Show OGDEN PEOPLE ON i i OMAHA WIRELESS Mrs Irs Grace Mellinger 1 ellinger wife Ite wit ot of o the Rev W V I L Mellinger former pastor of the First Christian chul church chuich ch and his son Macon Maxon Mellinger er will be heard In a radio concert to be from Omaha Thurs Thurs- Thursday Thursday Thursday day August 2 Ogden friends of the will Ill hate hav ha e an opportunity opportunity opportunity to listen 11 ten In on the pro pro- program program pro cram gram Mrs r will III read The Ke Negro ro Funeral and From From a lr I Country Macon Maxon Mellinger willi will give a 11 saxophone soo solo The D Eve nis nig Stat Stai The concert will be from the radio of the th Woodmen ot of the World Omaha The Th concert will be b given from fromi 9 to 10 30 pm p m central time meter wave len length h no n |