Show MKKKLY navimr fit tlitaeIka We4 aKepssa hay fray Krr t 1 s Th lad oak ol October wilts an II riling diction mar cannot ludltata much ul Ill true condition of huilntu In sumo trailti th Mtton li too III ad cancel for great activity and In olhll tloa lupiwitd irTrcti ol the noting hlnJtr uptratloni llut Itli sallefaclory that bias I vuluaa 01 production I will main lalnisl and In out or two branches ireaitd that no monitary dlltlcuUUi disturb that brtadiluITi are a Illtli hlghtr and that ill Inaltrlal dtcllii ap > wart during In I weak In uanuiaclurxl producti Th fact that any decline tp < H > ariwlth ilacktnlng In I dlund fur seas producti may prrhapi U > attributed at-tributed lo unit rtilnllM mainly wlltl ial I lnorlln f whllt entry increase 1111 Ik working lore htlpt lu link a bull for mot builunt ktrolltr At pttnut Ihr voluin olbuilntft lianiaclxlli 16e clad uualler luau list year and much smaller than U 807 thbugli a preildtntlal election lOll thin lull at hand Iaymenti Ihrviigli prlnclal clear lug huUMt Itr Iht west hay Leon 111 per I heist Un thau tail yt > r and S44 permit Itnthaii la 18inl In both COM parlioni with dHrtiM utildoNw Yoikai will at tin Corn bit advance tonlt with will itcilpti about a third anal iporti about an eighth ol last l year Ytt pork and hags aru a ihadt 1 lower tutu lanai Iooul the name Mat li I thru fourths of 1 a cent lugbtr spot clash 0 > iicutfor Dtctuibtr anal looks a II lituglh lu com had I prtiiultd a urhir diillue altliouxk wnltrn rmlpli were only > 45 7170 buibeli for lit week spinet UUU171 last year aad Allintlc shunt IhaeneaarJ1J10ab l lW biiiktlt against 70100 last ysar lliti trtiliU bit fort U I ol count the tuutiuoui ac cuuiulalltn win A rdiiltnuit although I productrt may naturally be lacllntd 1 n h to sell Ie currant prlcti 1 1 Cotton li again Iou iHit Ulug 57S cinli with rat celpti 10 bean that large crop eitlraatai are favund thuujb It 1 make 11111 sill ferrite In the real prtipocl wkttbtrlbi yithl U I hall a million or a million bait gtealtr than the worlds riKlulrtuitnti will great stuck ol old cotton In light Thd prtiilouofeotU > iaud wisest au > the partial Ion otbcoru crop limit Iwrrckonid Imporlaut rauni ofhtil halt In null dlilrlbulloii olJ pruducti flats hesitancy alfcilt Iniluitrlti very UllTtrcutly I Tha boot and ibo iniuu Ucturtr li I rtlarded only I In rontlnutj preortnc far low prlct guide for than liuuiurol pairs produced and ihlppid asams greater than nor In Ave weeks 417UlUa i agaluil 28JWH lust ytar and SHfiMOln 1802 Then It itlll a demand de-mand 1 for cliiaper gout crowding beyond I be-yond llnlr capacity hhs productiiol cheap latiit and wouttua sLoe and whale JobUri In wan and kip twirls and hoti tiport Iht imillut ales I for yian on the whole tholr ales 1 III l low priced goodi are largtr than tsar Orders bane fallta ouTol late but moil clerks art till well employed and many have load ordrs for spring In the Iron industry in-dustry the chief actltltyli I In hurlural work bridge and other plate while the i demand > r > heli somewhat dlitln tl = I lihed bar and wire show no Improt rutul and nail all weaker Theater 1 age of qtl Mlallon > for various kltds of Iron and itttl Ii3 tar ant Tower than I In July 06 per tent hither thin at the lowed l xilnt In April and 20 percent lower than In July lad I year A con fireat of situ l tall leakere ritulltd In ao change of policy though purchases English roll bt Mr HuntlngUn for facile delivery and by Canadian road Indicate that AniirUan uiakiri are hoeIng hoe-Ing but ol their natural mark Wilting for fetal trial dipriinite Ins manufactures and ton < llliun In price bay been made totlfect large Ivan trade Ulhtrwlit use market II I grass rally dull without InOlcitloin I ul ban iratiiutiit irlutcUlhi are itlllng at 276 rents for 010 Th only announced rtducti It I a qamtir ol a cent In 10 rim I L I ibettlugi lo 4 ccnti In woolens ehe fill and wlnlr demand li i dluppolnllag though till fairly large for tin season but the eaclal supple mialal erdtri do not appear and great uncertainly prevails ai to spring good No changes ol price ate noted Manufac tureii ara not dlijoitd 1 to produce In ad lint ol lha chaise January I and to in buying only for current need an l uflh wait It li I cuiapltlncd that wool goei Ugnlng at pikti Ixlo tli = part ° of elnaillarnoel I abroad w > Me t < uteU lasts At the lliff astern markets salts I for that week wtrt4U llOO pouudt i < alnit i4M 6W lait year sisal tlObUMtt I In IW1 I j Utermueal hn I iuit < lue < l a horny df Belt for bias liionth ot October and cuitouii receipt ate dlitppolntlngly llxhl Otherwise money raarkiti reflect nlr a flwarhbln < l a cuwllllltl1 demand Ikougb tlae punltl ttductlon of luttrtil ou dp silt may lead lo tout wllhdr < walof cvuotry lauds Kiporli forth past four weeks wttt 10 per cout less than Uilyear whll Import were Y per rent grialtr Failures coutlnu small and for four wetkiindlngOctobtr Solh llalltillti were dJyOSW of which 1494Uwir of maualaclurliig anal fVUI43 of trading louitriu South irnfallnrtt are comparalhcly naall and the darn and wtitem about equal During the loll week fallurei bat betu Z 4Y In the United Ulattl galnit 3M last year and co In Canada agalait M lilt year |