Show ADVENTURES TWINS 4 Olive Bar on onI I 0 I a e 5 I Oh 01 I C he Jives on the other side hide of the tho Door Boor In ct To Tow n ii It did seem too bad that ear I hod bod everi-bodi everi In Rainbow Land was is-as so changed The rhe no longer spoke In I I The rhe Dummies had ered ho how boss dum dumb 1110 the were ere and were v cr ere quite unhappy about it The I just hated their bIg ear ears and md refused to sing themselves I to sleep Bleep I The no longer took toole I to make themselves S cr cry but butI the thel cried an am way ay just because I flue I l he Tootsies were ero Sc so ashamed of oC their big feet they hid their heads head Inside of their collars and wouldn t look t ht anything or an I 1 Ino ho no longer blew bew this way and that like Illco thistledown d das da s of oC were o er All Cross Patch latch had had II was ed his bid bid- old magic maglo stick stich i Ms IV I M ill II My This is deard- deard ful fut you please tell us where here Old 01 Cross cried 1 X Nanel Nanc Mister lUster Sky hk Jo Bow will HI Patch lives Well We'll have to to catch him and take tahe his stick i ia a way from him at once I Let Leta see I 1 used to know Ino said Ulster MIster Sky Pow Posy Po scratching his hi I head Oh es he lives on the theother other side Ide of the Rainbow Door In Yet Wet BI Bl Tow Toss o nIts n It Its a dread dreadfully CUlly hal haid tJ to find Besides all alt that Old Cro itlie IChe Cross a Patch has quick ears and it IC lie he hears us coming coming- hell he'll wave WIe WI e his ls stick ats at's at us and turn us all Into Im not afraid said sald Nancy m in I declared Nick And I J think wed we'd better do some some- something something thing to help these the the e nice niec little folk In Rainbow Land out of their trou trou- trouble ble Mister lster About face faco March said Mis- Mis ls- ls ter Sh Sky Bo Bow And awny aln they went To ro Be Lie Continued Copyright 1323 1123 NUA OIA Service In Int 00 Ticks sometimes hat lI h as 11 n many manyas manyas manas as 30 20 eggs at a time |