Show T HHlTUHY IN i BHIIW Whit We Fld In Our Kmy Kick Ki-ck in Jes GENERAL ROUNDUP FOR TilE WEEK i IIIIIIK eatu and u 7ws of hIt rerl In h-It nJa ltas 1 I at the TII Curoiiur Taylor anti jury hare I d 1 f ilaml HIPilMilhol I Curl K Iktiilaim llii > iiiiuMn ulu lean w lio w an to lerrlbttr v iintlitil lijr M rook at Uniftann l II mo Hone quarry on Saturday was ilneen their to mi iifvlJeiil No U I me conM Uiallarlitil In tin y rron Tim funeral imlret Mill i e hell belay nl the fanny loMenc superior at IlItIIIilAII l I till Iktekimient 1 wind on II j lkiU mining claim III I Killn a raiion If I nuliif along Ulrlllljr Tu fllllllrl ore lelllj Mm Into the site of I the lilll and guwl rioter and lead ate i has lern l laVe toll Mr lla111squlteangulsis I to letulti and 1 think a that a haw fire weeks ol active wurk will ileinonitrale 1101 fact lint paying ore cilili III vast quanlillet Hear BallnaSallim IrOn Ir-On li the time far every cite to w that the plentiful luirunnillnit their home W cleared trout all rubUili cud 1 more o tpeclally all drcarlnc tegelatlon Tlieilfemufoilnn 01 all tie hull ant uKntaMef led n torn the irouiiil Mill lu time II Iclt eipoteil ratiteellluvlaianil oltonoiilpartlrleitn sloe I and l ml < will tli alinof phrrv which thereby IKCOIIKI tool nml uiillt lor our lunge carrying will It grrmsuf diseases hut I out old 1 ynuliit about ilolkO w Itluml n gitat deal dllllculty The peuple I liaiu no noel ot Inviting such eiicmlci allI l to also encourage thou to linger around their homcf Nephl Courier A sad mew of drowning It reported iron Aurora In this county A little ion ol Mn I tales llronllier wm the victim the child In companr with other children was playing near the main canal which looses I In dontiil the uunte alit In tome unaccuuntatile tutu n mr fell In and was carried liv tin milt current a point nearly i > a quarter of amine a-mine below Tim little one MM not inliMil i until wine Ilineafternard The mother1 still MII tilllful Only last tprlng tier hntWil illell std 1 ihle chill wit lice apple of Iwr eye The funeral ucrurrnl Sunday Hallna Ircn Dr KT lloifonl and wife root vi lilt n ery unfortunate aixldenl on lift Friday evening They wen walking north en Main street and looking at the Demo clIo torchlight loceerlon 1 when by mining their fooling they fill Into Hit aqueduct The doctor had three I ribs 1 broken while tilt wife dllooateJ her I arm 01 t broke thabonealioirelLeiilunw So one UlliJ with 1011I nut tin night very lark they lay In I Ilia creek tone tllnti before h illttanra came tJtraniteri passlag by heanl granule and pulled them out When taken lining medical anli 1 lance was wiled and llmlr Injuries atlemUdlu Mn lloiford 10 I cull In a liadcondltlonand ettn more terloui trouble U I anticipated Mantl Mevui ger gerThe elide Territory uf Utah lllbe a gainer from tint adicrtlilng In the InlcrCkean by the Hear Itlver Canal Company Ills I lomelhiiitf that Utah hailant felt the lnel 1 uf Uc look to see Corlnne lurroanded 1 by a better and more progressive farming ronimu silly than any other town In Utah at a recoil of hit Uonmi I adtertlilnt There are thomanli of young farmrri In the Kail i 1 who If lully linlnicttl ai to limo a toanlrgea of faruilhg In tlttli would comi In I the Territory lilt only aqnetllon uf pulling lie Infurmatlon t shore them In the proper > 11111 > e tithe ti-the writer Iwhhbed out In Ilior rulumni host week Utah agrlrulliire hm I Leta I i sadly negltvleJ Ihrr4 mutt U a vlguroniih I kliigui otliernlM It alit not bo lung when Hull Hill ire l held up before thin orll at IhI leant l prujtrentt airlcullnral state In the Union It I Joel such cnlerprlae so It dliplayed by the lion Klter Canal Company Hut 1 I + Nested and badly needed III Utah j III I Juet such enlerprlte that itoutd very r noun ritnlt Iniloubllng Ilia iilcullur < product of Urn territory i Tribune je QltqUlt r < Illg 1loy1 o It Iq I Muring a nov U In the tuck Untlnri k t 1rl i 111 i aJR lie lately took lilt fat shore lu I Onnth + fur cute and hat Ing plcHty of lord I I AI home nun hand 263 lost iprlug roles Mr 1 all elrra and hipped h thorn to Wjowlng I to feed mid rail For hone iklteili pall trom HIIO to 1216 par hundred puunde the average weight I lie lug 333 pound making hue aerugo coat par head 1174 lit Omaha To Mp to Opal Wyo toil an ateruge of ItW f per heul hilnglng Ilio average Boat tat tliote iteeri < t Opal up to Idn Mr Lolfrr tools quite rontldent of waking t rp lIt elilpplng of Neliraila mitts to Wyoming a prolUitle hutjniit ad file uicfn I il iIiia lien deiMltur vIII IN Vloitlr watcheil l hy I cattle ralienTrlh uuu fliiiridar tat lid week W W ban dertone o III k CltVi lemllrg lUlryiucn ffturpiij borne lron al extruded trip through the iprrilory I in iurch of ihoroughhied JIrIfY inlluV < H > wiwith fr which to Impruro the quality ol the 1 I pmlnr of his dairy At lroo he inerveiMIn nnfllnf whet lHO xtnlfl I amt 1 p r hilifil wt4iil 1 treat e hleh lie lon hl IKHIM ollli him coal 1 thnntfu which he iropur to bnlM up the reputation I I rep-utation ol hit dairy until It li wood 1 lo none Mr Sandtte le l cmivlixvd that the milk uta JrIMy ewe U I tli wry Ivit I In lbs world lor family uv and that 1i l the Incite 1 he desires In I irrnre lie I I It I Ihaehl tlBel with lira itch iwnliaml anil tIlhIdhltnf rnitvnirra Hllliijrw wllh him that at I given al I rich hJlk the lertey I raw < Abe nrt t A-be Uatn lleronl Ttivrrttular raeelluy of the Countv llultlcnllnrnl wrMy nai hold I at the raniilynxirt IIUUM tntcrday lint Amtln preeldlng alto J II Taggae Dietary Alter the wine Ixiilnitt i howl tee dl potedoa nitnibrr of the Vhtlemen pleat made Ulrl adlretee III regard lo winter Meik urging the hlMUIIIr of rendlUK > om Illtratur nlnlheraunlt Mrt I > tliiaTE 1 lnlhK mill 1 liming lUller were sp 1 pihitwl as a tot 11I11I111 to Malt on tint uul soot lo morrow Die torlctv 0 111 hull ll Is neit inwllng on the lint Sttunlaylii I lioemlm llrrald YIJ nornlng about M oclock Pratt WMMII 11o It 1 year otd oii et 1 F U UaU > > n H sJo lM1 it tf ml 1 oAr by 111111 thioon under a waling ellihttrain at flntah The 111 leg I wof cut ulr blw ern the knee and ankle Olden Jol > t S t Tribune I T IViiln ton of llUhop Furrln of Lilat m ao with a Milnut accident lie le I Ualf Ininioiitory and clue out ding tome IlilrtylUe lullee from blue llway tie I Mm thrown frym lililione idthe animal fell npun him lie MII Iruuvlol to Ogden llr bolo allended bum and found Unit 1Ie left arm Mae broken at the allxiw and Ibat the lliub aidlilwatnlNuwt The lioith end uf Cacho ninntr It 1 bewmlng noleil for II l gas well A hurt dilauce below SmltlillelJ there are 10 or three fauilllea who utlllie natural gai fur lighting and heating pun I OKI and tact tore 10 another How of gae rat truck by llaeie tllawion who was airing mi aneilan sell on Jehu Hinge hues farm near Tmitmi i r reaching Ivpthot 4IVi loot K ttow ut teat 1 Mat trek which when Ignited shut llama lllteeu f trot Into the air It It i lleted Ih1 Vat abound lu that refton and further attempt will be made 1 totecur Newc Yetterilay morning 7 oclock It era covered that theullng hail taken 11 ictiittho Union depot freight yards last night about 8 oclock tln result icing a badly Meuuded man It tetiua mint thualury uf the annulled lain whoa mm li I C A llanleU and whir laciiol reiideiuo la Halt Lake City that ho i lea I poor man on hit way lu liattli oiintalnMhvre he had teouietl a 1 wil llun In hotel Itelng without money ho lleott ted lo boat lili May west over haHuulhern 1aclAc Ae he lepiol lulu an empty clock car Itea 1 r i IOU Ihe oulhtrn Iuclllc watcliinin flrq < 1 a shot at him which ttruck him In the right hi p The train vice Joel pulling out and hte wm carried far along the road before 10 Maidltcoyered He was then taken 10 1roiuontorr waerelie wat laid chianub UIII back tu Ogdeu being placed In the cloy hotpltal It Will late In the day when the surgeon finally attracted Hie bulls The wounded nun It in a pro ariout romllilon but with the chance ho I hit favor The man whop la I alleged lit the booting It Joteph II Mclnlyre who has fur several monthi been cui iloteilat Malchman In I the Uouthcrii aiinc yards lla cur placed under arrest upon the ttaleiiient of the taunted tan and la I held awaiting developinente Its nay that be taw tome ono Hemp Iliac to gel on a Southern Iaclflc car and shirr calling bin 110 get oar tlraul a hal it the air 1 tofrlgbten him lithe man nose hOI1I was with an accidental or liming aliot or the man wai slut by time one else I Tlm wounded man WAS cry weak hail night from Ion of blood hunt teemed bright 111 tic man of genii ppcaranir probably about 26 ears ol geOgilen Uepl 8 I Trlbuua I ee IIleull1I lfili to nevouineti lielluluex tee I vlinvi ihrohlc diipopila and great i tulnry i i HooJe lartapaillla li the leiawl I It tuna the stomach crcilei an HpiHilllo I nndgUea l o rfllill I tu lust It makee pure tloo ami gives healthy I action to nil Ilio nrp mn of the lIy Take Ihstd le fur llootla I Sareapatllie I Ci in llooilt Illli Imxiniv lie favoilleca harllc with tI iery one who OIaa deem He u t A fumlni llouli SiiperliitviidentDiilyuf Ilm llalrWvtt loll the writer Hilt week that hue big I ore hour had been rompleled and now contained a large quantity of tintclan ore but that at jet no shipments liAl been made He alto toted that clung tonnfgeof nioiulcUinork haJ Icon hunieirtl auto lncruI Oil Ihf tliiuii lot lon centiHtloi ai iiiunai Ilierompanya mill ttathiilll whicli l would hues I cathy In Ilietprlng nipuitibla The plan snot style of the mill lu U I trerled haul Inol at yet heck thoroughly detprmliml > U but llh11I would In all probability La a iouiiter > art nf the Iuclurd mill I In them Tlnllc mining dlttikl I which lomblnti I bulb foncentrallon and amalgimatltin and lieu given the mint yelled J I tallifai llon of any mill In Iliu territory Mr Daly 1 laid It was hit Intention to rout ilrurttlm mlil this fall but lie found Hiat It was Impottlble to Cory out lilt pim before the < tep mow mid rough weather should overtake bum and II atdrildrd not to commenceconilriio lion unlll In Ihe iprlng when the work roll loe I prosecuted lo better ujvuntage in I erery particuitr Tin nine Jr holy l sale I It Booking rtin rkny well Hin llirreitlic longer any oh oiPal la lit future y jln i tact de Vr6pi cnl > lucre Icon prottcuted l to an extent that protetlt 10 Lea Iwnatia 2 and another big and 1 rich proturer to l > e jUfJ la 1 HK already long Hit JsnJIri lath ereilll el Park lIylIttOrd |