Show T WINS TENNIS TITLE National Champ Take Match With Spanish Player Ios LOS ANGELES July Wil 23 28 38 Wil William liam flam T Tilden It II national tennis champIon won son the tho southern Call Cali California fornia mens men's title today by defeatinG Manuel Manucl Alonso h cup star 9 7 6 4 6 2 In a fought ahard-fought hard fought match on the courte o the tho Los Loa Ang les Tennis club A crowd of 1500 persons which was as I as very was said to have with the play play- playIng playing ing of Alonso who appeared to PloY 1 bo be bonen beners ners nen ous Mrs May Sutton Button Bundy former former- formerly formerly formerly ly national woman champion and Tilden won the mixed doubles andI de- de defeating defeating de defeating I Miss MIas Caroline Br Brvant Brant ant and Harold Godshall 6 2 6 6 3 6 3 Tul- Tul Tullen Til-elen Til len did not pa pay so well In this match being tired from hI his strenuous strenuous ous contest with Alonso Godshall was the star of the quartet though Mrs litre Bundy played In excellent form Immediately after arter winnIng the tho mixed doubles Tilden presented the cup ho ha won In the mens men's singles to Miss Pola Pole Nesri egri film actress and four of his racquets to Doug Doug- Douglas DoUglas las las Fairbanks motion picture liar at Miss NegrI and Fairbanks had cheered for tor 11 n throughout hout his hist t 0 matches Miss Marion Marlon Williams of La t |