Show Legislator Loses Liquor In Fake Raid San FI Man ran Lets Take rake Stock I I CAN AN FRA FRANCISCO CISCO July 27 27 51 pi O Three men armed with a purported search warrant raided the homo home of Hairy Hally F Morrison assemblyman from San and c carried a assay ay a 1 stock of liquors aRmed I at approximately Wed Wed- WedI Wed Wednesday I night It was learned here hefe today r I ho he had obtained the liquor from Canada since the prohibition prohibition law had become effee- effee effective th the tive e and that It was for them to confiscate it As they trucked the liquor away Morrison asked for tor a ye Te which was given gisen him Today he called upon Samuel Butter Rutter federal prohibition di- di director di dl rectors rector and asked for an ex- ex ex explanation of the raid What raid Rutter asked Then It developed d that neith neither er tr prohibition officers nor the th seizure police had authorized the I |