Show Ih- Ih UTAH POULTRY PRODUCERS COO COOP CONCERN SUCCEEDS Milk White Eggs Bring Higher Price on New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Market Than Famous s This Years Year's Business Expected to Return Growers Net By Dy WILL IVILL From a beginning beg with with- Investment with a II few fw workers In ina Ina a small office at Gunnison doing a business that th t would have haT amounted to per year car farmers farmer ot of Utah that organized the tb Utah Poul Foul Poultry tr try Producers Inc co operative concern e a paved the way for tor forthe the operative co marketing ot of practically c all farm products This was the state state- statement statement statement ment ol of o the heads of o the Utah state bureau recently It speaks peaks volumes for or what may be bo done don by concerted effort they say and Is Isan isan 1 an n indication of o the trend on an among the farmers farmer to eliminate the brok- brok broker rr brok-rr Ir er and the middleman Within the pa past t tor for months the concern has handled for the poul poul- poultry poultry poultry try men o of Weber eber c and the th state more than 75 carloads o of e eggs gs that ha halo hae h o e been shipped to the New ew York market where they were sold under the brand o of Milk White eggs receiving one halt a 0 cent more per dozen than the na- na nationally na nationally ad ed brand o of Peta- Peta Petaluma Peta-luma Peta luma eggs The business In the past four months has returned to the poultry raisers of the state tate more than net for tor or their eggs sivo of the cost of ot packing candling cand- cand candling cana ling freight and other costs The concern sill Kill III this year do a busi busi- business business business ness that wll wil return the poultry I growers more than fl net according to the officers for the I demand Is growing steadily ste and andI I more mor members are arc joining daily ON PRICES Another outstanding feature ture ot of the work of ot the th n is the tact fact that prices to tho Hier consumer In Utah Ia have ve not been raised as was as predicted on all sides Bides by op- op opponents opponents op opponents of ot the th plan Not only this but the th concern has recently on account of what the members say sayto to Is an inflated market produced by byI I their shipping eggs out of ot th state entered the retail business and have thus driven down the price ot of eggs in Utah to the price received for tor them In the tho Los Angeles market marJet plus the freight The concern now has working for it ft 16 If trucks gathering Catherine the th eggs ot of the producers and hauling them to the th various carious packing plants located located located ed at Ogden Salt Lake Lae Gunnison and Provo and they have hav also a plant located at American Am rican Fork to handle the eggs of ot the th Provo plant during the tho summer ummer months There are 75 SCENE AT PLANT PL Questioning the officers for tor facts fact that would account for the tha rapid growth and success of ot the th ration the writer was as Invited by Charles A Groberg president ot of the Ogden Poultry Producers as- as as association to visit the local plant where he could see the th reasons reason and question to his bis hearts heart's heart content The Th Ogden plant at present Is located in a portion ot of the Becker Becer Products plant at the intersection of Nineteenth str street t and Lincoln at a Backed up In front of o the th plant was a freight car beIng belne loaded with eggs for tor the th New York market and Inquiry showed that the eggs a are sold long before betor they are shipped 80 0 per cent of ot the price being re- re receIved re calved when the car Is shipped and the remainder when it arrives at New York One New York firm handles bundles the entire output and has been making an Insistent demand for more eggs ores ot of the same jam quality Quality that seems to be b the th 88 se I I I I cret for or In the th plant the th ergs eggs eec are sorted candled candied and packed I I live grades of ot eggs s are ar produced Those known as Eastern Extras taunt t be milk white In color and weigh 22 2 ounces or mare m re to andI the I dozen and also must be b spotless s In appearance with light yolks yolk I These are ore the eggs that brine bang the premium price on the th New York t The Th First Grade Is the th same In weight eight as the Eastern Exira but cream colored and showing the the shell hell slightly soiled Then there Is the Pullet grad grade irad-a cam same as a the Eastern Extras ex- ex excepting excepting x that the eggs weigh less than 22 ounces to the th dozen but butmore butmore butmore more than 18 It ounces The Trade eggs are those brown In color with dark yolks odd shapes odd sizes and und under underweight r weight Then there are the discards such as checked eggs cess that are good eggs excepting that the shell is broken SUCCEEDED CD E In the Ogden plant three girls and one on man are arc employed dally daily candling eggs egg and one gIrl cirl is em- em employed employed em employed sorting them They become expert but when id doubt weigh the doubtful egg cps on a II small scale located near the th candling lamp Each candler handles on an aver aver- average average average age of ot eggs per day of eight hours The original concern started at Gunnison with its small sm plant on August 1 I 1922 and eggs were gathered from Sanpete Se Se ler ier and Juab counties Tho The movement was successful from the start an and after investigating at- at Ing It the Utah State Farm bure bureau u under whose supervision it was started as an experiment to aid the poultry producers producer of ot the state advised ad that other poultry asso asso- associations associations associations be bo formed throughout th the state until at present there are armore more than 20 such organizations all sending eggs ests to the th packing plants of ot the th Utah Poultry Producers Producers Producer ers er Inc Ine HOW now TO ro JOIN JOD The Th incorporated company Is owned by b the tho producers and gov- gov governed governed cov by a s committee ot of 15 made up of ot members of ot the various as- as associations as associations Asked how one on Joined such a poultry poultry- producers association Mr Groberg answered Any member who is now a member of the county farm tarm bureau and controlling the th output of ot or more hens of ot standard variety and whose application tor for member member- membership ship In the th association has been favorably approved by the e executive tive live board of ot the association may become a member number and any other person may become a member of the Ogden Ofden Poultry Producers as- as as association by payment of 10 10 and annually thereafter provided how how- however however how ever that his application for mem mem- membership mem- mem membership membership In the association has been approves by the e executive board I The officers of ot the Utah Poul Poul- Poultry Poultry Poultry try Producers Inc are Benjamin Benjamm Drown Brown president and general man man- manager manager manager ager Albertus first vico Ice president George A Brown Drown sec sec- second second sec second ond vice Tic president 11 II II 11 Metzger third vice vie president and manager m ot of the th Ogden plant and Clyde E Edmonds secretary and treasurer 00 |