Show OGDEN WEBER I MAY RECEIVE HEALTH FUND FUNO Expert Seeking Location For Tests Will Ar Ar- Arrive rive Monday II Expressing the belief that Ogden I and Weber county will atil be chosen by the American Child a ai n for tor tho the tar far ar west wet demon demon- demonstration demonstration center enter of ot that organization organization tion Dr T B Botty state health commissioner stated staled this mornIng that Dr Walter Waller I H Blown Bt 0 n of that organization will arrive In Utah Monday to Investigate conditions In company with aith Ith Dr Beatty and others other Interested ho ha wilt will make an Intensive study of the tho conditions In Ogden and Weber county that affect the health plan EXPLAINED IN IS EAST Dr Or Beatty B atly Mated that when hen In east recently ho he had placed Ogden's attitude and condition as ff affecting the tho health demonstration be before foro the directors and officers ot of the association Since that time some Investigation work has been carried on and this will bo he con con- eluded con eluded during Dr Bro Bron Browna Broan's n visit Dr Brown has hils been ben the head hed of the demonstration center at Mans Mans- Mansfield Mansfield field Ohio PROGRESS CITED Under the tho plan for the far west demonstration center arrange arrange- arrangements arrangements ments will bo ho made for tor five years of halt health h work ork a and nd It Is Iii estimated that t will Ill be bo expended each year Ogden's civic or- or or working along health lines Including the tho medical and dental clinics have been cited as reasons why It would be advantageous to have haVo the center hero the public health nurse and public j school nurse appointments appointment also be be- be beIng bo Ing considered considered a well aj as favorable community sentiment |