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Show COALrVlUI-1- TiMICS. rock, lurttrujj uv(?f r lino TMI BLBCTION. ft If weighing' veveral ofd.-- r, arip - ' ... t., if , ttt I - i kri4 , C , ? t T 6 - 1 per bu.li.L Oala, beet, per WD peas 4 Potatuee, ban. per tm.i.i 1 utter, per pnnnil . tipi, per &jea Prime beet, per pouu't Prim muttuu. per pound Prime pork, per punud Prime veal, per pound j, chit-ten- , Lcerna, per per . Plour, nrta j . , puul .. riot a. i g ; af i n. led grief-stricke- world tv b The night w liool 13 piogrv-siu- g with eyen etmlrti.Ja eriruHtd. The Cash Kaigain S'.oiemAr, an. change in tltei large ad ihU w I. The City Council mid Momlay ami witlioitMramput adjourned till lug any butinee. Rev. George Ritchie of Sailt lathe will preach at the Cuugregatlona) Lhn'h in this city not Sunday, a The Webster Lit. r iry ball atClulf Hall Wc'lnCftl tv tvitni milw-i- f Tha party wa well on of themoet uwful kw tulle thM hae been given in Coalville fur n hug time. ml A petition ha been ctn hU'o I 7 about fifty name kot ured hor am"'. company ei militia in ( 'oulvutr night to meeting will be lirl l complete arraugramm1, within a few week to have the crp I Company of tha ternioty, Ir. Iloamci wai called t Vpton hit- -laat night to attend Lawrcmr i.ili, mn of Conrad Staly, who rceind a lift aerioua Injury Thursday Tic hi Ip falling with him minis mi lit wav to aehotvl. J Tlie Iks tor fimnd the r ill t f the boy badly fractured, hut .think he i e ,y will recover, At this writtlig, Friday, Mrs. T. laim bert, who hits been an very ill with typhoid levar, is reported on tin im pfoye, although ,1111 jejy H Hyr little tioV is aim Imlp-Xilr. J.'init-eireached home from Chtcuge 'loci.y, the telegram sent not having rca. hed t him. . Luring th politiial enlhuoastn and th nightly bolding uf til!irw, a gi .u litva fcu bridge Ulaay of the cro Wily diaarranged, and ,ure ia iht.I of waa dissected fur our benefit I rry pice and Allure battered and in It 1 wilt) heavy weight, the rang n t eutativ stating that if a broke o' tom a single piece lie would make ut . prcMMit of a tove, but our attempt in ilos clneciiiiii mad no impression ahaievni. A sole shelf, fastened by r.ino -- , noivjwujrmsli hirkwithlvaid J un-r- e ad i v c A BRANCH OrriCB. Assesta-tliiiriowbla MnilSisi tt HI atari Os ta Cost Tills. H. N. 1irvant, general agentef the ('i.inuihia Building A Loan Aeseciation f Hctivcr, ia in thecity with the view of A branch otfice.in tbit city. This association is cm of the etrongeet in vr i men t companies in existence. It passed snlvly through th panjc of 92 and ':U, and cieaed the latter year iaa penalise to eaclip auytluiig in ling line aver given in thu uty. Some yaluabla prise will be giv8 aeay, and th whole affair 1 to be earraul a tn Benediction St Biac the last rejuirt published, nm Ontario ha aiarletao hlpmrnif ! : J)u the 2'ith, sinty Lai . cuubtiu-ud on ihu lug 2d, 7a!'. 2 fine oulicea, e 31 t, bar, can taming 2f,77 L7 fin ounce of silver. Hn Nowniftvr th Mariiac null tbipfuid eigh'tt n l.t sd bullion, containing 20,521.17 fine iiiiims of silver. Following r the ore ids, from the Mackintimh PampVv W the past week Anchor coi..v!i(irtlc, 649,400; Silver King firBtclus, ft,ini. tt s J li U lilt tins Mart-hunt- ..... ..- r'T : ,, id'744 Cannon Bawlina . . . r room, Cannon Rawlin . si BDAY ArTEKNOON. Meeting opened by the choir singing from page 374 j prayer by Bishop 8ar-gvof Hovtsville. Continued bv th choir and congregation singing by mu on psge 198. , XI. SALT LA Sacrament wasadministereil bv Elders Thomas Copley and R. II. Riiead by feur other elders, President duff made a few remarks, referring fo the completion of the Stake of thJ House; notified the various wards to meet with theii coun-- ' sailor wnd tha leading men of their a camunUee to go ward and around and see what th people were willing to give toward the completiuu of 521 thie building. Apostle Ltbisb arose and spoke tioii 1,434 the order of administering the !.uj ament ; 1.377 also of the necessity of fasting, and lak-ing to th fast meetings their offering sp that the poor Jit the ward mav receive the benefit; said that at fast meet-- ! ing w.i the place for those w ho are iu to acknowledge their stna, t transgression , 248 25yJ and of tlie necessity of prayer in the! fast meetings , spoke upon the nccAttity j of keeping the minutesof theccnfvience written down in ink "and bound in j a substantial bosk, aud recommended that Hie tame be done; urged the jao-- j 62 pie to keep the records of confirmations, ! ward rJoBtfwBJ",f,U,l9l eto. He! th general and Jurat j j then preseutci 312 eburvh authorities and they were me-- i 1 lamed unanimously by th people. RiUiard Birch w as then ordained a -30 patriarch in tli finnimit Stake. 28 W. II. Branch w a ordained a mem- - i tor vt the high council, ,1,,7 Meeting was brought tow close and 248 adjourned for three months by the rboir singing an anthem, "The Lord iMy 426 278 WAS ATI a. d j Cannon . Raw lias ps IINTAH. i jiAa. . SANV1TK, I 1 tMtar. it j CAaao.s. . . ! 1 -- h , l.ry, r tr.n i -- . e ay ' a" t t . I , iSaaa - 1 -- di-u- nrthud J 1 ! y 1 TTt,!ia"U " 1 sun, ... bn, lt ' . Total peuncts, W3,0l0- .- Record. I BILLASD. John Farrish, who met with an accident frem the discharge of a t,hitiu and waa taken home to Dark City ov, i a stvix. I wvt week ago, a resirt of which To Tin ve.ir, iiotwithitauiiing th money Cannon.. j died ami last from 4lie clevis rrtg.-n-week, panic, the total profit of Rawliu printed 41 amounted to 1113, 634.02, of his injuries lust buuJav iuornag. t mi SlAVtl. fit fill,0si.47r distributed - among -, nCoramunting on It The Tiib-iiin dividend i tin- - attxkholder John Farriah had town a Evident, to1 ll the tiram-- oitlce ti established, the Cannon Raw ha Fark (litf to overtiity ycacs, ii i, awe of officer will be jarKiilsswid in trted Tit Tims next wevk. ett'T. veeted hie surplus' earning !. ...u Tim pr Cannon . tdack. ailin' (urge in viovvluoii.g m.mii 1.4 Ml UKClSlONa, Rawlins .. claims, of w liiv b he ow tie 1 Uiici.,v iu uu-ou- s of I the dirtrlvl aum .lnfii.g Jao.s. part iv . D. Her taw. Law wu,.to4 4 ukluitas, D. C. Park City, lit hohLng now, Cannon r, A wbe files hi Soldier D. 8. Rawlin . are chiefly unproductive piopcrtinsy t I Ir USAXU. ws mo if In ni agent Is bound by ageut aelec-it- ,, they are well n ,m 3 vinvusts hi right and cannot Shepherd. tb fortunate lessee of the.-- fun Cannon 108 Benediction bv Bndup Atwood, Woodside bvaiuiia, and lot ers sold r ,4j ? m ike new filing wr II, E. entry. 73 iUwliut tu to to be enter, application his interest in the gn-n- t valid, dvr Ki?j NOTH ryAB. t before it wmade ptoductic, .Hi twa mMb made at a time whea th land Cauuon 2,613 I e from application, and legally tub-ha- d 8 l.oao AmmU- The totomhla B hIIUIh fortune did not long, h it a tide h . 2,U)4 Rawjih 'Rti entry. Hoke Smith, Secretary. money he was lavish in evpid t oarixu7 . . J Ha naed tlirough the panic without It ee that employ men vmij W given i t j , orVstir to"' 1 Cwnnon , , , ii.i being in the least eiutorrued or crippled, j all who desired it. He wa.i a grma!, Raw tin .. j We Ueiimlnhig "unciTTeiTloral the hijive aiet every obligation, fulblled everv promise, and in the past year and bachelor, and hvirdHitti a.rt j (). i, 0B November 6, 1894. a half bave pant to our depositors nearly he was approaching the eg- - J tlin-- j y hnra!ling for any 6f these JMarrJxaaaoa with interest, two millions of dollar score and ten. Of the fiv AV,i44-yyM--trT' advertised: and at the same time made loan to Rawlin T. Inirmul leaser who male fhemsolvi rich, the j Vr M.vlor worthy aplivmnts all over the land. f We are stiij prepared logo on a be- Wellman brother am the mdv ,,w, 6 IP I Cauuon.. 131 lore ami refer Hi J.d.U j public (w it pridet to in the land of the living P--td-a Cots House er to the Rawlin . reliable 4taj-- ny Banking C ! MiM urnHiiiK AutniU Lam urk FftrrMQ, John irftk Bradstieet - i Commercial agencies of cither l v Ur7b wOoi. Wevourt th ilocst ineng- Laughho having hug since d parn-- 1 , . Kw(a, r M Cannon ... 188!tion. We wltl t in Coah'iU for afvw- ! thitlife. Rawlin . 63 day and would le pleased to see aud v H i .. ...... acting Sarsaparilla, through d mil w Tli life instantly rrnhed th With all w Imnay la Inteweted-t- n blood, reaches every part f the astimaul Cauuon' at ajorilf toiaecu l an h i Carl F, Pwtglorm .i 'cia. ami in this way positively cure having a good substantial branch of our iier Tb Conatitutional, Coavantioa will s!ftti,h ilepftrtmftnt O'clock Seturdaf inorniii, at Lang!tt . ( ii irm. cant, come aud of 67 Rspdbhcani and Dont teba, k ward. If consist bally pro lime quarry, a abort ball, Clnff- Hall, Friday evn- ee m let me know and 1 will call on J ing . Novsmber 18th. Lythgod String 66 Damocrati, though tha exact return you, aid above tlie Warai Npringo. Jbi auyingat tb Coalvtil House. cannot b obtained at tbi writing. 1 and a feiiow enijdoyce, named Kaiar, iimd, Tn,kee50 cent. H. N. Bb4ST, Gent ml AgenL ! ; vioKvivo. , fact estab-iihuei- by .U-- -- -- fifty-thre- iu , ..... ... ... 1 -- 1 Meeting openvd by tin- - choir siuging from page 33; prayer hi Thimu-- Bill. Continued by the chon nngrvga-- ' tion singing hymn on page Jon. President Clutf via the ilrt Kpeakcr. He reported the Summit Make as being fn a prosperous conlition, ami that the health of the people in yriieri! w, good; that their desire to live a Laiter- Day Saints wa very strong. IP'red Rasband of Park Cnv waa called Uontogivea repoitof Uve branch at park City, He said' tiial win a Utev lMl.ftlS le t ulisrsM. The following is the vote by count Is first stalled pi hold their meeting they held them iu private houses, hut the for Delegate to fongrestt bouses soon beemn too small and they aoxiuiaa. hired a hall in which they could acuom 613 Cannon . , odat more of the people, ami now that 697 ILwIin fa too email; raid that they twer all CACRK, in the Gospel, taking a great inlet Cannon 1,221 4 Apostle Lyman next addressed the Rawlin 1,022 congregation. Healvisedthe8aiiH. BICfl. not to take so great an interest in poliCannon... tic that they weuld forgt their religion ; Rawlin told the people U complete the Stake Tabernacle ao that it tuight he do lU alei 2,141 and fit to jvorhip in before it got old Cauuou Rawlin and Worn oufjaaid if there were any StoaOAM. Tvtjiftiprovemtnie needed in this stak that 182 th people should at once make Jttieni, Cannon 7 1 8u and make this place one wotthy ef the Rawlin attraction ol the visitors. da via. Enter . The choir sang an anthem, Cannou .... Into His Gate, after which meeting was Rawlins .... adjourned tilt 2 o'clock. af MBIT. Benediction by F, Y. - i' toe j n morning. prion.! comiitiun, notwithstanding that withdrawals were heavier Cannon .!m ever' before knswn. It stability Rawlin and smwidni is due to thealisolut by eate methods and rule adopted by the Cannon. , n.njany aguiust loss toil stockholder. Rwlm M h ait oitlce in Coalville will prove a . c "'' t nmveiiienc and benefit to tha here, and ill Ihought that Cannen Rawlin liicie will be no difficulty in securing Murgh sun k here to warrant the of th biaach office. Several Cannon f ir citixent are already identified Rawlin with the company, and Mr. Riyaat wi)l fetouud at the Coalville House to give Cauuon . II the desired infemiatiou to those Rawlin wishing to look iutothe matter. The (vmjHuiy not only will give information Cannon on ail puint,'"but luvite a lharough Raw i. of their 'buxines method. pi y 4fr " in a le-- Cannon Rawlin Hhi the 'Th uiasruerti)e that will lie given at the Pavilion on Thanksgiving night vom-pan- pee tlran 6W ioundsf th oven ire -- too Wtt)e4 a d.jwn, . pur nds juiujwd on it without any lida and fixtures I em puhle effw t ; the a vuliji eleif to all Kinds of knocks, a was every part of the stove, in even the etuv pip waa bent and bruised, straightened out without leav-- g a Baw. The stove waa healed until :cd ini ull over, whea a bucket of cold .iicr w a t brow ii on it ; hut the result a i liie sineiio injury felluwiug. Th riinges xie equipred with every modera rniivcr.ienc aud ar certaiuly a near, pcifw tiiiii as a avrve could possibly be. i'im range is built of wrought steel and wr ! tile Ivon t the oven jv aoVtd eleel, ivUituiiia joint. No roil are need ia it construction, and it representative cI.iiih It wilt last lifetim. To all thsir claim ar well toutided. They will remain In this city -- ever I week, and have alieady die-ii- f several of their range. -- Jl't go ittuum tetiimiv which he had after hi had been on In mission about live munlhe, whuli he aid waa a grand to him. Meeting was theii htouglit to ariose, by tlieehoir singing Imwi on page 277, and adjourned till IU a. n. inct ftie vriitrra'Urpted tha iuvitatlon, and vroiman wimrdliing in the slave line ii.,u w,iv a rteciiled surprise. 4. ji they K,iIit of his n reair The price will lx .nt'it hibiliou at thfi Feotds'sf atore. Maggie a ni h stock of mask direct fioui the ci-- t. 1b. u. flMtajJf ir I Hues' A best Hae Wa rdav Maenta, I, C. Itsrnelt and as M Itogvhll, who hav charge sf Iron (- '- ilivjiten for the Wrought 1! v,iv i 'oiupatiy under Ihvliion Superia-i-i.dt J. If. lollar, invited a Tar .o their iiead-- l icpr'in illative down one of theirtangea. saitr r. to appr-aian- before imuicdiatelv, uudcMtand occur. W that many pickets have also tieen torn frt m ih fences and iu ail justice, these tv no hate broken them should rephne thmu. li rii t hbuacs of God to wor.hip, ami Unit they abeuld not earrv wrth them a fevirirg of hatred toward each ntner; related hi eiperiehve when tailed ou lii first mission, and how lie neived !ir (i ! the nnvit'dvroHT kavoi , '' I V, Suiidavj, t snh-tygu- -- 'i ih ir singing from on pae 188. Elder B, W. Young was, the first peaker. Ififsit jiiea- -i d to 'announce that he waa inemtor wf they hurdi of God ; tftoke of the manv bfessi ngs w loch and urged tlie Samis follow to practice tne same Bishop O. b. VUiilnev wa the next speaker. Ilf said that hr Ainlb ihotdd leave all lbs llniig. ami feelings of tips t -, by PTayer by ijeorge H iff. Continued bv thr t Loir tinging hyma .a, g'.i BRtYtmS. good acala. Meeting opened page 122. n lo tlie family. tiller had a very Urea circle ol ho tovet her dearly for her many virtue. The funeral will taka IMfM from the Stake House at lo'cloek f KM ponu-l- LOCAL ' i . per , r M;- I TtmutkyLper too t. a husband and khe Irate liildrrn to mourn ltor loaa, tha an' infant only 1 year i.iunjroi 1 lie 'i armpHthy of tha community jt i I vear., and her etmngth waa ti rin.tifnt to aithvtaud tha aacaud ell , .... Preened ii inj-- 4 - . I opctitrJtby th thoir ft m drayar bv ILdwoiid kldmlgB. j - ContmueeiHry ail t' by tb INeaUen''lud aroea and said that he, waa aorry li.at iut'n t email audience' waa preavD JJe epokc ufjn the duty j. of tha fcaintji to La .imritahlr and forgiv-- 1 ing, and ur'Jfd thria o try and live witbottriaTjring aiih them harsh (lug towneda thoM- with ahum they ahoutd aeaociute. AleCtiagaaa hronght to a dose and h the chon adjourned until 2 p. ainging from pac no mu I lienadiction by Robert Wulk-r- . ho uavar fully rauovarad jilini oitk. u the ellcrta al an attack of acarlet f. . . , M5fcUJ3 ifttf horn -- " sTt. , 4 ... SCVISU ntOIiftoJKfc tail KltmtHB. lllftAuM aad Mack l.bn lekea. QCAK1 hundred The Balaraa Skew Iks ttawekltoew C.1.1; it position "about Ttoket Bleta4, Iktitf BiM.to. slippe 1 Iii jj m. COALVILLE, HUDVY.NOV. i, down After an active and progressive camtoiy Kt U.v llieui and cam on lb unfortunate it o( more than six wacka, th ballot paign AAiftAL AHO 0(l,luKt W IliAiht' trad, lit head, chest and have been cast and the raanlt daclarad. I Th campaign baa bgro - waged night ilUVI AS At ISO 1 u4. Jj ' ft .to, rt art. vhtpelet, unrecognisable instan- - and day by both a a certainly t v.t deayh ' .US to fa City . ,, as, IK-political partioa, and ', 1A lab-hta . the nauat learned and elotjaent apaakara Fortunately, Kisr-ecp- d - IkUYI AKD Iu ARt 6U5t HO The deceased eatu her row in tha Territory have represented their I n ".i. it a lx mi seven year ago. Ha Ka.T.WdM respective parties an tha atump. t;-- i . ' t . at Be. t. children small tlire a aifeanJ The following ia tha raault in Baiumit V.' tii , (i.i.v I ,, aim . ,. 'Mi'eoed circumstances. They Itv county in tatal. Ilit. . XeM. Salt like. i tor addition, North , X, lot. viryatr (a iaduatrieu of a an kud illll! Aai sjioktiii CwrfpKHttU 1102 F. J. Cannon, R. up'.ini fttf 7 ! ol tud he u nail thongbt . by J.L. Rawlins, D.. .744 ,, . - , iairitatices, who war horrified 0kiy H .. u ...... CondilutWHol Vunt ttiluii Of ili lirV M 8 ... , JLockport r of faii tragical death. Coroner W.E. i 683 t . fe Park, D ,, , H, of the remain and K. C. Chamber, D t i i mu t)12 Paiy utrlll ... charge ,ito Ja ' i . , Vpuo fi an ni'i'ifM Monday nmrnim it ff. ff. CUiff. ir , U rrft : , i.s" TTamukTrtaiiom ti, r limhf .ti I t t , 1283 Mltk Keith a ft t ... Jama Morgan 1172 kiaarna -- " 1042 fSsi'" F.ldredga .... COALVILLE MARKETS. Mr- - Jiinif , WOW Walker died laat Bight at Murdock 2 )u ,4j t V i |