Show Jl tlllfCIU t 1 IINIRIIKNIK 1 r A 1ad All 111 s0 tlsl I 141 Mw Meetlrw e i spend by the cMr eh4g j nil ftoto Mt o t Iryw b1 4e 1 1101 kl0rrde 1 I Cvollnoed if dogleg l by 1 lhrhor CrvditailClarTaruM nl 1 aid Ilial tit wai sorry that lush a well aodltiHi was ixeeen He Hh upon Ik duty ol he BalnHlo U < hnMMr and Inniv Ing and uipd Iheiej lo try ami 1 live without e4 Tyl og with here Ieeh I feel huge luvrMdt llMte llh whom they IHMU nseechalo 1 Meeting WM brnnglil l In close and 1 adjourned until X p I in by Ike chair I tinging from pale teb and 1 nwdtcllon i i by lUWn Welber I 7 5500555 AYTan1WU I j Meeting ssled by choir riNflCK from ptg 1W I Irayer by leege l Huff Ouiilliwfd bv Iln choir ilMnf h > MM on I + wre 1M Hider II r < Young 0s IN lint tpeaker tlpftlt p10111 U MrWUMM thai I0 wai a member of I lhe chaich of tlol einke ul the meta blenm whir follow self euesi0e ad urged the gainti to prarttls the urn Hilltop 01 5 Whitney wa this Md I j taker Mr ealil iliailhHaliiU4oald i lout nil Ih thlnri and 1 lr lInlo at theN I the-N 01 < M1 I jdatt4 JltlLtIJIltol tnr Itwift ol I Qol l lo wHhli awl thai llwy I 1oIM Nut carry with thni a fwll1 ul lialrnl toward nwh miim ndalnl bit erperles11r when ialM 1 on hi fnl IIIlul km aix 11 hue h > miivnl the tart Inn Hhl ijf lilt leelliiHinv In a lions whirl U I had alter ho had bee 1 nn llc mlnlen abo111 3t r month whlrli lie I Mid i wim a grand 1001 n In I his Mi tljg wu then hroiiflit tu a rb ae by I therhahl 1 ilnglnf hymn on pvrY std nlolIIIet till In a m HnniUy tl lnor1 nil lletiellnlan by J IL Wllllani tliui Moiwiao Meeting t1 i < nil liy the rholr tlufltig Iron page I 112 t irayer I In Thwmat Mil Contlnudl by Ih choir 1 awl 1 cue ogo Hun etnglng liyiunun lake I 100 1rf Want ClaW watlhadnl apwk lIu 1 1 reHrlHl ih Kiimiuli MukK M btn 11 In a piof rhut ran Illlon and lhat tin littllliul UIL 11111 In xamrtl wa Bowl lliat tlHr detlm lo Ilv an liltef 1 Day tfjlntl was very itroHK Krd Itibmid ol lark City WM calll 511111 1 Inillvna teputtol the hranch1 Ik Qlly He 101 thai ttlwn thcr I flrit ttntlnl lohold ihvlr ueelhga11117 lull tUm In irlaiv lwun bat tlss II louee001 Urnuie luo ann ami 1111 hired a hell In whir Illy oonld MWnt oiUln loonu of the pn > ilv and now that In lou inll tttl i bat they were o11 taking a gnat Inleinl In I the llmiwl Hitle Ionian neil udliMe 116 roiiKrrgalloii lie altlMd I Ilw Saint 111111 VU take 10 great an liil tet In I 11011 Hit thatthei eau61 1 forget their wlltilon I toll I the people lu e Iloln IhrKftVu laUiniirleiiih ll nilnht bviladltwiw 4inl 1 nil jviklililn Iwliiru It got old tnnIwunt I tmPa ll 11thrs were any Miproomtnit steeled In Ililt UVt Unit Hi ieiiiUiliould toniH utnke libel and wake tlilt place one worthy 01 Ilia attraction ol the II hors The choir sang in antliem Cuter Into llltlateaflcrwltlfli inwtlngwaii djonriied Illli offwli llelitdkllAn by I W Murrhanl MXtUYArrCHKnuX Merllng uinfd liy the chI eloping Iron pagu 1 1741 1 prayer 117 I llliliui gr gnliit I lloltvllle Oonllnueil I by he cln > lr ami congregation liiKlng liyinii on page IMf I IM-f cr Mltl n linllillerwlli liltUrt Tliunm Copley and h IL llliMi BV lUtnlb lou oth9r rlIars 1rtildent Clulr made a few iciuaikt relrrrliiK to the millon lIh ttnke lion olltlnl Iho bl hoHi ol the tarUMii VI 0110 lulls with Ihnlrtuun I itllor uu11lhs leading men ol tlirlr welt sod appoint a t 0111111 tugo around and nit what Ille n opl 1 ooIa willing lo gUu I towitnl llm oiupllli vI lliltbnllitlng Hitlolriiian mM nn < t spoke 1111015 1 Iho urder 01 lid hllhilottl hlIlh l uiruni iHj I altuul the nwoiiUy 01 hitlng am 11 Inking Ink-ing to the flit mtttlngt Ihelrollerlngt Ill lint Hi pwr lit like vtard 1 niav roo irltt Ike I Iwnlltl Mpl tint Nt fail I iruiel Ing I Oil th place her lhoe who sri Iu tramgmHlon ioaelmo wltotl lg their ssn IIH 1 ol the nolliy ol prayer lu lie bit I II lerlugl ipAktUaiu She iinmaaUjr nl I keeping the intliiilmof llwranlnieiic tirlllmi sloe 1 In Ink and hound In atuUlantiu bunk Mil 1 inuindd Itl hhr 1Ile bo i sla1el 1 urgol t hu la 0 110 heap Ili r Mnio Vdojrues wan r 1 41ar 0155 Ile I then ptueulal lip 1 IIlitial owl 1 luoal I dwell aulliurlltvi Mil llwj were 5511 ItliMd uiianluouiljl by U > people llkihanl Ulrtli wl limn vrUnlnd I a patrlrali lu the giiniHlll hake W II Urnucli Ill DfOaliinl a IIKIQ I Ur ol tla high tunfll Meeting at br tltll to w claw 1 15111 1 I o 1Journetl fur HirMltwnllit bjr tin cbolr lujlogaw nilmy UT C lord l Is > ljf I yhsplwnlr I itilledli llli lf tttefeOP tttlMil I I |