Show FOR WOMAN AND HOME I I ITEMS OP INTEREST TO MAIDS AND MATRONS I Dsark to Cold to no Ihs teetlss fee flit raldaClerelse la 117 ty loss I foe 5ssesr mots of the ruhloa Tks clad else 1IKV stood tr td > the tract that run i between ttirlr fA athem farms lie leaned upon the lupmust rsll I t s inn ptrona and va bran arms t lfl Her shuullrr Jut I ram UI to IJ Iheln A rlrnder maid Nan hit Tel that she ruled thai ilaloart youth Was very plain to are Ahearnestly I he upoke to hr The burning Ort Mil hihe eeteed 10 hr and 1 heed and yet Wielifted suite lilted rent her hI For on sonic daisies In her hand tier eye were ne1 an I IhrM Nine plucked to Itu nnr by I ne And cast upon the brp As lIe loot leaf she pluckM and flung It on Die wind she turiul Ilcr ayes to hie and MW 11ee love Wllhln I Ihrlr depths thai horned And then at last she neenied lo rant All ilouhi all fear R Mr llrr love she did 1 1 mote and gave I Hrr truth lob his bride I Over Ihe fence he tightly IMP And rlut her to his liim > t And to her cheek that brllhtly burned Ills glowing lips he iitrml 1 Than an Ihe sunset rosy glow IIHKhlened the iracrful lend l With hippy hearts loosed her home They wandered hand In hand r v t l Y I I his j I I 11 j 1 TULIt DIIRSS nor father In the doorway stood As they cams up the walk Indifferent to all around Absorbed In sweeten talk Ile know what suit his neighbors son Would teak to him and smiled For ever had he wlihM that he BhouU wed his darling child And when the young man stammering stammer-ing asked If he might wed the maid The old man In her lover hand Ills dauihters gently laid Thy kindly words he uttered filled With Joy the lovers heart And la each other pledged two live That only death could part rrdlio for Old Maids Old maids must clilni the little kingdom king-dom of Denmark for their Paradise for they are Insured there Any girl who I feels that these Is a likelihood of her being laid on the shelf may make provision pro-vision whereby she can at the ago of 40 be put In the spinster claM for good and receive weekly benefits These benefits of course are In cash Some ot lies old maids might prefer to have It so that Inteuj of money they would have a nice Helltrained bachelor bache-lor call twice a week and stay and be entertaining Sons enterprising American Am-erican ought to get up such a scheme There ate goodlooking bachelors enough to get up a corps ot wooer Old maids In the company would have a man call on them say twice a week and llstsa whll they played on the piano and sang their favorite lenU mental lie would nice I song say things about the playing and the singing and i I the alnger Nelllier would he kick the cat that would be sure to be prowling bout Many an old maid would be able to retain her aelfresprct It she could make some such provision And I think too of the tempers It would keep from sourlngl Old maids are said to have awful tempers and this course ol I treatment would be certain lo sweeten them I rrMUn rrr Cream two ounce of butler adding three tableipuonfuls of sugar and the I yolks of three eggs then by degrees add three teacupfuls of milk and the same of flour a saltspoonful of salt I and when aliI Is mixed stir In tbe sill I flytxalen whiles of three eggs flavored with vanilla Half fill some greased teacup with the halter and bake for twenty minutes In a quick oven Serve Immediately with sweet sauce Mnrkln In n lay llrilmi llrlltlancy of color and extravagance of design lire the rule In the slocking which the arbitrary fashion of the cornIng corn-ing spring will sock to enforce upon Its favorites the quiet and demure lace which but H hint time Inca were llcI Y oltl pirfPrreil by women of taste have been relegated 1 to thin ouncurlly of the un usrd bureau drawer and their sneers urn are mi flamboyant as the costumes with which they will be worn Nothing Noth-ing more astonishing In the way of hosiery has been seen In a long time than those rontalncsl In a group of interesting patterns just made ready for n young society woman One of the most effective wo n pattern of dark slot on a light ground The locking was of ilnlntlPitt while silk the tars In deep black They were designed de-signed to be worn with a chic spring costume of black and white silk with which they will accord strikingly Another effective design gave a berth boned effect to the stocking of dark red silk the strip of white extending from ankle to top A third which Is I for wear with a dainty evening slipper i slip-per wa a combination of black and yellow In an altogether new design TVhl Wamea An Dlr The queerest fad on record Is I that ol Miss Dell Ten Kyck of Worcester Mass who amuses herself by capturing captur-ing and taming all sorts of sea mon trosltle She has jars ot devil fish and say she really enjoys their presence pres-ence Cuban women ot the famlllp of the Insurgent are Inculcating what they consider right Ideas In the minds nf their children A primer baa just been printed In Cuba setting forth revolutionary revolu-tionary sentiments In an attractive manner In Prance women have a monopoly on bookkeeping In restaurant and cafe They are well paid and bar few expenses their meals being fur nlshed by the restaurant and a plain black drws being all that la I require In the way of toilet during working hour < |