Show PERCY AMMONDS AMMOND'S LETTER LETS R NEW YORK YORis July TIe The 22 The ro re vue re vue ue librettists having ha loafed on the Job tor several seasons seasons find Clad themselves confronted by an economic eco eco- eco economic DOmic peril So sparse spares have Lave been their contributions to entertain entertain- entertainment entertainment ment of oC late that producers and audiences have hue begun to regard t m as mere parasites Let us the rho employers employees and customers seem to be saying let I t us rid ourselves f these encumbrances who pester us with old jokes Impeding our enjoyment Or at least let us reyce re- re re reduce duce their standing and their sti- sti stipend sU-pend sU pend to a place plane commensurate With Chen belr efficiency While tho rho librettists have been asleep the haberdashers have been It work The bU busy buey tailors have ad- ad var ad-var ed ed upon the rho Indolent authors by stitch until the funny garments Ina in a 8 reVUe reuse arc are to Its funny speeches In the same somo atlo as ale was ass to bread in Falstaff's Falstaf's tavern bill Dih Revues like other urchins arc now to be seen rather gather than to be bo heard It Is the twi twi- twi twilight twilight light o of tire the librettists while for Cor Corthe forthe forthe the and the dawn like Ilke love in the popular bol- bol bollard lard bal lard flames lames in the summer skies A Mr tr Ir Alexander Leftwich a apro- apro pro tege pre pre- te-e te of ot Daniel Frohman and the Fund Benefits has presented pre pre- presented pre presented at Mr Air Frohman's Imposing Lyceum theatre a tempting shop shop- shoppers shoppers shoppers pers gUl guide entitled The Tho FashIOns ot of 19 1923 3 U Though such artists as the Jimmy Hus- Hus Hussey Hussey sey Hus-sey sey and ai d Arnold Daly Dalp are engaged In Inthe Inthe the rho play pla pIa s performance the they rep rep- rep resent merel merely the waning tradition ot of the and emphasize e the obsolescence of comedy in musIcal like Ghost-like hover ho comedy they about the many garments and they repeat every now and anol then rhea an el- el elderly el elderly derly deny wheeze heeze or ge gesture ture The book booko i o ot this and aad other shop window shop window I eX-I ex extravaganzas Is as blank as their bindings are eloquent Why then the cloa cloak and suit men as ask should e authors receive royalties royal royal- royalties ties for Cor their dull 0 we who ft v ho are the whole whale hole show arE paid merely an artists artist's pittance TWe Ve provide pro the public they say with vicarious possession of at silken coats and aroi cap caps and golden rings With ruffs and sails cuffs and farthingales gales gates and things With and fans tans fansTo To say nothing of ot the dimplEs dimplE's and other pink pl pin f possibilities which the shrewd shred d arrangement ot of women's apparel offers in rich play dis-play play pay There Thero is a whimsical though credible rumor tumor abroad that the costumiers hate hale applied for tor mem mem- membership membership In the Authors league seeking the place now no held pre- pre I |