Show 0 nw ttl Ihad Salina Utah May otli Special to the Herald J K MtCInahan of Mt ricniitnt w ac set dead about 1220 this morning by Arlliur Nelson of this place MiClcnalisn camn down from Mt Pleasant hit night on builnerf and along Dbowt 10 orlock tees sell under this inllueixc of liquor About midnight the barkeeper made him n lied on the fool mils Hu neat to bed sad the bur keeper went homo lie twos aflergot up left the dmir nja and made lilt way up 1 to thin Nelson rOil ilenn The Nclron family oontlitt of thus Wldoo 1 Nehwn Arthur WHIIaii Ag glo and Alice two boys and two glrli all grown Arthur acknattledges doing blue thoot lng > nd taps i at atiout the hour amend hit toothier wike him nnd his bnithe nud tald tomebody aim trying to get III I I at the window They both ran out Arthur Ar-thur taking the Wlncliemer rifle As Moon nt McClcnahan found he was ult covered he run into that street Ho wa told tu halt but kept running Arthur Ores lib andhlihrother lath fAY sdnuply le frighten the person not knowing who ho was Then they went back to Led This morning the body was found about CO yard down tho tldewalk from eppotltethehoue and about 40 allls tram where the first blood was Olicoy ercd Upon elimination ol the wound It ass dlicovtred that the ball went In I through the shoulder blade and cam out just left of the breast bone close to If I not penetrating the heart The coronert jury brought A verdict of f juitlllable homicide The corpte joes to Mt Ileaiant for In Lermont In the morning McClenahsn leaves a Isrgo family sud bad always borne a goodrepulatlon |