Show 4 4 EXPERT SWIMMERS SWIMMER'S V RE REWARD ARD IS HIS ABILITY TO TODO TODO DO FANCY DIVES THE SWAN AND I BY L LYBA M SHEFFIELD DIrector of SWImming of California Summer Session and Co Author of SwImMIng Simplified FINAL SWAN ARTICLE AND KNIFE JACKKNIFE DIVES I I I 5 s sI 1111 I I ci- ci j I I 7 Ni 2 I c cI I s Ip I I II I I I I I I II II I r I The swan san disc dhe Sheffield caught fn in air mill air n as lie he malts malu the lie nt dC of oC u a swan an l dJ SAN FRANCISCO July 27 27 Warning l Do not attempt fanc fancy dh thing Ing too soon In 5 our career as asa asa a 0 s swimmer Immer Before 3 vou ou are arc ready for tor the fancy dives discs es ou ou be ba complete master of at least one olle olles s swimming ImmIng stroke of fating f and andIn I of the clemen tar dh es I explained In the fourth of ot this series Other Otherwise Ise sour lour our attempts may end In disaster All fancy dl es arc based on three elementary fancy dies dh es the theuman 8 uman an the fron front t knife jack and the back knIfe JACk The first of oC these the swan san i Isone one of the prettiest and most graceful and also one of oC the eale easiest t tto to learn It can ran be done either from It a springboard or from a 0 platform It if from a board be bo sure that It Is at least three feet abo c abo e the sur- sur surface surface sur surface face of the ater water For starting position erect arms at the sides of the bod hod ald ad adith Ith ith to toes s gripping the edge of ot the board of platform Ne Next t take A deep Inhalation and hold it Now Nosy disc divo b by springing upward and out swinging the arms for for- forward for ward arl and up as you do so finish finish- finishing finishing ing with them extended one to toward ard I I I I I each side Hold HoM this position until IOU ou reach tho the top of oC tho the cun curve curse e you lare are making In the airAs airAs air As 3 ou start to the descend descend I proper descent des of or course is that formerly explained head bead first so that iou ou l will III entel tho the v i ater at an jangle angle of 45 so degrees bring degrees bring the arms arms up over oser the head and assume the proper diving dh Ing position po with Ithe them iou ou enter the II aith Ith the head he d do down clown n arms extended land covering the ears thumbs locked I I The starting position for the front knife jack-knife Is the same as that I for the swan In this dive disc IOU vou Jump with the I body elect the ma amount of height When IOU ou reach the highest point bend the body for for- forward for forward ward ard at the waist alst touching the ankles with the tho legs straight and the toes pointed Hold this position for tor a It moment I then straighten the body and en- en enter en enter ter the water viator In In- Inthe the correct man man- manner manner man manner ner described In the articles on Iter dh diving Ing 1 he position for the back knife jack-knife Is body erect hack back I 10 toward ard the pool heels well 0 oser oserthe er erthe the board arms extended in I front of sou OU about shoulder width apart I W hile In this position execute t two 0 or three test springs up and n doun to see sec that lou oti hae have proper nce l This is don clone without taking the feet from the board Then forcibly swing S the arms up and at the same came time lime spring Well up and bick ck clearing the board b by at least leat three feet While In the air b bend nd the bodY forward at the waist alst aist touching the ankles legs straight Hold this po- po position po position foi a moment then straighten n the body enter and the water ater in the correct manner In the bick trick knife jack remember remember remember ber that the tho forcible arm swing sing and the Up upward ard spring are es and that this dh dive die e should never be attempted unless the diver s kno that he Is able to Jump at le leas three feet backward backard from the springboard Other Otherwise Ie lou vou ou y m hate hae a bid d collision with the tho board As these three dl dives dies es are the basis for tor all the tho more fancy diving I would advise adise ad Ise vou ou to practice on theIn them perfect Then vou ou can attempt t variations and other discs The fhe best plan for tor learning the themore themore themore more advanced ad dives discs Is bI b careful of ot good dl divers ers |