Show FIRPO STARTS LONG TRAINING South American Opens Camp In New York for Wills Bout WHITE SULPHUR SPRING N Y Aug Aur 1 Luis Luls Angel Antel Argentine heavy's havy eight pitched camp here hele Thursday In iii preparation preparation tion tion for tor bU hl tor for the th match Mith Harr Harry Wills In Jersey City September 11 ring has been ben set up at atthe atthe the same spot where here Jack Demp Demp- Dempsey Dempsey sey trained last summer tot for his match with Firpo Th The rhe Argentine Argentino T alIt HI start training today with i road work rope skipping bat bag punching row row- rowIng rowing Ing and When hen he h ed hero here her he found MIke orld slight s lit light hefty hefty- ht weight Bartley Madden York hea and Jack Jach Britton former orld's world weight weight champion In training at atthe atthe althe the camp They left lert when heo arrived they did not ant Mant to shore share shar their spotlight with th th South American They found other otho oth quarters quarter near the th camp CHICAGO Alif Aug i 1 Jack Jack John John- Johnson Johnson son former champion ot of the th world orld nIll m meet Tut Jack Jack- Jackson Jackson son of ot Washington Court House Ohio In a round 10 bout AuguSt Augut It 15 at Eat East Chicago Ind lcd Match Match- Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker maker Howard Hoard Carr announced o oday 0 day Johnsons Johnson's appearance against ai Jackson Is announced as the th tOI- tOI mar mer champions champion's first effort to climb Wills the ladder for tor a chance chanco at Harry |