Show 5 aad I lalb Me I i James Walker died kit iilnlit at I b 1 k 4he Deter fully r cot < rte < l ih irTCli et an attack I of I iOattel 1 I 1 lit year awl 1 tier ilnnitli wu I 11ont lo wlUnland the trtainl n 10 kin leave I a hnibinl and g1n ihlldnnlo mourn bar I toss the 1t > Uln an Infant only I rr I Ti irmpathy ol coniinnnlly I 1d M to the jiW itrUken Itmlly VI 1 Walker 1 had a my lane tlreln nl 1 II l > who loved I her dearly fur hf oar MlrtilM TV OIMHI will lake I p + r 1 Irnui the Hlat e I loose 12 ochxk |