Show URGE AID IN HOTEL DRIVE Resolutions Read At A 5 Weber Club Luncheon Resolutions Resolution favoring favor In the th pro pro- proposed proposed posed plans plan for ter the th ne nw new CommunIty C Ity hotel were read at nt the th weekly luncheon of ot the th Ogden CommunIty CommunIty CommunIty Ity Trust workers worker at the th Weber eber club toda The Th resolutions were ero from The Ih Rotary and ond 1 Kiwanis 1 nl club clubs ani nil the th United Commercial elena elem of ot Ogden Orden Morn MorA than workers worker were present at III the th meeting with Fred H No e presiding Joseph Joeph levins Evins and Sam m Do Die Dl c ere acre w the speakers Th They y urged co op co-op- cooperation I and nd unity In tho th ing which It if forthcoming would r put the project Or oer successfully C C director of ot the th earn cam palen outlined plan plans for tor forthe the big bic drie e which will be hold bold h l late Jato In August Au st and also alo told ot of the tho th mass meeting which I Is for tor August A 13 lie H said aId that United States Slat Sen- Sen Senator Senator Sen Senator ator Reed Smoot would probably be the tho th l speaker er Henry Ander Ande on was iraa chosen a as chAirman of ot the music mu lc committee Tn Toe next meeting will be b held next Friday at th the Weber club 00 |