Show IIKNIFKU lluNLiiil Utulf Slay 6 lt > 07 KniTonTiuis 110 mire having April Heather In May Julio showery nt this nrltlng Mill Ilanmili llennefor Isdotvn from that lurk ltltlng relatives for n few week MliHC t Annlo and Charlotte Judd were domi fruit Turk Clty vlslln relntUes dining that week W Cox of Park City nnd Knocli llrovtn of Huytttllle vltlted our Sunday school lait Sunday and held a mashing IlthIloe teaclieri at the adjournment 01 < liool Tho lleneter Iallll > all club made a vlilt to Morgan hut Saturday and played play-ed match game with the Morgan boy Thin tcoro was 12 to 11 In favor of the llencfer boys At the closo of our larger school on Friday net a brief program was rendered ren-dered Tho trustees of the district were present In tho evening Tho children enjoyed themselves In tho dance untIl oclock and the adults about two hours later On May 1st the pupils with their t > lichen sheet the day In Owens canyon taking their picnic thong and having a real good time for the lime of the year The lesser school keeps en one month longer W D |