Show A FEW TESTIMONIALS Or Till umm CmWOHl HANGE KAVarnu Utah Oct ZS IfWI I I n order to correct a report thai hue pntrlkly I loan ilrcnlaliM w last to say to unr friends 1 end acquaintance that ama am-a purcbaxr ol one ul the shoos Home Comlorl Itaniei 1 find It lo battery thin cUtuieJi flrit clait In baking I rcon oiulilng In fuel and tverylhlDgIn con venison slut a bouiekeeper could ask lor lor what It li 1 Intended 1rouiei lierlence I laljly that thoie who Iiuy them will never have cause to regret U MM A MWMIIH Ilea 11 l it Anaatl loath Knmirn Mao It UAMI Look at These > auiMr r oro Utah tiept 28 IWI Tlilt le 1 S J t IW II lu certify that IliellomeCoinlort I llange No Cl purchaiv1 from W U Nmltlia laleiiuan for the Vrought Iron Itange r ratan It sit ll Iemas clammed I rion taks lee fuel I rooks quicker I and li I hrtuiMtrlur tu any Hove I have Ur r io llb ri ever used 1 recommend It to all mr eel fI hlrors I would net lake llUOanJdo with out mine I Mm LIILIA lone 1 We iheerlullir endorie I Ilio above Mae Evauwc Ilnanarr Mm ANNA lUiKiUir UHJ A WAimtN tubes EUHA WARXII Ur ilieiTuTea It 1aovu Utah Oct C 18VThree month ago we purdiatfcl I a Horn Comfort I Com-fort itecl range and It bat glvtn ui entire en-tire llaction UK 8 II Anew AMI Win She Ought lo liiiori UAitilLA HrmMK Feb 6189xTimis liloicrtlfy I thai uI Lave been ii the Home Comfort range manufactured by the Wrought Iron Itange company of Bt loull I Mlnourl for lhelail tree r ycar and lake plenum In Hating tint U buns proven entirely tntlifaclory lu every prrllcular l I and I consider orft the belt range that luo > er uted Mae Mll lliAkiuur Itlo Grande Western Dining Hlatlou The Atjliun Hit Our raven Utah Sept 30 160tThli ceitltlet that the range now In ute In I our liiilllutlon hat proi en entirety tads factory liai cooked for two hundred and Ally pin de for tome lima put I sec r IL oe r J = emmend It at flrtl clan In every par tlculir JAUM UIMX Steward Intane Aiylum lie Ukea lute Home Comfort AI iKoomColo Jcb 16 laglrlol cirtlllei that 1 purchaiod from the Wrought Iron Itaugo cues any a Home Comlort rlecl l range No 11 eight I venra ago and 1 I hill l mf IKI I the I lint I cooking novel hate aver aced In my houte ll hit neither I warped I t crocked nor III burned out 1111 It tiHny HI goal ai the day I I bought Iur aovlug ul fuel It lint no njual lontenlriil bakes ijulckly mitt vtflil nerds nu repnlri Tiw tiiutl lHnnot lie I sold I tb lima I I llotne C inifdrt I Lore hwvet It over worst Hater aai will never purl with H I mommemll 11 tu all nu mailer chat kind of a Hove they may be uiln CMI I MiSiuj4 Naturaclurr In livery Particular KILIVOXI Utab Aug 2 IbDI = Thli latuierllfy Ihat Ilio blotto Comfort range punhaied fear M U Collrell salesman I for the Wioiuht Iron Itanga fOiiii < nritLoul9MlMoailliai proven aatlifaclory In etery ratpvrl and vra I can cluei fully rcroiplned ta ally IntendIng I I t Intend-Ing pun hattf I I HitiiuiTilua O Cot late AKiiWirx I IIor lpolrr r Lila 11011 I I i 1KiivoCirif Del 6 18JtTIileltlo ctitlfy that wuliata lain uhlI A IUIII I I 1 Comfort tleel I range No Ut manufactured manufac-tured by the Wrought r f Iron Itanga com party u St IOUK IIsuurl I furl 1e prat months I and I MM Hnd It to ul U i oat a I rctTf untui In every particular Ly Ihn laleiinan A flrit clan cooker uu forum baker ery car lu niaiuge and very economical In fuel 1 Ie would not parr vi Ins It for ally other range we know of and Viecontlder It ono of the Ivit In teitinenu that wo lime made tor an article 11011I110 IIIII tiles AkllHCW + IAWAV hho 1 ANOaiW llllLbAMAY A Word ur Prates Month Utah March 14 16V1I cheerfully say a word of pral > In addition addi-tion to the many who have Already pieiieil tholr lallifaitlon for the merit of the Home Comfort range Have hound upon a practical test that tint range li I Ineicry reipect fully ai good at you represented It chore purchiilpg It I and iunililor It onu of the ben Inyeitmente I have ever made for an article ildo nestle Die FrjinmxD Alma a b r 1 L f Mz dams t Hoods Is Good Makes Pure Blood = crafutB Therouiihly Iradloated I C1 Ilad 1 A CV LuU > lace I It 1 It with pUlur tUI I at t hoe U 4UJI I our bIll Nay 1 iltkam till Our samara u kfilui kjrUie uie or HeoiTt BuMpuiiu lu was Lken down with fever t and a Bad Cough felki lot w a lore came on btr rtttt 141 h twos Uie lwlowee lib It a ikoit HIM ID other broke en the Mi lUe COO wnU We seUe of aore meetb iixl when we YJ o a J a ereemla Ica w rl 1 Wl 1t Iuep Ilal I s l Dwr mewcla ruts tmon Its Dea 1 was run 1 aosdhaakrrare aherereaoltas ic HoodsSJrtl etma wene and all IruBMnt rtiwl to ytt oe rlli ajiul l w e Wln la uw j11 I i en r 5 A loss the riU Uk ta opltU t iiK Ma N Llut tlie on txllir We milaax unul ibi kii oataa Uifte botUt K > w tlii Mu I ui < The Bloom ef Health and U li t u a d y N it raterut co de J UE1 aunt ltAUare I lif rot i fr A rc u r Hood PIIIelaU1 ysI II Ituryuy ua etafrcUja UM Ilm m1 bwse I ale Jos Hartley FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Pull Stock of Confectionery Summer Drinks Tobaccos and Cigars Preshest Stock and Lowest Prices in Coalville PEOA HOUSE IRST CUSS ACCOMKOD1TIOHQ FIRST ACCOMMODlTIOKS OR TOURISTS AND TRiYELERU Rates In Keeping With tti Thais Mrs Ljdli E Welter Profilttreu 1EOA I Summit County Utah OSOAR F LYONS Notary Public and Conveyance Collvctlone Iroiiiptly I made on I Co rural ilou 500Iath 0 I 1ovrorriti IILILDIHU I teoa NuniinltCoagty Utah HENRY SHIELDS ATTORNEY Park = City W U UJOKXII A I HIIIK A MAUINNI WEBER It111IIte kouau IV r UI in4 Ol llili tic 4 Trail CDUHH IliilUlu OOUtN UTAH WILLIUI URlWU < hIUJ Iulllf lUntftr Cullcllooa lId > Pita UiuoDt PATENTS 0utaut uWatl I 1 b 7coa aosaoT It t > UM OWCI t OrronrU t eta7 Ornet etJwtin NNn luueiualkm woctuntm Itrol rfom aw3 llwutrDlaa dnle Ilea t1 f t are obto or cot lrf W ccrtf UunNrvNSesal pelnacrd elan wwrwua A LYwt nag A4aria F insanewow afmt iii CASNOWCO Ott rAToT cent waeoeeD C NNMMHMKM WLOUCIAS 3 SHOE M ouv Q I tttwaWwrurVcaAUNi i I r tsHICAII tIf UPOUCEUow I t2yoZrrwalOt nil tf 2r LJBOY SQ104SIIOI9 ISJ j ttzsT AR 1o oNiOlt s a sue to uTAtmus 4 D WLD000LAf OCKTotfMila l 1e L 0a eea 0t rYSii W sertmsv rjh fir maaetaiaftf0 Ucaa1 wf ai et tb oor d col a 1 tut shoes tYt a m aD pIt 0a r entice by a1Rylfe toeH Alga r r rolecte 1ett D who D atucl t ° cutoef tom w ntP f fit 1 ry awe ifll f w q tnaatilerirlpnce b trefgrtL a deoy Wb upVU Tat r W waa subaltule sold Ir py poor Healer a hua cuir w ill shortly appear her AVOIIIIIIIIJ Apply at ante albl to rt The ClilcaK lnwnPaclll8iiJS ntitorn Lice urlara the Leal acronimwlv tlons to the Irevehng public nouWU Chicago Tlirwijl brming Last tluje magnificent clooplnl > IO m e I fgant dIn hllcan cololilolII llifliigehilr I cur ann bandolLoday r IXIchu Citizens and All Female Fe-male VotersThat Will Be I ATTENTION i The Republican and Democratic Headquarters I Have impended business since the lUectlmi the former party a pre to reeling of joyful I serenity at thc result the latter buoyed up with quiet trustful resignation Not so with SANTA CLAUS o AIM 1 A 1juA U o The Childrens Genii His HEADQUA RTER SAT S-AT THE = Cash Bargain 1 Store COALVILLE Is running full blast and his assistants in that establishment will bo kept busy dolivoring toOhimnoy Flues and Housetops his large stock of Toys and Holiday Goods From now on until the First of tho Year It will take a week for our Postmaster Post-master Mr Bower to knit stockings largo enough for our CLEOPATRA DOLL And Mechanical I Elephant Jumbo IVENAVfrA The Doll to the Girls the Elephant to the Boys For Every Dollar you expend for our MATCHLESS BARGAINS JOU WILY RKCIJ1VK TICKUTS ON HITHUU SIIVKKWARK OR OUR WARRANTKD Cold lilted Eight or Waltliam Wutclics which you ict IUlil after pttrrhn cs have been made to a given omotiiit And hi addition UAC1I OOhlAK SIUN1 RNTIT1KS YOU TO ONE CIiANC13 GIIIidS a 11 rl If ou rUe ss rtnllt v out lla t tnt 1 I IUII 1 C a 1 1 d iuu rr i f fF IUnAO A uu uu y V uu Q y n n a UfCIi UUT n DOLL lire size an exact duplicate of the one lay that name ixhihiirri the Worlds Pair This Doll is the finest ever cell in this county and it woith S3S It wn niitnbcrcd nt the factory the number bting concealed by parchment and no one knuws or will know its nntnbcr until the com tnittee appointed remove the parchment and award it to the gueuer whose number corresponds or is nearest to the number the doll The doll IH nniiibered Iwtwven i and 3000 In case of ties the ties will guess ala concealed number THEKLHPHANT JUMBO WIM Hit AWAKDHO ON THU SAMIJ IRINdllLU as the Doll taking your choice 10 guess for either The tagaclim Jttmbo will shake his head move his trunk without checking his baggage nod by tigtu answer jnestions without opening his mouth for three bouts at n stretch The guess boxes will be ready to receive gn Me on and after November nth up to December Decem-ber jist Children can we this Doll and Hlcpliant in our window every Saturday evening from 6 to1 9 oclock in the months of November and December Tin ladies of Cmlvillo and visitors from adjoining elllclllculs tray see them by request at any time OUR STOCK IS COMlIUTK OUR STORK WIU IUiHTlI > NIGHT AND DAY laud you will find it WARM and COMPORTAIIKU WINTKR motn noon and night We I do not catch your trade by naminir n half duzell louden or battn but In thanHm a fair live ami let live percentage on every item in our stock mid list Inure jjoodi giving lowest figureH in black and white ol any lucre In this county WATCH IOR OUR ADVUKTISUMKNT IN DKC MIIUR J1F YOU WANT TO SHI A WJARUiSS IKICIt U8T CAII AND TOST YOURSHIP 11UHORU YOU SIIiND A DOILAR Uc will show you good and give you prices with pleasure I t Cash Bargain Store Coalville I TIN SHOP I I Homemade Tinware Stove 1ipe Hath Tubs Garden I Sprinklers Galvanized Irou Zulc Co ter auto 1 Sheet 1 n n bout Work elel made and Repaired by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block east of Stake House Coalvillc Utah JAMBS U HOSMER M I 01 Ihjilcltu md Nirctou City cud qiarsutlue Ilijtlcliu 0a t CohIIlH InOnWaialluOurleiCcpt Nlieu I awaj oabuilneii OfflNOD MaiD itrett HEBER GUNN Sheep inspector SUlllmit CO Iostoffice address Hoytvville Summit County Utab IiKlTTY INelKi hllia llUru nupbiiu lluotur KutiniU C u foam t4l4 IWwru lluyUTllloMliiiiiill i Dub I J L PECK C ELand I E-Land Surveyor MlUlllTIIM Irrigation Canala and Ditches I City Property and Inrm Iincs Railway Constructioti Mining CONVEY ANOER I Plans Maps and Specihcit loiu I Accuracy and Sntisfjcttuii K Charges Modctnte4 COATUVIUIU SUMMIT UTAH iOld Allen CD o l I For Sale At the Mine Lump per ton 200 Stove < f 150 I I No delay in loading teams I Plenty Good Coal on Hand |