Show LATEST NEWS FROM INTERMOUNTAIN WEST Wyoming Nevada Utah Utah- 1 ESCORT SHOT MATE HUNTED Street Car Conductor Wounded In Early Morning Attack SILT LAKE Jul July 2 27 7 Isaac J D Dalton 43 a str street et car conductor nag a 0 shot shat and seriously wounded d ut at 1 30 o'clock this by a m man n Whom hom Dalton says S s I li Is Maur- Maur Maurer er er a II r str street ct car now employed cd at th the Denver er R Rio nio Gr nde estern railroad as a fore fore- man manThe The shooting took look place in front of oC the home of oC Mrs Maurer at atT T Twenty ent South and Ninth east street and was witnessed by her Dalton Dilton told the police pollee that Whoa h 1 lIe had finished his Ills shift shIrt this morn morn- morning mornIng morning ing Mrs Mahrer who ho Is od down to n asked aked him to escort her herto herto herto to her home He complied compiled her both having In left lert the street car at Seventh Se East an and 1 T Twenty first ent first South As the they reached her home borne Dalton said Maurer drove up In an automo automo- I automo-I automobile automobile bile In which rode two other mm men Maurer Is said to ha have 0 leaped from the car and to hale have fired three shots at Dalton Balton The latter was ns armed and returned the fire He told the police pollee that he bc shot shat tt 11 Maurer r at least once but did not know lono whether hether or not the tho shot 1111 hal I tak taken n effect When Dalton tell fell to the ground Maurer returned to tho the car and in I drol drove I away awa aa The driver er of oC a past pasting Ing automobile went ent to Daltons Dalton's aid and lifting him Into his aut auto took him to the county count hospital here It was as found that he ho had been shot In the left groin Detective I Cy C W y and Joseph Emery Eme of tho the cliv force toree went vent to the scene and made madea a preliminary In Investigation Deputy Deput sheriff George Knett later arrived on the the scene and took charge of the case caso and begun a search fot fOI Maurer and bl his companions but at atan itan t tan an early hour this morning had not located them Maurer and ond his wife are said Bald to toba toha e ba hate baI I been separated for tor sel several eral 3 ears but are arc not dh divorced The former has sought according to Dalton to effect a reconciliation pith Mrs Maurer and has bas 1 her Ier home on several occasions Jealousy JealouS unfounded Dalton declared de- de de declared dared was the cause of the shoot shoot- shootIng shooting shooting ing It was as believed this morning by those attending Dalton that he would recover er |