Show lafuf Van aa te Vaned k local asplioiiou a Ibfo eannot raeh Ike r t se tk ear Tbfn 15 only one wayoeure tunic sot tint I is k runtallu I lsowS rmnlasa 1alnw 1 rsusol by sn ins in-s d euaalal ast n mweou itnla nI Ih t 0t WMOlklaubnasioesmr3 I eau Larram4ilt I swop or ImesNI near tee t site lrsa1 e is ntD tanss sir n 3 p aamman I a te 4 ona sea + iota n w i oorma Ju seaMario T1 nW a etas wail W k r aloe n0111 ll 0 nOci t ntrh e61 ii YUt bola IuOmN rIIII 01 f Ins mY o tN Na alas S In VYe IlaoarsJ Ions Inc say i t J sans o a o last Nnool br ILIIY orrb Car tea towel Ir Lr IrM rl D Il III IT ru Tu1Ja o Nld 4 DrvsAs4 70 Anerdtrlrom any ol our miithanll will be likeD ou iqliecrlpllon at Tin TIMII offli omT tsereeakir Cewrurlsbls Iantiigtri dutlntd loth iirumlutiit I cllln of the Missouri nivtr mould pat roulM tht Chicago Utah Iaclllo and Norlbwnttru Lin SUiinlflceal lull man sod W < gnr sleeping can elegant 1ullmia I and Northweiltrn I dining can rev rllals chair cart handsome day coichnavd comlorlabl 1uluaa cotta nlliiletp MIITII1K TIIJUmLICH lla you mad Anal proof I on your liouieltead deteit land er IliuUr culture cul-ture entries If not btiureandconinlt wills 11 R ViulthUounty Clerk Coal vlll bclor doing 10 and Lewifl I tell you lion taiatilrooi 110 lo IM on every proof made LCOKL NOTICE t AKIIIlLlniLI rUHJlANTTOAS KX IVl ullan mm dlmlf1 bib Inililol NiuOlelall IATn r < iilellh > IblrJ juillcul Uliirlcl of ihiTir rlluri at limb l tUllnpoM Mculllt I uUit 1 tlii fnul Door otlbt hunt eounboiiM In IM Cllyul tHltllli i l fuuiilriir iimmllu > lTirt ol f Yi 1 I Yl 1011 il Vials ou ai jitu der ul Noituut ini olll unlock 1 4 u Ike rlilil IttU ll lamIa Uurillul rent I aourfllKHfRiiiUUIaiUlu I ti t MUD nirvorillim til lu IUJ to ttt Ml lm d > KHi 4 r l tiuu niuiif irioi I mj hating lu 1 trfI ltot a uiauill uuli nd J nswinlulluws lwll ConiiKBdaa obI weak ml coivtrullut U Huci l ol rKxttwnilK tnner > said UUXII li = i aura ul ohfonlngu anllli 43 lu 0 chtlui wulU l ul n in 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Underwear Furnishings Aud Other Goods S Cell and examine my stock and prices I Vlll take good 1 oats at market prices in exchange ex-change lor goods MRSM E RHOADKS i Palpitation Heart i Shortness of Urcnth Swelling of Lets and Feet I For about four ears I wn I rout > ltd with palpitation r1 tin iicart ihortneM uf breath oust AIt Jnlt fI > tba lfK mid Iff ALlsn4IanoUhi I I taint I was treated hytU1 1a < tl t > liy ilclani ID Baranimli da nan iu relief I re-lief I then tried nrlo n Hprluts I without bcnont Flnallrltnd Dr Miles Heart Cure allll tale Nte red Liner 1MK Alr I Irytnnlny l lo frt fAeo 7 fill Ltbr euntlnuednking wrrlToa ° into Iccorir 1l rekuiised billy lfo r2 Illi I Itz ponds In welghL I hoa tlal elate uienl mar bo of valuo to sumo IlCJflf 4IIOftlra r MUTTON wr Ilon 01 J lJ t ltlt I Y unit wP oat Iin thanitts I r10 1 null 0 itr IlatiSYua 7 ° 7lI1I iJ I Fountaiq < SalOon We have in Stock GOOD OLD MEUWOOD WHISKY Good Old 1 llrandy for family Use Good 1 Old Toil Good Old Holland Gin Good Old Sherry and AtiKclicH Iabst Export Deer Good Old Illnck berry llrandy 1 Temple Cltih Cigars CAPTAIN JOE JOHNSON Dchind tc liar GlObe Barber SnopI Shop on Lower Main Street Hot and Cold Baths Everything First Class Shaving Tickets Jiio for Jiuo JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor I am prepared to furnish L fur-nish all kinds of i UMBF7R1 U BUILDING MATERIAL All MINING B TIMBERS E air nits Lowest Prices T3 Rustic and T and G Flooring Red 1 or White Pine ono or one and onefourth Inch FINISHING LUMBER AND LATH Inll tuck kept at > rd s III I Ct lh lilt yicic oilier In Cutlvtllc or Icoa JAS WELSH Prop I I P OSTOFFIOE S TOIRE 11 3OA Summit Co Utah Oa F LYONS lleiHrnllialfr In I III Hindi s ol ST TIOJIEnyNII NII = = SGHOOL SUPPLIES If You Want School Hooks Note Hooks rtxr Itttvclopet Tablets lIInllk ICII Pencils Ink I jt Jtulvr Hrnici1 Slates 111 hill Tackle or anything in that line give me a call before purchasing Postoffico Building iKOA UT7MI C o A 14 Always On Hand at the WASflTCH MINE L1113 9 = 200 Stove = = 150 n 001it lII S l o0f 0 Pmlll tIJ N 0 0 I a J PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY W satch Dept O S M Co BOY I EN JRU STORE 0 Presoriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COALVILLE DRINK L PTOf S TEAS Direct From Tho Ton Cordons Fragrant 1 Rich I Delicious J AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS AT THB WORLDS FAIR CHICAGO Genuine only when supplied In Original Patent Airtight Air-tight Canisters bearing b7l > wcrB name LIPTON TEA PLANTER CEYLON These delicious Teas arc used In almost every homo n tho Old I Country Uptons No i U unanimously de ad CT 1aoWIa JaanJd oared to be The Finest Tea The World I Can Produce sOIa tag n m Ss S SOlllEffl fflERODMTlLE GOJiIPIIY Wholesale and Retail Agents PARK CITY UTAH COALVILLE COOP f r1 all I and See Our nii i Yo New Stock < o o All Our Cl > 9 < Fall Line Now In O O r I r W m J 1 M D Wells Celebrated a O n Shoes Best in the country J 6 coun-try for wear < O 0 Q Golden Fleece Yarns all colors Best in the land cc Gilberts Falland Winter Satines None better r I COALVILLE COOP I MAGGIE8ALMON New and Complete Stock of Winter Millinery Ladies and Childrens Underwear Etc l + Felt Hats ill Latoat Sty los Trimmed and TJntrimmod A nice variety of Walking hats various colors and shapes rrolll f > < 75 10 j15o Ladies Union SIIIIA III cotton wOo I amid lisle from r5 10 300 IlIfnllls HOllllel III Silk Plush RIIII Wooll rrolll 75 10 r50 1I0s Kltre 11111 fro111 25 to 75 Hoys Caps front jo to roo 8 A Lino of Beautiful Fascinators Mittens Saoques Bootees oto to mako tho Little Ones Comfortable at Reasonable Prices Full Line of Cosmetics and Com ploxion Soaps I respectfully ask you to como and oxamino my goods Dressmaking in tho roar MAGGIE SALMON Prop WILSON BROS a lIlLlllli IS Gmmmi a M 0r01011f r ISO i ml C oa I j Lurnp perton 200 Stove popton 150 Nut por ton 50 At the Mine NEW DEPARTURE We propose In do away will the Credit System and sell Strictly for CASH OR PRODUCE At Price that Defy Competition A CLEARANCE SALE lu some of the lines we carry Call and examine them Geo W Robt Young Wanship4 |