Show Anlrdl nl I The HollUUy tenth company thlppeil another car load of entrocltr Oallo Salt Luke City Inn trek and eipect lu get the third car loaded ty tomorrow Tho company will ship al lean one car n week during the suimacr months but I will Iw Imprmlng rod deieloplng the nlnet until even > hhdng II gotten Into titipa i to snpjily the water demand then coal mines reloo led 1 Jin Whll noreiiaiiyoi nndaitrtached from Sun lyilde vll 11 rail TrIll creek The ono thing that now hainp Iho rompinys operntlont h I the ruin > < ltbnut road lo the nine but tlilt will lain be reniidle l nt t 100 It now being spent In conttruallng n direct road When this Is dune the coil vein can boreuM Just slue miles llttnnt from SunnjiMp nnd at that M > lnt wlilcli iibout a mile from aliens coal It now being extricted l one 01111 Is IIh feet and Jiiotlier 4 feelIhlck Men are busily emlloeJ In making the nec unary change dud Improyment and a tunnel Is being drlttn to determine II I depth disclose any liiipravmeiit In the quality of the mtiaclte though ws lit now ihowi up there II 1 every reason to belloft the article Inrned out will give general latlifactloo Should the cod Improvp all running the tunnel thoqual lly will equal thattt the Ienniylvaula anthracite and lriihlpments will bo made The cotopiny hat orders fur moro Man they coast present supply but will make etTotU to still us often ns the facllltlci for Srtcllng will allow Price AiivocaK |