Show IlTIIV finis UTAH May fi 18117 Kmr H TIMED Thomas IUrry Jr has returned to Upton mm ptliigxlllr and Intends to make Upton hltpermnncnlhoinc rlders Wulwr + nml Hopkins of Echo atteinled thnnfleriuion service ln tplon on snndny lust and were the et pvnkeri nn tin ovrnitun Iniiullle and Prank l emlng olio lme been residing 1 In Coalvllln during tlicuift w Inter have remoud with I heir limlllei their riinchet iltimted on balk r < e k Silent anincr through THE TIME thin following Vlnit Is tin Intent of the IIcelllo min sheep herd pmturlng suit liratliig In Bummltrounty7 Ioee the license apply to tranilrnt herds only Are those who Aro perniinont retldents In this touchy where their iheep pus tore and grunt exempt from salt l II dense or docs It apply ball owners of thcep AMIHEH Tho Intent of the ordl nanro Innwilni this license It i the tame at tlnt ImpoilngJ license on merchants and others namely for Lho purpose of t I raising revenuo to run the county government gov-ernment and It iippllei nil arsons owntngiihccpln the county or haying ilieep 1 In their iiomemton or under their control whether residents Irt the county or 01 herl he April 27th 1MI7 I tho homo of Father and Mother 1oncll was mado happy by the gathering of their font and daughters daught-ers with their fanilHen tho occasion bo lug tocelebrato limit guidon wedding the flftcoth year of thelr marrlnd life Many Inxited guitts nero present It was a very enjojnblo time After 1utlier Powell bud related much of tho expcrlenco of fifty years of married life rufieihmiiits went served stud appru prlito ongt and recitations wero rendered ren-dered by llioiu pretiiit Father Powell then snug the Ixtuitlful hymn 0 My I rather J 0 I |