I e V Barons s J 00 Ties for SOc SOcI I k Barons all wool Socks for e it T Remember that we buy for ten stores and wo get wholesale J prices Therefore we can con sell you our ou r merchandise less than navy my other store can do Remember BARONS STORE 2345 Ave Avei i r I Uit t t Some Very Attractive 1 Values n Lace Curtains I ar and ill cd l II Lace 6 8 Bed d S Sets e t s sI I I Commencing Monday Mondoy and nd continuing Suring the theU U week we wo are arc offering some very special 1 values In Inthe Inthe Inthe the drapery department of which the following are area I E a few nu ro rot t I I 44 values In I n lace Curtains Cu values reduced to values now A values now noy 4 i values no now jf values now no I values value now no I y values now no OO values now Very Special Bedspread cut cor corners corI corners corners I ners Special See Seo Window I The Wall WallI WallPaper I Paper Sale Sak I Continues 1 MJ 9 I In One week longer great savings In the latest I de designs r n r 1 I k signs and highest qualities Buying In such ouch quant quantities 1 jI g i s c r ties tics as lS we vie do we can afford to sell our pap papers rs for Jf 7 r what others othern pay for theirs The prices are lre reduced JJ 13 to 12 of their actual value Paper two rooms for or the price of one ono If you would be convinced L of our ability to sell Dell paper cheap and yeti yet keep koep up the quality see ace the north display window FURNITURE CO BOYLE JT I 1 Oldest Largest and Most Progressive hers in Northern Nor hern Utah J J f fr t J pr C ll r rItt Itt iV J |