Show PROFITS MADE I IBY BY SWINDLERS I Road Road Trial and Rate Cut Cut Schemers Reaping Large Harvest Wo SHIr Jul July Do 28 8 De Declaring De Declaring claring daring that the United States StatE's n Infested with sith fly by fl fl-b fl b night schemes to mulct motorists motorist hotel men nion and garage owners out ul ot of vast 1 sums of money mon under pretext of ot good KOO- roads development touring louring trails trUs and cut cut- rate cut rate schemes tho the National Motor Motor- Motorists lots association h Its Wash wash- Washington h- h hIngton ington headquarters Is urging the operation theco-operation co operation ot of o all IL Its affiliated clubs In putting an end to what It terms a pernicious 1 form of ot graft The subject of Qt good 1 roads say N M II A officials la Ls 9 so near to 10 t the te heart bart of ot c dory cery ery motorist that ho he can hardly retrain refrain from being gUllible tho the moment th the cause causa Is mentioned Tho ease case wih vh which car on owners ners garage people J and hotel men contribute to further highway de It ItIs Itis ItIs Is pointed out has encouraged a allorde horde of ot s r to prey on on on- the theun un Now they say Bay It Is la up to tho automobile clubs to 10 warn members and the associated Inter Interests ests eats of ot their communities agaInst those thoe who would use usa tho the good roads argument for tor Illegitimate personal gain TI on the reputation of ot le- le legitimate le legitimate automobile clubs and tour tour- touring touring ing associations these lame fane organ organ- organ 11 are aro said to be operating tour tour-I under the various names ot of o auto RUtO- automobile automobile mobile associations touring service and trail trail association running the tho gamut of ot promises provo to bo be Just that thai and nothing more inure 11 lI ASKED In bringing the details of ot the graft menace to Postmaster Gen Gen- General General Gen General eral r-en's r attention 3 Secretary Ired Irod H Caley Cal y of ot the N NM M l A claims that fees fecs In some soma ot of o these promotion schemes ruD to as lIS high as 39 75 per y year r The process of 01 acquiring lists ot of car cr owners o and of ot employing hIgh pressure solicitors on a 50 60 bassIs bass bassis Is simple Ill I'll enough he says sas and ex- ex explains explains ex plains why hy the menace has las reached rachEd enormous proportions proportion throughout the country scheme Any whereby a car own own- owner owner owner er can get fro freo road service tr free e egal advice and liberal discounts on car necessities has his Immedi Immedi- Immediate Immediate ate attention on E n ton en the sharp ho- ho hotel ho hotel tel man frequently tails falls prey to the promoter who sho promises to so arrange the new state trail as to toma tomake male ma c It pass the hotel hotels a 8 e ery cry door The garageman garas-eman too will hi otten pay 15 for tor a 2 sign It if the promoters scheme Is sufficiently attractive These concerns do not render any public sen ser says sais SIl s Mr Caley nor ore arc they organized ors or conduct conduct- conducted conducted ed ell In good faith fath They merely ex- ex exIst ex exist 1st to II mulct the automobile owner who ho is held up a as an object of le- le legItimate le legitimate prey rey Worst R ot of o till 11 s ery little If it an anything Is being done by either the bO tu ot or the Hie tar tar- lous ar ar- ar Iou fous states or the federal gOern go ern- ern em eminent ment to rid the country countr ot of these leeches who ho are arc out to get some easy money In largo II quantities from the automobile public TAI TAhL TAKI L 11 IE cr E er one Is naturally Intel e ted In Increasing and developing motor trawl tra cl But the audits a or of many motorists motorist automobile trade people hotel men and business nice men Is all out ot of o proportion to their knowl knowl- knowledge knowledge l- l ledge edge of o the basic tact facts regarding Its origin and trends Sho Show Shen them thema II a map mal with lines linea drawn across It to signify highways s and they the will Ill I ghe you carte blanche to the sate safe But ut around the corner there may exist neglected nes so far as liS they are concerned an automobile club that has done more to promote mo- mo motor motor mo motor tor tra Cl to the particular tov torn n nthan than all the trails In the v orld In an eternity The The operations ot of the good toads grafters are arc frequently de- de ceding de-ceding ceh Ing because they are Conducted on such elaborate scales tor for the time being Contributions are ot- ot otte often ot I te ten successfully solicited from au au tOI and tire concerns Life Lite memberships at Imposing prices are sold to Individuals Boards of ot trade and chambers of ot commerce Inter inter- interested Interested ested in ul Highway ay development are Intrigued while whole hole to towns ns are arc through being Induced to pay for Cor the Ilc e ot of o ha basing haIng Ing u trail run In a certain a direction US c CAUSE GR T I The The most unfortunate feature of this whole hole nefarious ILS as the H Ii M SI A emphasizes In ht its It light against the ll c Is h that thit these prostitutes of ot the automotive e and good roads cause usually trade on the accomplishments of 01 those au- au automobile automobile au automobile organizations v over a period of ot ears en rs I ha have halo e developed a real good roads sentiment that Is today toda through ate channels providing rent reat results In 11 U e a Improvement ement ot of high highways ways vax and the Increase In their use It Is time tor for the organizations that yeah yeat In and year icar ear out have hate e nur- nur nurtured nur nurtured cultivated andr and realized the de ot of to speak out against the grafters and offer oHer the motorist protection agaInst them Stick to lour our legitimate automo automo- automobile automobile automobile bile dub your civic chic Institution for tor real results ts and practical service In promoting good roads good 1 laws touring service sea nna all lems problems affecting the ownership and operation of ot your motor vehicle DO op |