Show BOHOOLS IN LOO IIUTB wllk noeeee 11111 t Wv Wee tho toelaae I Colorado enjoys the proud distinction of having enrolled In her schools 14 GM pupils at least those are the flg um given In the biennial report issued by Mrs A J Peavey the superintend ent of public Instruction of that com moBWMlth eays the at Iouls llepab lie Thirty odd thousand of these pup Ill do not regularly attend tcbool and there may possibly U a reason for that Inasmuch as In the fame report Mr feats present some excellent picture of moil of the public schools ofhe stale In Colorado probably ai much ai In any of the western stales It Is I not sloop bandy for young people fo go a great distance to attend to their Intellectual training and owing to certain cer-tain financial condition the schools cannot bo mslnuined where there are only a few tatpajrr scattered over a contlderaW arm H must not be understood un-derstood hit Colorado children have to secure their learning In the open air and under the bin skies of heaven for In every county of tho tale there li I at leaat one public achoolhouie but inch buildings u they are might frighten fright-en the wits out of the ordinary school moron of the more thickly poputiled east In many portion of the stale money hOA been lavishly upended for modern school building but In omo of the outlying district the schools In which the pioneer had their children taught to read and write still hold tho fort HI Is eiportcd that In a few yean all thin will hive teen changed and that tho lull dugout and stockade bulldlnga will have been superseded by school bgltdingi with every modern convenience A low yean agowlth the exception of the largo clllei or town where people were moro heavily taxed the school buildings consisted mostly of either dugout or log hut Many of olio log house are still scattered ov er the state and ther Is I still standing the tnt one erected within the borders bord-ers of what It now the stale This on Is I In Montesuma county and In the light of modern arrangement II I looked upon is a veritable relic It coniltU of a log house with four window and one door the window DOW having pane of glass om thlng that tbsy did not possess when the house wu lint erected Dot the most curious ftatun I of this old Umer li I the stockade which rum entirely around the building It li I mad of Ion with their ends duck In the ground and her and there holt have been cut through the solid log leaving a place when the school sack er and pupils could I poke the munles rP of their gum and shoot down the In I dian who win then practically poe session of the territory The stockade served long and will M a protection i against the savages I |