Show MATURE FOR BIG BI GAME Luncheon Clubs Will College Grid Tilt Business clubs ot or Ogden will tober Qs-tober sponsor the thc football game here Qc- Qc Q tober 20 0 between the Utah Aggis sand and th the Colorado School of o If IC the present plina mature Jessi JessiS JewS S den Oe-den Richards secretary of the OS- OS den chamber of commerce an- an announced an announced flounced last night Tho final decision concerning the gam game which will be played eith eIther r rat at Logan or at Lorin Farr larr pa paik k ill b be bl reached here next at a meeting at which rep rep- rep representatives e of all nil of the luncheon clubs will be in attendance Coach Lowel Romney last outlined the plans for tor the tha giving the committee in attend attend- attendance ance anee valuable points of interest OIl the systematic manner In which the sectional games on the coast were played last It season Romney told how the Phoenix chamber or of o commerce arranged hp b game between Arizona and ond Utah By making such guch a game s an an- an annual annual an annual nual e event ent he ho belle believes es that It will draw thousands In Ogden This city has bas never put on an nn In- In In Intercollegiate lIe contest ot of this natu-e natu The Th Utah Aggles played the Ogden OgdenA A A here three vears ears ago win win- winning ning 16 to 0 The Tho following sea sea- season season sea season son Wyoming after playing Utah to toa toa toa a Oto 0 tie defeated the Ogden A AA AA A 3 to 0 In a brilliant contesti The luncheon club clubs have named the following men to investigate itI the tho proposed pl plan and to discuss It at their respective luncheons dur- dur during dur during ing log the tho week Henry olary Joe McFarlane e club Lon Romney Kiwanis P T 1 Carver Lions dub club and Jesse Richards Ogden chamber of ot commerce com com- merce no |