Show FLAMES SWEEP I IDAHO FOREST I Men Fighting Big BigFire BigFire I Fire On Payette I River I Iby bY j BOISE DaISE Idaho Aug Auff I-Fanned I 1 strong winds and aided by th I nten e rl lne prevalent In that of th the thi state otate the th forest t fire fIr which started near neAt DI Big Eddy Tuc- Tuc Tu J day day night on the east cast side aide of the Payette river and about six fix muse mile from Smith ferry rry was wa spreading pre with Ith alarming rapidity Thursday afternoon and end getting beyond con con- control con control according to a message rid r rt d at the Itale land commis- commis stoners stoner's office from the tire fire did dt- dis dispatcher at Cascade The tire tiro was wag started by s from D a a e operating on the Idaho Idl northern branch of the tho Or Or OrEon Bon Ori-Bon Eon tron Short Line railway between Tampa Nampa and Payette lahe accord l according according ing to a a report received ed by I N Nah land commissioner Burning fiercely over approximately approximately 1600 1500 acres acre of state land with the name flames scattering In a direction the tho of the Boise Payette Lumber com com- company company pany one ono mile distant are now threatened and the Packer John lookout station seems sem In the path of the timbered limbered torches and des du- destined des destined tined for tor destruction about a mite mile away Smoke and gAS gns from the raging fire ha hae hate e already put Packer Johl Joh lookout temporarily out O of commission corn com coni mission Arthu Arthur Sen- Sen So n go guardian of the stately pinos and I lookout lookout-in In tha that district remains oil Oft the mountain peak reporting the progress of the fIre tire On One hundred sIXty sixty five five men are enraged engaged In fighting the fire un- un un under dor der handicaps mot moiL trying and three of the crow crew whoso whose nam names were n net not t given riven have havo been Injured one but bit by a rolling rock and I struck down n b by tailing falling trot tree a |