Show A hpllo SuhJrt A gentleman wa riding on the out side ot a coach In the well whea the driver said to him Tte hAd a coin guy to me todtj 00 years old Did you eter see a coin 200 years old f Oh yea I have one myself 2009 eani old Ah said the driver have ye r and spoke no more during tho ret ot the journey When Iho conch arrived at Ita destination des-tination the drher turned to the other with an Intcnttly selfsallsfled air and said I told you as we druv along I had a coin zOO years old Yes And you said to me u you had ont 000 years old Yen so I have I Thais n tb true What do you mean by that What do I mean f Why Its only 1197 now Tilnils = |