Show TEA AT CUNNINGHAM CUNNINGHAM HOME appointed was nas as the bridge tea tel gh glen given en by Miss Annette Cunningham and Miss Marva McBride Mc- Mc Mc Bride at the tho Cunningham am home 2660 2650 Madison avenue afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock Twel 1 e we e a In tables bles ot of bridge ridge here ere arranged Miss Silas Elizabeth xon on the first prize and Sties Miss Louise the cut print A three three-I three three- three course course luncheon was as ser served cd on the email tables following n th e eDian games Many Dian Y bouquets of garden flowers beautifully decorated the home The hostesses were Here assisted by their mothers Mrs G J Cutt ham Ung- Ung ham hamand Mrs p C McBride and Mrs Elizabeth Bird LIttle Bar Bar- Dar I Barbara barn bara Kimball France Jane Wood Wood- Woodcock Woodcock cock coel and Alice Allee Dunn r received the guests Among present were iTero Ruth Seo Florence Turner Coolidge Alice Beck H Helen len Mills Marion Marlon Mills 1 Hope l Fox ox Blanche Barton Adelaide do Ashton Nell Driggs Claudia Roberts Vir- Vir Virginia Vir Virginia ginia Patricia Dorothy Beatrice Browning Marlon Eccles Virginia Green Miriam Cain Calli Phyllis Phyllls King Marlon Cross Cora Malono M lone Pauline WI Wright Elizabeth S ONeill O'Neill LOuise LLouise Zeller Almeda New New- Newman Newman New man man Madeline Toy Helen Heelen Moore Frances ONeill O'Neill I Shuffle Shuffle- barger barger Helen Conroy Katherine 1 Kay KlY Florence Hendershot J Jean can Che Evelyn Ivelyn Corey Core Margaret Louise Louiser etcher risher l Katherine ne 1 Fisher r Hazel Mills Margaret Malone of Poca Poca- Pocatello Pocatello tello Cello Sirs Mrs Mr Herman Heman Fetcher and Sirs III's Russell Petty |