Show RUHR GER GERANS GERMANS ANS I SHUN TRAINS I I ESSEN July ft Sf CA W in tho the Ruhr passively resisting the I French declined to ride on trains tr I run by Frenchmen Hence Honce It BOon oo I became a question of ot stay at home or locomotion find sorno somo omo other othor means of ot loco loco- motion I They did the latter and today the R Ruhr Is la filled tilled with people I on onI I onI I rollers Tens Ten of ot thousands of ot Ia- Ia la laborers I borers have hau bicycles motorcycles motorcycle lor I or a Il small coa coaster ter propelled by a aI I gasoline motor to go to and from their work Hundreds of ot thousand or of others are arc taken to their places ot of employment and back In motor trucks furnished by their employ employ- employers era employ ers 00 Co operative Co-operative food marketing as- as associations as associations In this country now num number ber bar 85 65 f with morel more being formed |