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Show pee ' s, IN TERRITORY Provo ho and another big and rich producer to bo liat f tending he wonted aiid to the already-to-ng ami purchuiied hood' ohichjje'fto the credit of Pork City. Rtvortf. brought Iitrmr with him, ond through TfeoaR((vlax rrwlmtws. woJuee BRIEF. of bis dairy.- - At in 'fimlitig hat n hich he pro(Koca to bill Id upC tti ot In dairy until-f- t i aocoud to none Mr SandereK convinced that Wbit We Fliid In Oar Ssis? El the utnk of cow i li very beat m the onrtdior family use, anil that i changes. tt,e tiaikf lie dee i re to secure, He i thoroughly satisfied with the thick jpurihaeed and it posilite thathi many customer will agree with him that at j giver ol u.li milk, the feraey cow cannot be beaten Kecord PCS THE WEEK. GEIEBAL BOMD-U- P Ttie regy'ar meeting of 'the County Horticultural not lelv a held at the county teurt house lesterdar, Mr. 1). i --J rum and Osirril tairat to Our Reader frjin of the Territory. Inina, After th secretary. Ni agf routine business OornWior Taylor ami a Jury the Sealh uf far! F. v advisabiliiv of sending into the taunt). Mrs. P. A, Du, T. E. Virsitis and George Bailey were appointed ns a oiu unties to wait on the touut) tourt to morrow, The society will hold it peat meeting on the first hale d Berg-tori- u, male Voters-Th- at ure Will Be; ATTENTION ; ! The Republican and Democratic Heada Barters Hoods it Have suspended buslnfii since the va tJ Makes Pu re Blood serenity at the result, the latter buoyed up with quiet, trustful resignation. - Not so with is-Go- od v jr ' I ei iMa had Wen disposed ofT number of tbe tier) t lit gtulleuien present made brief aJJre-se- s lu regard inter weik, urging the eoiue-hterat- Citizens; and All Fe- - The President Wednesday WueJ the following proclamation The American people should gratefully render thanksgiving and praiaejo the Supreme Ruler oi the umyere,whuwatched over them with kindness and fostering care during the year that La passed, they vhould also, with hmuilitv ajid faith, supplicate I he hither of att uiercias for continued blessings and according to thair needs, they should, by deedaof chanty, seek favor of the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Therefore, I, (inner Cleveland, preswleut of the I'tiiUkl Stale, do iieieliv appointanJ set apait Thursday, the 29th day of , 1m4, as a dav or th uiksgning aud piayer, to be kept and observed by all the people of tb kml. Witness piy hand and tkwseal of the United States, which I have caused to be hereto affixed Dmeintbn city of Washington, on the 1st day of November, Iti th year of our laird, 1894, and ef the mdeiemJnee of the Unitea State, tin 119th. , Gum a Clrv elamj. W. J. Gresham SecreBy the tary of &toie. J.ev H 1 t Scrofula U I. Hood "It to arttfe Th1 radicate. tswoll. Mam pleasure that I glv jou the stoUs ei eur Hula Mafs stskaaoe and ter return le health by the ae el Mood's Hartapanila. as was taken dews with Ow, A NT A C Paver and a Bad Couah. following this a sore same ea kw right side between tbe two lower rib. U e ikon Ume broke ea the Wt ride. Stic would take whee w hod apsese. spells ol sore nouth icd din evereomlus thin she would suffer with an The Childrens Genii. His Jii- - the unfortunate man ohoeanro teiriblv Nilui.luvm lleceuibei Herald uck crushed tiy a ro k at Langtons lime Yesterday u urning about 8 o'clock orrupUoa. e ' MM tfOBH tone quarry on Saturday ires due en- iruuk Wtuaon, the U n ( 3. Count veil Bn NewYotk.hoy. ho blame could accident. F. W. tirely to an had a leg cut Blank, H count! of Ihe great-- . iisruian altMorerere-sef- o to any person. Tbe funeral off by being thrown under a moving stateninn, is a guest of ths Victoita hoat the family treighWrain at Uintah Tbe left leg tel. Concerning the political eflect the asaieweraeu an trsaastMit tstisd to gt b services oill be held y I biwa tw use Maud SsrespartU. residence ic Superior ad htion -- Jerald, vrascutuffbetw eeu the knee and ankle. death of the war would have in Europe rsllM wiitil iwhall toltl w avl4 sm AT T H E-- i the count said he had nothing to say. We obhs4 tnwu aks " 6th. He said he visited Aiusiia and was touch fea tsksn tor kottla. how L looks no Ogden Dept 57 L Tribune. TtM Bloom fef Health T. F'errin, sou of Bishop Femti of iutpressiuii with ike mining operations Development not k on R J2 BalT that he- - saw there. He thought the and I fat os with a serious accident. He United Slates was mining claim in Salma canyon is going Eden, met great ceuntiy, and shv too nuefe along lueirilv. Too funnel are being is located at Promontory ami while out ths more he saw of it the better he liked Mbs. AM. ' driven into the aloe of the hill and good ridtug,, some thirty-liv- e miles from the it. Before he goes home he will visit yn proupUy ad Hoods put act Culm and the Bahamas. ttotantly. so tn Bvsr and bowtis. tao. copper and lead ote lia Iieeu taken out. railway, he was thrown fryiiu lus horse Mr. Ball ii quite sanguine aa to reault and ttie animal fell npeu blus. He was A FEW and thiuka that a few more week of brought to Ogden. Dr. Gordon attended active work will demonstrate the fact him and found that his left arm was that paying ore exist in vast quantities broken at the elbow and that the limb FRESH FRUITS, was dislocated, New near Balina. Salina Frees. Off THK ee to The north end of Cache county is Jiow la the time for every one Ia full blast, and his assistants In establishment will be kept busy that the premises (urrunnding their Uecomiug noted tor Us gas well. A n VEGETABLES. and all cleared from house be rubbish short distance below Southfield there stock of delivering toChimney Flues and Housetops his more especially all decaying vegetation. are two or threw families who utilise The decomposing of all the fruits and natural gas for lighting and heating purFull Stock of Confectionery, " vegetables left upon the ground, will ip poses, and last week another Bow of gas Kavsvii.ls, Utah, Oct. 28, 1894. Summer Drinks,- - Tobaccos and In order to correct a report tht has time, if left exposed, cause effluvia and was struck by Reese Clawson, who waa Freshest Stock and a possibly been circulated I wish to say to Cigars. poisonous particle to rise and mix with boring au artesian well on Jehu 1 am Lowest Prices in Coalville. mv friends and acquaintance that farm near Treutnn. Ci reaching a the atmosphere, which thereby becomes of one of the famous Home purchaser on From now the of the Year, Postwill take a week for foul and unfit for our lungs, carrying a depth of 468 ieet a flow of gas was Comfort Ranees. I find it to be every. with it germs pf diseases that ol j and (track, which w hell ignited, shot a flame thing claimed; first class in baking. econmaster, Mr. Bower, to stockings large enough for in fuel, and everything in con- young cannot dodge without a great desl fifteen feet into the air, It is believed omising venience that a housekeeper could ask of difficulty. The people have no need that gas abounds iu that region, and for tor what it is intended, From exIRST JCLiSS 1CCOMMOD1TIOI of inviting such enemies, and to also further attempts will be made to secure perience 1 safjly assert that those whe Q buy Ahem will neverhav cause to regret encourage them to linger around their il. N'ewa. Mas. A. H.Wisstu, it. OR TOURISTS AID TRAVELER U homes. Kepfil Courier, 7 waa r Yesterday morning at oclock it Mr. R. Masskll, had taken A ead case of drowning is reported discovered that m (hooting Joeig Kimhxth, Mas. R. B arris. from Aurora, in thia county. A little place at the Union depot freight yard Rates ia Keeping With till Times. son of Mrs. Jabes Broadhead was tbs last night at about 8 oclock, the result " Look at The Sam ex with seem in man. wounded a It victim, fhe child, company badly being Provo, Utah, Bapt. 28, 1894.' This ia other children waa playing near the from tbe story of the wounded man, to certify that tha Home Comfort Range, Ire. Ljdlt E. lalker, --Jroprlitresi. -w iii of ia the and hose which whose front Daniel A. name maincanal C. No, 64, purchased from W. B. Bmitha, passes -house, and in some unaccountable man- place of residence ie Salt Lake City, that salesman for the Wrought Iron Rang ia all tue salesman claimed lier fell in and Was carried by the swift be is a poor man on his way to Battle company, for iu It takes lea fuel, cooka quicker Summit County, Utah. current to a point nearly a quarter of a Mountain, where he had seeured a posi- and ia far superior to any stove I have mine below. Tbe little one was not tion in a hotel. Being without money aver used. I recommend it to all my jmissed until some time afterward. The he attempted to beat his way west over neighbors, 1 wonld.net take $100 and do OSCAR P. LYONS, H aw. , Mat. min mother grief waa pitiful. Only last the Southern Pacific, As he'riepped without We cheerfully endorse the above. spring her husband died! smd this child into an empty stock car be say tfial th Mrs. Evcunr Bokrrtt, ; Notary Public aid wav the apple of her eye, The funeral Southern Pacific watchman Mbs. Arms Hcoquist. firqd a shot A. Mr. J. Warmer, at him, which struck him in tk .right occurred Sunday. Salina press. Collection! Promptly mad on Mrs. Emma Warmer. Dr. . T. llosford and wife mat with a hip. The train waa just pulling out and Commission. ' carried far along the road before Allem Likes It Dr. very unfortunate' accident on last Friday he waa --iQ evenlngrTheywerf "walking 'north'on he war discovered; Me waa then taken j Tllovo xruhr Octr6: i894.-Th- rM OflbMtB th Main street, and looking at the Demo- to Promontory w fears be was laid off and months ago we purchased a Home Com " fort steel range, and It baa given u enrOSTOFFICE BULDIMG, cratic torchlight pocession when by ant bark to Ogden, being placed in th tire satisfaction. waa late in the day, miaaing their footing they fell into the city hospital. It Dr. S. H. Alls ard Wirt. Summit Coaaty, Utah. Peea, extracted the aqueduct. Thd'doctor had three ribs when the surgeons finally She 0ag ht teloow. broken, while hi wife dislocated her nil let. The wounded man ia in a preHENRY SHIELDS, ' SFrimos, Feb. 5, 1894. This arm and broke the bone above tbe elbow. carious condition, but with the chance ia to been have I that using the Bo one being with them and the night in his favor. The man who it ia alleged Homecertify Comfort rante manufHctured by did the shooting i Joseph II. McIntyre, very dark they lay in the creek somv (he Wrought Iron Range company of Bt, time before assistance came. Strangers who has for several months been em- Louis, Missouri, for thrlast three year, as watchman in the Southern and I take pleasure in stating that it has OU WILL RECEIVE TICKETS ON EITHER SILVERWARE OR OUR WARRANTED, passing by heard groans and pulled them ployed : ; tatisfsetory in every City. out. When taken home medical assis- Pacific yards. If was placed under proven entirely Cold Filled Elfin or Waltbam Watches, which yon get FREE after purchases have been made to J ft and consider the best I prrticular. tance was called, and their Injuries arrest upon the statement of the wounded range that I have ever used. A given amount 'And in addition, EACH DOLLAR SPENT ENTITLES YOU TO ONE a. w. 4. KAOiMMi. wteta i. Mrs. M. II. BiARbRLsr, attended to. Mrs. ilosford is still in a man and is held awaiting development. CHANCE GUESS, and if you guess right, you may take home and own forever our CLEOPATRA Rio Grande Western Dining Station, bad condition, and even more serious Ha says that he taw come one attemptMAGINNIS& WEBER, size an exact duplicate of the one by that name exhibited at the Worlds Fair. life This DOLL, trouble is anticipated. Man ti Messen- ing to get on a Southern Pacific car and LAWYER. The Asylam flat Dae. is is and seen Doll finest this ever the at was thA numbered woilh in It the 35fired off a abot to county, after him factory, calling get ger. Provo, Utah, Sept. 30, 1894. This Roosu rn, cm Slid SSL llt Loan StM number being concealed by parchment, and no one huows or will know its number until the com' hnn. to man If the in tbe air frighten certifies that tha now in use in The whets territory of Utah will be , CuuiiBi BttiidiBa, with au accidental or onr institution ha rang mittee appointed remove the parchment and award it to the gucser whose number corresponds or proven entirely satisa gainer from that advertising in the was ahot, it was UTAH is OODEN abot tor was man shdt cooked twe lias the or hundred and by factory, nearest to the number on tbedollv The doll is numbered between i aud 3,000. In case of ties, glancing Inter-Ocea-n by the Bear River Canal me on else. The wounded man waa fifty people for some time past, I recthe ties will guess at a concealed number. Utah that is It BEEWER. eomelhing Company. weak last night from lota of blood, ommend it si first blast in every par- yylLUAM ticular. Jambs Dorn, has long felt the need of. Wc look to vary - THE ELEPHANT, JUMBO, WILL BE AWARDED ONTHE SAME PRINCIPLE- - see Corinne surrounded by a better but teemed bright. He ia a man of good Btaward Insane Asylum. lublle, Netary about 25 years of as the DoU, taking your choice to guess for either. Thexagacious Jumbo will shake-hi- s head, and more progressive farming com mu appearance,, probably He Hone Like the Comfort. S. L, his his Tribune, and move answer his trunk Ogden age. without Dept, ejaes-tiojiRsasoaabM. PHM by signs baggage), as (without checking s CoUscttoas lliuta. town in Utah opening other than any nity Alamoosa, Colo., Feb. 15, 1894, Thia rr , mouth, for Jhree hours at a stretch. result of this vigorous advertising. certifies that 1 purchased from the r Diimiw The guess boxes will ready to receive guesses on and after Novemlier tith up to DecemThere are thousands of young fanners Wronght Iron Range company a Home Lends to uevousuess, irstfulneu, Comfort steel range. No. 64. eight venr Doll and Elephant in our window every Saturday evening from 6 can see Children ber this .in the Fast who. if fully Instructed 31st. chronic dvspspsia and great ago, and I find it to be the best cooking to the a I vantages of farming in Utah, misery. Hoods td 9 oclock in the months of November and December. The ladies of Coalville and visitors from Sarsapaiilla ia th stove 1 have ever used in my house. It would come to the Territory. It Uonly remedy. it tone the stomach, create has neither warped, cracked nor burned adjoining settlements may see them by request at any time. as goed aa the day I a question qf putting' the information au appetite, and gives a relish te food, out, and is y OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, OUR STORE WELL LIGHTED, NIGHT AND DAY, par blood and gives healthy bought it. For saving of fuel it line no before them in the proper shape. As it makes sod tU Ps- action to all the organs of the body equal convenient, lakes Cvts.aa4 and quickly and these columns out In writer lor tbe you will find WARM and COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER, mom, noon and night. We Ooocs.rr fftt. conduct pointed Take tiooda lor Hoods 8reprUl evenly, needs no repair. Too much (M StniMta last week., Utah agriculture hat been Corks, , cannot be (aid of the Home Comfort, l do not catch your trade by naming a half-doze- n leaders or bails, but by charging a fair live and let eurw .A ... ... neglected. Tber4 must be eadly Hoods Pills become the favorite ca- have moved it over aeveral states sail motatroas Will fenni1 mortri 4flttifi on in live percentage our stock, and list more goods, giving lowest figures in black and Jliwl, r every item will never part with it. i recommend it oot, Um ol ttoL We adTiM, 9 p. vigorous shaking up, others iee It wjll thartic with every one no, triesTliem, no to matter kind what all, .of a atove white of aujustpre in this county. WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT IN DECEMBER -- not be long when Utah will be held up 2 tor t hey rn ay be ji s i ug.JLJj aYitkLA- before the world as the least progressive CALL AND POST YOURSELF YOU WANT TO SEE A FEARLESS PRICE LIST. IF A Comlnl Bontsii Y la PartleRlar BaUafactery agricultural state in the Union. It Is Every DOLLAR." Dety-Weshow W'will YOU of A SPEND BEFORE SnperinteiidenfTSily the you goodl aud give you prices with pleasure, , Filuiobi, Utah, Ang. 2, 1894. Thia just such enterprise aa is displayed by told tbe writer this week that th big o. C. is to certify that the Home Comfort Owe. PATiHT OmCI, WS"SdTOW, "The Bear River Canal Company that ia ! ore bouse had Been completed aud now range, purchased from M. U. Cottrell, IMM needed and badly needed in Utah ; it is contained a s salesman for the Wrought Iron Rang of quantity large would that very i just such enterprise ore, but that as yet no shipments had company , Bt. Louis, Missouri, baa proven in every reepect and yr soon result in doubling the agrjkultura been made. He also stated that a satisfactory large pan chew Billy recoin med to spy intendfeT. -- product of the territory .Tribune. second-clas- s of rock been had r tonnage ing purchaser. TIN-SHO- P. ie InLetter of Bi(j Pjney, Wjo., hoisted and placed on the Bump joj- con- BisqurTitoa. O. Callmtbr Qttq Wirt. troducing a novelty in the stock Unei nen. centration as soon aa ths company's mitf Tha Ladle' Like H Tee. He lately took his fat steers to Omaha was built, which would he as early in Home-mad- e Tinware, Stove $&l? P0UCLS sous. PaovsOtfV, OwL 6, 1 894 .Thia la to (or sale, and having plenty of feed at ihe spring at possible. The plan and Bath e been have Tubs, Garden that a certify Pipe,' using Home PostofBee address, Iloytsville, borne, purchased 253 last spring calves, style of the mill to he erected had not Comfort steel range, No. 64, maunfac Galvanized Iron, Sprinklers, U steers, and shipped them to Wyoming tored been Summit th Iron determined Wrought County. Utah, by thoroughly yet Range com upon, Zinc, Copper and Sheet-Iro- n , llKffLTV I.MM'ECTyUI, to feed and raise, For .hose calves h but that it would in all probability be a psny of St. Louis, Misaouri, for tbe past six month, and we find It to b just aa Work, etc., made find RbrC. SUtfibetiih neutfur, tti ui m U g, I'inh. pail from (1,60 to 2.15 per hundred counterpart of the Packard mill in the represented in every particular by the Dftri4 IkvHh Hoy&iU0,5Riiuiuit to f Cteh, , BeRepaired by weight Tintic mining distiict, which combines salesman. A first data cooker, a inform pounds, the arerage . cost the 333 easv to and both pounds, average concentration making baker,, and ' ing very manage amalgamation, very ! brocktoh, mass. in fuel. W would not part C. per head $0,74 at Omaha. To ship to and has given the tuast perfect satisfac- economical PECK, with other for we it know of range any Bailtl w9t f .1 - Opal, Wyo., cost Ail average pf .ft. 98 tion of any mill in tha territory Mr. consider Rone of th1est Inrd, per heed, biinging the average cost of Daly said it woe bis intention to vestment that we have made (or an k those steers at Opal npto$8,72, Mr. lh milt this fall, but he found article (or otfiettio nod. Shop, one block east of Stake . Mag. Aanacw Hoi oawa v, - Leifer feels- quite confident of making that itirpossible to carry out hi House. Coalville, Utah. Mb. Amorxw a Hold - this shipping of Nebraska calves to wat, before th 4eeP now and rough fof xtreetb. SSJ A Werd ef Praise. Irrigation Gauals and Hitches, I Wyoming a profitable business, and fos weather should overtake him, andjt Qf Mbcr msi . denkr cnot M. D7, be E. HOSMER, will JAMES new commence w constructo departure decided as Hi not yucepss jn fbjs City Property and Zarra. Mamti, Utah, March 14, 1894. I Dealer, hoM asms per ton, shortly appear closely watched by cattle raisjra, Trib- - tion until in th spring, when tha work cbeerfollv say a Word of praise in addi- here. Agents snti- - APPy at Construction, Mining. Railway . tion to tbe many who have ql ready exFkydotaa sal iargeea, , pne. poold be prosecuted to better advantage Slrlcklff I d pressed their satisfaction for the merits " - CONVEYANCER. W. week W. 'San o every in, this of particular. Home th Comfort range. Have found Thursday Tka Chicago, Cnion Fotific ami NanUCity and qaaraatlae Fhyilelao. ia a mine. best ccoeda-tianThe X 6fr. Daly says, looking open a practical test that tbe range is astern Line offer tb dera.ony of Park Citys leaning dairymen, Plans, Maps and Specifications. fully a good as you to the (reveling Pobl.e enoutet returned home from q extended trip rcnmrknhlv wel and there jt wd longer in every respect Coalville. and . Satisfaction V-re Accuracy tis'us, fast time, represented it before purchasing it, and Through No delay in loading teams. through the territory m search of uy doubt at to its future ; in (act, de- consider it one of the best investments Chicago. dincan, elegant sleeping magnificent 53Charges Modern sy thoroughbred Jersey ipiJeh- - eowa with velopments hv been prosecuted to fen I have ever made for an article U do- ing care, colonist sleepers, reclining ckalr In offlee at all hours except when Coalville, Summit Co Utah Plenty Good Coal on Hand on bu&ines. OS' on Main itreet. Flrmmamd Alder. which to, Improve the quality o( thei extent that proves It to be bonana mestic nee, core and handsome day cootbes. rte-ulei- il. HE A D Q U ARTE RS year-old-so- HoodsSSiGufes. ' : i ' Jos. Hartley. Bargain Store, . COALVILLE, TESTIMONIALS a that running tnu large Toys and Holiday Goods Bing-liam- . until PEOA HOUSE. First It knit our onr F And Mechanical r tpsoa; Li-ell-a ffiejanctA) The Doll to th Girls, the Elephant to the Boys. For Every Dollar you expend for our i attob Park ' iuEnr, MATCHLESS BARGAINS, t - Hafr. -- s le s, to-ia- - Ji . c.a."s?iovaco. si Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. first-clas- W. L. Douclas ab - - 53 shoE-- HEBER GUNN, Step InspedorSuniitCo effftsisa I4. M -- Joseph Jones, TINNER. cen-stru- ct bjisSSSrj3,rsfm a - J. L E, flittaH For Sale ' Land Surveyor.jAt ; the Mne smuhTiDt. sVfLump Stove 1 . - C i' t te.i $2.00 1.50 ' 4 , |