Show DUBLIN STRIKE HALTS TRAFFIC Electric Current Shut Off British Government Concerned DUBLIN Aug Aur 1 l de- de developments d occurred today In the strike of ol the th city's city municipal workers work work- ers r who wont went out lost lat week when whon th d with a a sIx I shilling reduction re- re re reduction In th their lr weekly wkly wages The Tho electric current In Dublin was WILS w cut oft off this morning involving the closing down of or many factories and store stores The port cranes cran depending de- de depending dc pending on electricity were put putout putout out ot or commission causing dislo dislo- dislocation dislo- dislo dislocation dislocation cation at the tho th docks and danger or of eventual complete stoppage stopp e or of port Th The Irish TImes Time today say says Every er day contributes contribute some new peril to the health of or the citizens citizen and the th visitors visitor who ar are arriving In large lare numbers number for the Ibe horse show and the th I games I LONDON A ABY AUK Aug BY 1 1 By The Th Associated AI- AI Press Pre The Th house houe or of commons upon reassembling r today at once one took took- up liP the th Irish ques- ques questin tin quei-tin Un tin Colonial Secretary Thomas Thoma said ld the th government proposed Im- Im Immediately immediately Im Immediately mediately to Introduce legislation gh effect to the th Irish Anglo treaty treat and to pre press for tor passage ot of that 1 through h parlia parlia- parliament parliament ment mont regardless ot or the conse conse- consequences consequences consequences to the government He announced that ho he h had In- In Invited In William T Cosgrave head or of the tb southern Irish government and Sir James Jamos Craig Crale the tb Ulster premier to come corn to London to Ith him 00 00 |