OCR Text |
Show Uoivtttity of Utah SIIBSC1IEE FOR THE TIMES. A PATRONIZE VOL. NESI fl E 0OA-- JL PAPER, COUNTY ADYERT1SI ' DUVOTLij 'iO HOME I. A.31TX5 2wi:OIK3.A.J- - jCOVISTTIES. RD REACH Patronize Home IEE PEOPLE. Industry. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2894. SUMMIT COALVILLE, - - ENT'EgSTXivFS' C. Ti-II- THE TIMES. I I " is IfO. 39 J. NEWS OF THE t U-- UNIT'. fit ' O. I t 6f ti UiiK Hotel Ihnjl-Bf!glit'Mtte- Gathered BY OUR ALERT I t 1 i a. k, CORRESPONDENTS, l.4.i U 4 nil Im i'oi s vi a i . -- Ua pn 4 Hi It K ft ft t ii t .iOj The election lit Oahlev paused nil vu quietly, with the following icault- Delegate to Congress Cannon. 2), Rawlins, l -- t i t i ii i In; til -- i v ig 'i t t l d. III ( upturn .''.I i' I' Ili phv c I, t II - in I . .1 111 O' in-- pt i tor i I -- at i e - ill'll . - i linn t t vv i ut bti-ti- e 20, Delegate to CuslitiiUuii (miuiiti ill 2l Keith, 22, Keainn, 2!, l.hlriilji-Mutdu'lull ll. 24, CliamU'M, 2lj Dock, 20, Tallon, IK. 24 J Mtiklei Commiasiunurs Robinson, 24 , C. Lv man, 2t , I'. Griffin J. Fvuns, 21 ; I, Gieavc County Clerk Norltivo t, 21 , Ml - 1 flout - iht t W h till V t ' v II vv t t i !l i . -J f It i IV 4 1 CtMHUtMA. , IT i urns give BnJJ, an m , (or g,. vernal plurality ; Reputilii.aiisele.-- t d out o i bp 7 ronjrtossnun.' iiMMni -- It! 1. it lit Ltkl i -l vv tt 1 I, ill J I , SI. . t I I , ( It III t , t i ' v, 1 ot KI. ReiublicanliHl have won. miters 1 ! i lti 't,lh' 11.1 ballot I'll M. 2 0 h i -- tini ! ' Mr.V' Tin had 1 DULul Jjh. a U It u premia- hlv ad la tee return- - imremung this tium-r P 257, a hie b, it reab.ed will leaie be Republican1 a luajorm of 99 The senate eciorbi g to tti latest re-- , 1m, ,, .I,.., a ill eland sj Repnltlicans, 40 0 Ri'jatl t at an I doubtful, 11, I - a r t!u,- - 1. ,nmg tbe ! t mtv ut power in tht .toms of the IhjjpuljM. Wloilivo. ,muit, tr !, - la Wyoming F ft, M mdeil, Re ., v-a U icbiir Is fs i i , vuatrul bum tie." Rep'de gia (i.ura of tne K ,'nkiture l5 on joint Jcseph biamee !!- ,1 lltkl 11 Reltutd.cahr Je th, u t autl ICvtiiU lit MuniatU amt MorcMii Uuilt-- liurtiig the Pul fk. Pie , mil, ,4 vUejiouet A , 1 41 r . N : Daiht In , James D. M. tli. Nm .11 e, u i! .till 1. -- All Republl-candldat- I i ! ftttutiimrx of I t n la lam to niil.iik the poseffice safe, which he refused do, n.J tl,ey shot Lim full of hole. Ttseyrobbed the store and post-ff- n e. Officers are ia pursuit. ' m The- - elect. ix Republican congressmen, with 1,18 rMU,t 61 the Third (till doubtful. he I W hearl, H th. Tbe legislstura w ill ba heavily Reptile ! ' etc il.o !aut ie,ui.,s of lickn, 5,115 plurality. The latest esti, i,- - f mate etthevete is that all the the rrni"f hJ Lnnmio throoghont lor congress teem to ntr Stalo tl e I htel id'-n- i j will L tlieent u estate ticket b,' plurality' ol 12,fHl, tbe lower house is Kepulilu an but tbe Item iciuls bare a imij .rity it the Reuate aud will control on joint ballot. HkI Ii and bland are da- feated. Kcssys. R pnbb.'iins elm the entire state to ket and 59 out ofJS'j hue rubers oi tbe IcgiMiiture, TKSSvlsa Idittwdtpht37Nov;-Xftiihim- 5 The Dally List ot Crimes, CasoaHles, 7 and Other Feis Memphis, Nov, 7. Th Commercial claims the election f Pter Turney (Dem.) for gvernor by 3,000 plurality. Chairman Corroll, of the leuioi-ratistate committee, Jeuies FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. moat emphatically that ba Has conceded the election f II. C. Evans (Rep.) Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 7. Official re- All Ut Important of IVr Wuk turns show that 78 Democrats have ( a4BMd V row (h(null Latawt Tol(ra.hlc been elected to the legislature witk eev Dispute'll eral counties to hear from which gives Democrats control in both house and the flection ef a United Elate knmktr Sad. senator. VIKOIVIA. ft train is ruhledltoUitiufsippi, Alexander III., Czar of Russia, is dead. Richmond, Va., Nov. 7. Chairman Ellison has just received a telegram Flavin loses his flght with Daly on a saying Hist the eighth district baa gone foul. for Walker (Rp.) by 700 or 800, Survivors of the wrecked M Wairarapa kCHUASSA, tall a story of horribly suffering. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 7. Forty-tw- o Mead quoted at 43,15. Silver sells for counties: Governor Major (Rep,), 63( cents per ounce in New York, 29 6 (19,238; Holcoaib (Fusion), 68,282. d, in Izmdon. Tlier are forty-eigcounties to hear Appeal c -- Leeds, tlie well known Repub! iran pol iwn and of this county It very low andcannot survive th night. Ha It 67 years old. tu Denver, Cole,, Nov. A -- Mr. James D. Scott, wife of th proprietor of th CspitalTurf Enchange, vtnqaiseil three burglars who broke into her house last night, after a desjierate fight, in which she was seriously injured. On burglar was armed with a revolver, on with a lung-shand th third with a billy. With these weapons they raiued blow after blow upon her head, anus and body but site fought so energittcally and raised such outcry that they beat a retreat wnthbut taking any of the jewelry or other valuable lying about. Th battl lasted nearly tsn minntes, but Mrs. Scott did not faint until her aasailaatt had gone. An hour elapsed before ah revived sufficiently to give an account of the affair, Kh is a handsome weraan of 49,,, six feet tall, and weight 200 pounds. 8 he waa alone in the house reading in bed, whan tb barglsrs assaulted her, London, Nov. 4. The American lin steamer Berm, which arrived at Southfrom New York, rvjKirte ampton that ehe experienced th worst weather sine 877 on hr-lapassagts. During Bv dtiy th weather wssspcially bad. Tremendous eae swept he decks aad the jmssengers were locked below part of time. During th height of th storm Third Officer Bremiey was washed overboard snd drowned. Two of th crew were dashed sgaiast the bulwarks and in juied. The vessel sustained little dam- . . age. ot Police Commissioner Andrew of Nw from. accused of before tlie York The fusion candidate will, in all probSmith, 24. " ' 0.1 1 .1 Lexow committee, of frota havea 2,000 to plurality ability, i County Recorder J. in "oluion, L ft ( lull U ( v, St. Louis, Nov. 1. By the breaking of , 7,000. t J. Boy den, 21. - i ii mb. - i on an I i The congressional delegation i cou- the scaffold at an eigbth-sterbuilding I Com-l4 -l (sse-smid i Ji k. tic g j 'County in course of erection at Teli h and loplet Republican. I" ti tin Jenkins, 15, T. J. Miiauijhhn Jn, I. dles-- l tl llm j t ij n cust streets, this a(lriioon. Samael ttOSTASA. i ol.umio. 1). McLaughlin. 4, u known. til II i Moor and Jacob Wener wer killed and 7. Chairman Nov, hi I k 'ioreriur Waite itoucedes the entire Helena, Mont., i. .u rum c li ill County Treasurer J. II Dtimug, 21, Jacob Ens fatally injured. Lant atate that Hartman (Rap.) for U state to the Republicans, O. W, Young, 22. and tin IH lin mi' p'l'itn an aid Nov. 1. OlBcer George Krnm for associate and Chicago, Hunt, (Rep.) congress, - , ii. n i Iopu i 4. sh a.o r i MtMll. 21, County Attorney Tow are undoubtedly sleeted,- - Ile of the Cana! Port avenue police station justice,, E. Street, 21. t mu i! t t hi Dav Jones, tbe hilvtfpirty nominee for claims the legislature is Republican by was shot snd killed at 1 .30 o'clock this D lit ile i ri o Sheriff (1 11a!', 24, J M llmmn; i nlil n governor iseleeled and Newbnida, bllver fifteen on joint ballot. morning at 161 Twentieth street, a place . f ' hard name, k ivf tnoi(T. ill. ret urn t' til - h a blob bm long lioi ne ton, 21. pnrly,fm' Congress 3'b Mlier party casouna. schth - claim their entire licked elected. had to between he ittitrfujr, Nfmbcr tb. where arow stop gone Coronor C. M. WilsonT25, Dr Vlkop uu?ln l The Nev. ty. b 7. Dark r To l,uniboT mi delegaCl, Cotuuihiia, New York, Nov. 3. inmates of the house. Hi body 21. UBin, Lovejoy tion will b made up at follow ut City i in a tivekipei Ri of the Adams- - E spree II Welsh, 3.,V. Anln-balSelectmen Republn an plei t a out of 2l eongysSs- Firet, Elliot; second, Talbott; third, plsrced bv thre bullet. Vie ire awaiting Abe icoilt if Hu men with plnrahty of iWMHK) for bet re- Lat'mer ; fourth, Wilson ; fifth, straight ; Joliet, 111., Nov, 1. tiallus Muller, company, died 26, T, 1nlts, 17. R. Maxwell, 19, foil ir bom eottiilv, umtiiy ant et tier i ' Chicago, Nov. 3. United Fiates clerk ef the Juliet prison, commitchief l 5. Mclanrin ot ; Stoke. State. sixth, seventh, Carruth, 23; Hern, 22,('oiiih-oW it tl W.s' 1 ina I U nnefer w 'lit tolnrk tard p f noon Ill ir P. 0, Hopne, on of th best glv.li Jllti It si. W PUT ted suicide lie was known all Of these, six are alliance Democrat 1K1.IM1. J uetic e of feaoe W.-'jtevonsrul ; day we did not hue ileiimti ii i no, t I on tin Ii p to it on her n kaown asd best respected cilirens of and introduced over the the free and favor silver.. country R. M. Maxwell, 1 1 , A. D. Ri. liHr.la, 1. lhe-a- ll nt- -, w ho laike juper-- , for .nine i m-with typhoid " Republican have Hi nuijoiif y oil joint pin He Chicago, died in the United show the Ntates, returns that systau. later Evans, ilium tbe imlbd ails Rciulili , congress Constable T. T,.' Fraaier, 31 . 17. falfcd to comelo hunt and oulv wild fever, Wishington, Nov, 3. Secretary men In all four nf'tbe congnsional dis regular Dhmoctatie candidal. Is elec- ipeks a durca langttages. Tbe cans of Illinois fiom uifielHtne imiines hive Meathan, 10, T. fiibbons, 1. Sunday i b mbaii I mei till were post- just rendered adecisiondirectiug id is unknown. Wilson ih ilahneil to have been de- ted by 20,090 majerlty over Pope, the the sub tbe cone against Howard, Mr. C. S. Work the present s 'bo jI to ictier cmne to hand, m tu. This f.'o t is jioui 1m ii. on the 4th on ae. Hint ol the irict ; jhat candidate. New York, $vo v. bv 2.000 plurT it v, InH th Iteiuo-na- u Independent dtsjiatch from anoilier rviu n wliv.vve so Mild lime i of Oakley is oil tbe tek list. . be dismissel. ik ( tuifi-ree. , i leneitu was will feated A at Kona. the City of Mexico y information has do not eoucede hts defeat. Toe ii) J h iH and I foil up. felejihonecopiiei senled Nov. 3. There are at that meet mg. Mich., Culuiuet, tknne ol Ms. ftevens lamin is si k at lepii 9 to shows oclock Returns been received there that tbe government up laiiii the SiSte hy 2,0tk), a duel led upon t Ten punt of three aj snow inches over tin entire k this writing. Murphy, Rep., elected t congrss by a of GuaimnalA. UllowiiigU usiml ci'U'ye. to at unit n.ako an lm In hiiP M.MUi VS LlgCo "iue siirti-vImasbJI of 400, .will A about live made bis to last t C. Jensen bis a JR Republican 7 MJ in plurality trip Ihelineixtomled from - 'sgsaiiJiMeei wss fasy tO degrees below the 1 ins total ataiids at lor iNttUsmi-- i uiiD governor ' new home inalt I ghtjCity. ... . probably hav a majority of tha lower city of Gtialomula as to th Msxican tTu" the way of Oakhv'Sf'i Morrill. iii 4 freezing int, college in Ogden, sjn'iit ill New York Mat opiside of Fnllivan hone. Maricopa, county brlofor a Th diplomat held that GuateThe United btales gurveyoi juti lnd j hat will k nous. Morn bf md fl.ikhy i,i1 and Waiiniigton, Nov. 3, The president hi Morgan founty was ,2iW,2i'i of which Morton Democratic' stronghold, gives the Repub- mala's position was untenable, hence their tent up in Wiliei canyon to survey d in tlm niatlei ? Ieoa vvi.l s ttbe ,!. w ilh bu several order of great j. , Wheeler, (MITf'0 : 4 i i i ! , pa rente. lican territorial and county ticket a thst country had withdrawn its troops yesterday signed tract of laud survey til bv tbe Cumn j n iis pot lion of the n.ii.e at on 'lithe " w Mur- conbecUnn Moflon with the civil 153, iu 34tl; epluialityf d,5ll. carloads ' two hundred of 200. tmuetliing ovci l.i h j utners mil dolk tIiediepuld frontier servi e reform movement, Paciflc company some time ago prei i)italeIy-Trosame. Will lbxk-wa- s IOWA. of potatiK from ions uujorit) , 120,238. making im have bun A xul. of e!npiil at lbs territory Agua not receiveJ bv tlie government. p?,i t, Wan-hiilliquid Ct aivillo if .y portant extentioas of ths classified serIkhNTttKV. Del Moines, la., Nov. 7. Congress : here this full? and tin re aie a few more take tin, matter np and bxtend tile line left. vice to offices not heretofore classified M. Clark, Rsp. ; Secfttr4ajr Ntvwibr 3rJ fxington, K),, Nov. 7. The returui First district 8. to the latter plate? Now is tbe turn to and revising th existing classification RusNicholsr is of Czar David II. W. ; G. proclaimed Rep. Third, Carter, Mix llcuui k of Ogden i organ Ding a In Ashland district give Owens 118 ma ond, ait. CH the people together, talk tbe In the brandies all ready classified so as B. Henderson, Rep. ; Fourth, Thomas sia, c ami cIikiiHoh hi Morgan. jmity as follows . -- , matter up and comuiuuie ircelfitg tin) iktas in nm-ito bring with it classification of many CouC Robert ; A Chicago widow ia sandbagged by a Tliecoiiaresmoiittl delegation will aland Updegraff, Rsp. Fifth, he alHted ia the Sunday Hhooicon jiolts w bile tbe goo I wialbet lasls, no place heretofore excluded. Joku F. Lacey, Rep. : woman in her own home. 4 Democrats. and Sixth, 6 was sins, last week tiialslie Republican Rep'; ceit atnpieve(l lK,M' one will bo tbe j,.rer fm what be m.u , A. John Hull, Rep.: Eighth, d of n e we wiTiiraUfry ability. Seventh, Tke general and constitutional elec-- ! doH1 lhl4 ducction and the jvo-oKLAinorv. w ill la 6lfc Secretary Morten suggests retaliation TsMilRy, ebuienie wiiiTr'ble to organise a tsutiirie, O. T., Niav, 7. Returu Irma William Hepburn, Rep,; Ninth, A. L. en German w ines for exclusion of Amer tion held in Ieoa on November Gth was Seven Make the tclejihone u hariu fire take Savannah ships 1 f iiger.Rop. ;Tiiih, J.P. Dotll v r, Rep, ; the hoteSt contested elect ien ever held huge i lacs. icau beef. bor from some unknown cause. lb K K. Vu k. the major portion of the territory make in this precinct, aaa deteinitnaiion on Home step- - are being- taken to start a it positive that Fly nn, Hep,, delegate to Eleventh, George I). Perkins, Rep. Silver is quoted at 6344' cents ia New Chiua asks tbe powers to secure peace sot ih Dakota. not mmikt. the part ol both political parties was, lumber yard and a planing null here. It congress, wid have fully 6,00(1 29 3 16 d. in London, Lead brings hem Japan on almost asy term. York, majority. YaukjtOu, S, D Nov. 7. John A. Pick- 43.1 g Mrs. Howard M ilin au i ,Ml8 Iollv etrlmalyiii nide todo all they could,' rightfully, to that is needed, Two children ia Ohio are horribly The territoral legislature will be very 2's to3. Ri. Gable Rep.; are elected carry the election for their respective Davts, taking advantage of the f.ur and we hope thoe w ho have thenunter I lose with the balance of power In both ier Rp.j K.J. A neigh Ixir boy is arrested on 2. Moi Nov. tons Washington importMi Congress. parties. The registration for the general wcatl.er, went to the uty and are visit- in iletTgewtii receive eneouragemeiit Imuses in the hands of the ed coachman will probably be allow ed suspicion. . WISCONSIN, iopuliit election was 63, out 41 width 68 votes ing relatives tlyere. Nsw England is cut off from cummuni-catio- n enough horn ur ciliaens to go ahead ' Nov. 7. Complete returns to remain in this coumtry. VSMKUrON, Milwaukee, i ami absent five voters were cast, lieing w ith the rest of the The lev ,r patient are thought to lie and cam out Then jilaus. Nov. 7. Ketflrna frtnu over from sixty flveeut of seventy counties in country by a Seattle, 2. Nov. W. John Washington, Bubb, snow blizzard. nit within reach, the regbdiatwn for slow ly on the improve. Nir mew ea-ard Uu hiaof Lcho uneIiaf the Mr. and Mi of Washington-aho- w a of lb state give Republican plurality Fouith infantry has been detailed as sir the reustilutiomvl convention nunilieied reported, An Indian Territory Sheriff shot a were m Mot g ill last witk, that tlie Republican jdtirality will be 54,630, This will probably be iucreased Indian agent at Colville agency, Wash57 and ot which every vote was cast. coudemaseiLmati and was compelled to Mi5ir-- . Josi pli Veinoii, art llfiid his moved has than stmamer Mew Tha to returns come, 15,(kkkTIie legislatur is R li by tbe inoe Republicans ington. The following is tlie lit'of candidates, awl Cliarlcs family into the building occupied by the publican In tvtfi branebes and oil Joint gain six congressmen. strangle him to complete tha execution. brown baunnd Louise Nov. 2. Mis Cincinnati, . tke party to which they belong and the Galva, ill., Nov. 6. Hon. M. M, Ford ballot byatTieast 15. Ilotli Republican iljlvous ifUirned fmsdav from t limitSAW HAMKHIIINI. e. a divorce and died Yousg was y number of votes cast for each : granted tlie Metier river, very suddenly at his home in this N. If. Nov. 7. Returns from slecteil. wet Concord, up was Word received exjeliUon, coupesanieu that ing l.tt 440,006 alimony from Geueral Hal C. For Delegate Joseph L. Rawlins, D., He was an elector for 2H4 of 230 wheie Jpey gu i eeiied ill terril ing ft T.khw t city town cities and ia New eut smau evaouva. .irtcr, a young inaur of ttiisj Young. General Young is In Pari. 28; Frank J. Cannon, R.t 30. Abtaham Liucolu. 1 lulls an tlie animals a ; making Buseik, give Rep. pluralin Hampshire work .pinnae hoipht Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 7. Tbe ataie ju cotinH, doing Commissioner- - Thomas (iriffin, D., reaouud W Buffalo, Nov, 2. Without any known Washington, Nov. 6 The president ity over Kent, Dem., of 12,440, je da frim C.iiohni, laid died tbeie of fevuy His 28; Israel Evans, D.. 28; provocation William Gipps, a railway ba purdensd Herbert Guy, sen timed ia their uiuskgliy. In their ilmse ibe remains wi re brought hack ajur wrv ices rXNNSVLVANU. car insjiector, shot his mother to death Washington to eight mouths imprisonSr., D;, 28, James Meikle, R., 30, J. O. beaiMica of the scenery weie not for held here and Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Complete rehf was 'tmeSm in 1ortei-- v ment for facilitating opium smuggling. Robinson. Re. 30; C. R. Lvman, U., !k). j,gUttt.n received up to midnight from all and fatally wonnded hi father turns of A was y mmg man die, Lldcr Cnrter but half a dozen of the 67 counties in He escaped. Select men l.dward W . Rerry, D., 28; Washington, Nor. Ths president toMr. T irk left bis work here and re evt-- t ptioii.iliy good chnracler and had tins slat sire llanting a plurality ' of A laud slide day apointed Frederick Fitzgerald, of Nov. 2. B. a'- - ) Nanaimo, C., .vUu ii'ls-lu. in Ralph MaxwUll, D., 22, S illiam Halt Return 11S tU iiouie received bo 233,378Lake, luriu.,j niiUtv ini jd v legist by the AsDm atate give sociated Pres indicate the Republicans wreikfcd the settlement known as tbe Connecticut, United States consul to " ruth, D , 34; Henry WeUli, R., 28; il--J or,t.r jnca-- t his vote. i jefing d tiat .r..mT-vto lw a lw,i e,llK "d i 28 of 30 elected have the congressmen in Canadian liam ArchilsvldtSOiTliomasl. lotts, Commonwealth, Cognac, Franc, Utreiihalge, Ue.,l,212; UiuwlDein., Mr. lU'id and Mi-- s Kate keaimnis b ft br.ghbiituri-- . , m gain of 32,HiU, tbe elate, a Uemt killing four turn and on woman. One l2H4.k, Boston, Nov. 5. A severe northeast B., 27; David F. Condon, 1., 1. w Mexico'. for Miss tiro citv. Kate nkw loli tics are ocr and the Democrats ill 1 ins yesterday was rescued, tuan threatened tke city this afternoon. pmi.iliry- of 9,317 ill 18SJ &h0riff John M. diandngton, lb, 23, gale fcanta Fe, N. M., Nov. 7. Returns remain ;i few vvetks th it they take cmwo'at ion m the , 3.H2 tgisialure is badly delayed in tlie harbor met- - frem twelve munties wasiolto 111., NoyJL While ascending j of Bliipjiing George Hill, R., 30. Catron, give relatives there. Rep., vah x ki;m M and service la paralysed. ! c Bov C am Tor be 34 bis from telegraphic Xh? sbout I7I7T7tJV laat ; cellar John Recorder 2,8()0"tt))Orit5h ti8uitf, congreaa den, D, Jbe stairway leading it tin may s , evoo 6 counties to hear may reAlb vuy, Nov. 5. Governor Flower said thi'jli in remaining ML such a man Joseph S. Salmon. R, 24 niglil.JcilJHapp . Aie aland liUeaii ever tin loilulty. Tlab -a duce this majority to 1700. Ths legislaif ho was regarding the story published inner that s large UuG'aw 7. H timing)' a, )b. Clerk V illard F. Smith, 1., 33; R IVniiKTat-cam- e ture will he Republican. oil Uiuiupbaut. Repubhiaua ouly Bui i ceded 111 pulling New he York that had pardoned paper carrying in ins hand entered bis left , ARKANSAS. R.,25.. gives a Kfpnblican maj arity Mi'and Mm. iddoway have gone to Jiieir lountv clerk ihrougli and did not compete Tbe side. The blade penetrated tb heart, Joint Y. McKan from ginghing: t ,21k). 1 be lb publicans elect gover- lif -t anoilier man on their ticket. Nov. Th gDemocrats 7, Little Treasurer George W. Young, D., 33: tbet itv mi bu-Rock, s. is absolutely false. The idea publication soon after aod arrived father llapp-'I Tit .' have their from tior ami rongis-',ntusis congresmen elgcled legislature John H. Dealing, R ,25. James l.uduijjlon ami his sinter, Min j will Mr. liibiaini of Oiklev while under 0 of pardoning McKane never entered my stand : tlgkhan Republmans; this slat by majorities ranging froia charged his eon's wife with mnrder.! mind. Attorney Charirs E. MreetD., 28 tbe doctor's tare is staying with her bathe, o turtitd from Salt 1 akeCilv last to 6,000. 1,006 become did he ran he that the excited Rea insures Ibis iwelve lieiit'scat. ALABAMA. , Herbert .S. Townsend, R., 30. Nov. etiiietslaT. ft 5. -- ' ' The ' Mrs. police Conn., llartfoid, in efforts to in his kill the woman Stewibrulgir. mother, fields, public ate MHcesKif to Seimlor liiggin. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 7. Latsr have accounted for all who were in tha Assessor and Collector trank J. 4 great intert'st baa Iteen anniM.! in her, xtaiSastf. disfrom the Ninth congressional W 4NHIIIP D., 28; Joseph J. Jenkins, R , miners boarding house last night Abeit , New York, Nov. 2. scaflohL susting tirdesljy the rumor of a pure is (Hi v. N.J.. Nov. 7. Cbairucan trict show that Underwood Dem.-Tne I tomoiTHU held an enthm.istic spot it caught fire. Tbe only one injured was ' st least elected 2,000 to take 'Uie of roof majority. under by noitiowhcie the Erie th in the Wooley.WiK Bt t Ida ait county fight pended d'pot Hattie Thouiaa, a young woman, J painILLINOIS. . feuryeyor-E.- U. Rhead, lb, 30, B, R. meeting here on the 2nd tbe house wa cemnty b tACen IVtc-aud Parkiinsm and train shed in Jersey City felt y ihe election of McKwen, laiins tS. . li. I 4). Whitney, omig loin ll.irti ng to st (tie the beau from Illinois Show 21 Repub- six of the eight mea upon it were hurl- fully burned abenta tbe wrists. Tha jpaiked. Tranaeau, R., 28. Returns weight (Republuani Uicitngiess, overColonel fluff were tbe losses aggregate 475,000, about 90 per cetit lican congressmen and 1 Democrats. )VCoroner Dr. EjJTlinv, D., 28 ; diaries ed te th station plalfurm Miiesth. Two ciiampionslap of Moigun cvHinljt, Tnere Mevenx, , i rv! bva majority of w. a t Tl e torchlight pr.ct-io- ii insured. MICHIGAN. gientt , is cuiie sjieiuraion as to whetfier tlie M Wilson R yS hold of of one in tbe sncceeded catching 6' If verified tins will give tbs diqilav Detroit, Mich Nov. 7. The latest Tituburg, Nov. 3. An attempt waa John roof girders snd saved them-slve- s. tight can le pulled off hcie a our local Rottert C, Constitutional I4elegate ealite- - N delega ti.6 22 Jersey elected state senator eliow thst made last night to wreck a Tittsburg, l Mualia from returned j Robert Young so and Diets were T j tiauie badly Stephen , oppofe toprie figliting. tiemr Chambers, , W; Patrick II. Tallon, ' A Charleston passenger tram yesterday, all Repnblicans. Alt tbe mem1 on The nth. 4T7tf dC ; tber w in j.n yen! ft fE!u3;p!a,r. I'Lnyfk. ber of the Ho tee are Republican! except Injured internally thatthelr recovery is Virginia 24; William W. duff, 8r , IT. 32TWard near Monongahela City. 7 Ties were piled n 1 I.'i went he I liefe iimcratu' con Cosme. ene. John are: flection th.i doubtful. Hall Others in means other injured Pul Paitial returns R. Pack, Sr., D., 34; David Keith, R., ImitHiiaj oil- -, Nm. SOITH Dakota " upon tbe trac k. The engineer saw the to 14,. they will pUifion Gov r rnor West to call indicate that the Dta 1 Republican tello, George Steady, Charles Rocky and elistriH-tioi-i 25; Thomas Kearns, R.,23; James D. in time. Three men 7. from 811111X City, la,, Nov Returns of fill Cornelius cbiipsuylM Mcihilhps be V Moigaiitu nphofd by at least rio.wk-Murdock, R 25 ; AhuaXldredge, in lhe darkness as the train tontghnhow-thatr-tBoutirUakot C the p'.uc and digimv of this is'.nmnn- and li. 1 1 P ' A fKEl imt orvicrT.6. Mire if), Noiubr Alb. I'opulist are sure of only 2.- out of 26 stopped. It Is Supposed the object was I$tIM HV. Iluniomolei of the hMtic event Ail returns of tbd legislatormembers Uolietf , new a is Lvming pii np ting Levi cot robbery. 1 , .vv. 7. Justice of the Peace 1esrron, The lat-c- how Republican gains. Governor bliel Treasury officials are preparing te Glmal lurk", oil 'the Other hand Niv very little, hnt are -- v ml'iitiou to liie Iiqit 1 ig a Rupyblnan - don D 29; John New man, R., 29. bis plnrahtg st 18,060 sgainst lect income tax. " places lid. It they Will he aide to glr He placed hrw hand upon bis heart. inyrarry out Tlieie waa Itsil given on Hit- - evtotiug 0.tXKJ in 1892. Republican candidates from You cannot imagine, he protested, Constable Arthnr MairWell, D.,32, be yen big fires are reo-tetl.etr p'ans as alveitid. The ,,rl1 . ity in the t.ite of fmm 0,(kK) to 10,W)U. state and ticket tbs for satire congress 'of tlie 5lb tn hitnitr of Mr. and Mr. 26. varioas cities. Many Bremen hurt ret what a terrible load 1 carry and yet cijwvls sre.in training an i all ntlu r prej- Henry B. Wright, are elected. v. iHihii to Provo i roohwho havemove , from-thLouisville. IDAHO, no sign to tbe world that ma'H-aia,i'JUi! r4 seen the turned No'- - 7. Tbe Rejuibh- alo.e an It will be give f'cing final (be Mnm'j"'ili", Citv on ll.e jlli. here they will makol 7. The entire Rew id lie ., Id Nov. Believe head. 4. her came News Nov. , here with in me, She Boise, j there is tia between E. W. lierrv and a.lh-i- r limt for the fpnnepin Terry, aay j'r , louuty, giving great; cm - aept jm ot tu kalis elected by 2,660 Jjy courier eeU-- i A subtle 'deal of in'eieit from Btillwab-- r that faltered, the world knows. linan , lenhle money j N, t.ui, for governor 6,1X8) "plurality; publican statemore Henry Welsh (of t heoffli-- of or 1 Mis A. J. 1 rarer have moved H . w m I.sf oi, the Red Folk, something m the way she raised her S. J. Duulaj), at to congress by plurality ituiater there is alw tie between Levi Pear-o- n , Mr. an result, but uli tie ting i orirfi I LOCtMVXA. lwt sre fo 4- - dcchi'd ..ff fhoiild the miles east of here, was shot bivndkeicbief to her face impelled Vim and Jobn.Newtnan for theoffne rf jus-- loaitjUk for Hie aimer 7.iwx,eh tn,g Rob rt lratt mayor of Nov 7. Returns from O. T., fifty New Orleans, I Mr. E, H. Ehi a.,t iraiik l.vaos anongcrs of tbp affair not rice of thepeace for leoa preuwt. The aide to Minupapobf byS.lO-- anil wuiningoo three eugsr districts lesve no doubt of to pieces oy the Coots yesterday. Duo-la- p to 'tn re pt H ton d y take another clove.visited of our echooD Detroit on 7th. tlie and Ordered store vote Tribune. district a the tbe the owned over a the Democrats .sade gajn X. bring gang the election ef th Democrats. tire countv apd city tickets. Jlinneso4 fighttp finish Vt I I - f I I id n .in I'll 1 ( , It i , . I ot ur i i j 4 I . -t I bribe-takin- g to-da-y st y j , l, 1 I -- v v tin i -- ; tu te-da- Cein-missio- i to-da- H, vv llcr-tillo- e, to-da- aa - -- 1 I.-- -- A I J vtnjs, s 'tUel-toomet- er iwtdw s- -t plu-saiit- y J t- -v p, I -- -- f 1 re-u- lt " sonii-lhui- but-cher- es J f lh wi-e- v 1 mia-mna- ry fioes---tli- ith-ie-- e J lVter-Hreaye- to-da- 1 'v vv sl , j Ru-mr- i't w.a.nrt (ft ng hum-ala- 1 1 r 1 y Ji c-- a i ,c r -- speitc. -- 1 ! .ru,-S4ir- D-- " e disnjs-jaiaf-- - 0. Pi-ac-e 1 I'y4 I I -- emiita, 1 l.-T- to-cl- r ! 11 ' s 1 1 l cd |