Show md News Itolllzllllt that what Is good for Park City III It goo < 1 for Coalvlllo and all of Summit county we are glad to report the from lat weekIark following Park Record I Su muay rumors have been afloat tin past week cncercing the Marsao Mil snit no many Inquiries have boon nude at this oUlce aslo when It would resume operations that The Record took oca lion this morning call np Buperln tendunt Chamber who Is I In Salt Lake and gethls version of the tltuatlon lime Interview was brief but gratifying Mr Chambers stated that the condition of the road leading to the Daly mine was such as to preclude the resumption of erahauling for tbs protect If the fine weather we are experiencing continue let a few days longer however the ore teams would bo put on Kterylhlngt It In iMUneM at the mill for the riiimi lion of work and word ml up would lo I hell within twiliuorfourlen days at the furthenl Thlt will bo I good news to the people of Turk City who barn grim lonesome In the nlvvmo of the humdrum mutlc of tin Marisc stamps since the cloieduiHi of tho I great enterprise I |