Show New llrrrk Mlnltr Athens April 30lubllo clamor luau at last compelled Klngdiorga to franca franc-a new cabinet with M Italll aa premier pre-mier IuLllo tension ha been much relieved by the change In the ministry and It la I believed that tliMhrealenlng danger of Internal troubles ha been removed M Italll In an Interview saIdMy My policy will conilst In the reorganization reor-ganization of the army whose recuperative recu-perative forces are practically lou hiuitlble and the reestablishment of order together wIth a satisfactory solution so-lution of our foreign relations We refuse re-fuse to accept a mandate from the king or from the chamber We must hare an absolute free band St Louts Mo April aOTha Mississippi Mis-sissippi Is rising steadily and six Inch ea more will place It above the danger line There U I a general rise above |